
China [China]

      Congestive headaches :extremities covered with cold sweat.

Stitches from temple to temple.

Pain from one temple to the other : from occiput over whole head.

Intense throbbing headache; Brain beats in waves against skull (compare Gloninum). “As if head would burst” ( Gloninum).

After loss fluids, haemorrhages, etc.

Ringing in ears.

Worse draught; open air; sun; touch; better from hard pressure.

Nux vomica [Nux-v]

      Headaches connected with gastric, hepatic, abdominal or haemorrhoidal troubles..

“Congestive or abdominal headaches.”

A nail driven into brain ( Thuja, Ruta) : stitching pains with nausea and sour vomiting.

“As if skull would spilt” ( Cocc.).

Headaches on walking : on rising: after eating : in open air : on moving eyes.

Headaches of sedentary persons : after coffee.

Irritable, vehement disposition.

Oversensitive and touchy.

Better head wrapped up: covered: lying down : warmth and heat (Compare Silicea): warm in bed : in damp warm weather.

Iris versicolor [Iris]

      ” One of our best remedies for sick-headache. ”

Sick-headaches of gastric or hepatic origin : always begin with a blurr before eyes.

Nausea and vomiting : burning of tongue, throat, oesophagus and stomach.

Profuse secretion of ropy saliva. (Compare Kali bich.)

Vomit ropy, hangs like stings from mouth.

Watery stools: anus feels on fire.

Vomiting spells every mouth or six weeks.

Sanguinaria [Sang]

      Sick-headaches ( Iris.)

Pain starts occiput, spreads over head to right eye ( Silicea; Spigelia, left) with nausea and vomiting.

Periodic sick-headache: every seventh day (or third).

Sun-headache, start morning, increases all day, lasts still evening.

With chills, nausea, vomiting of bile.

Feels head must burst ( Mercurius, China, Gloninum, Belladonna).

Better lying down in the dark: better sleep.

Vomits bile, slime, yesterday’s food, then relief and sleep.

Palms and soles burn: puts feet out of bed (Sulphur, Pulsatilla, Chamomilla, Medorrh.).

Circumscribed redness of cheeks.

Sulphur [Sulph]

      Burnings: vertex : palms : soles. Everywhere.

Heaviness in head, stooping moving, even when sitting and lying.

“Tight hat ” sensation. And headache from pressure of hat: better head uncovered.

Throbbing, beating, hammering :rush of blood to head, and pressure, as out of eyes.

Periodic sick headaches: congestive: with stupefaction, nausea and vomiting.

Sick-headache once a week or two weeks- the characteristic seven-day aggravation.

” The Sunday headache of working men.”

Worse motion, eating, drinking.

Red engorged face, eyes red, engorged.

The characteristic Sulph. patient is hungry: starving about 10 a.m.; loves fat: cannot stand long; untidy : argumentative.

Cedron [Cedr]

      Attacks of headache occur with clock-like regularity.

Head felt as if swollen.

Sick-headache every other day at 11 a.m.

Arsenicum [Ars]

      Periodic headaches : every other day-every fourth day- seventh day-fourteenth day. Malarial headaches.

Arsenicum is very chilly and need a warm clothing, but with congestive headache wants body warm and head bathed in cold water; “blankets to the chin, and head out of the window ” (Compare Phosphorus)

But Arsenicum neuralgic headaches need to be wrapped up and kept warm.

Head and physical symptoms alternate.

Congestive headaches, throb and burn, with restlessness and anxiety : hot head and relief from cold.

Headaches with nausea and vomiting. Sick-headaches of the worst sort; with thirst for little and often.

Dreadful occipital headaches; stunned and dazed: they start after midnight, or from excitement.

With head symptoms, head in constant motion.

Arsenicum is restless: anxious; prostrate, and characteristically, very fastidious ( Nux).

Argentum met [Arg-m]

      Precisely at the hour of noon many troubles come on. Headaches, etc.

Violent neuralgias one side at a time, deep in brain involving one half of brain.

Painful sensation of emptiness in the head.

Pressing, burning pain in skull, every day at noon.

Gradually the pain gets more violent, then ceases suddenly. ( Belladonna sudden onset and sudden cessation.)

Often, old history of suffering from heat of sun ( Nat. sul.).

“All the nervous excitement that is possible in remedies comes up in this remedy.”.

Spigelia [Spig]

      “Sun-headaches.” Start every morning with sunrise : get worse till noon: gradually decrease till sun sets :- this even on cloudy days.

Pains from occiput to eyes, especially left, which waters ( Sanguinaria; Silicea, to right).

Worse from all movement ( Bryonia):noise: jar.

Stitching, shooting, burning pains : like hot needles ( Arsenicum).

Very violent neuralgia, followed by soreness.

Very violent heart-action is characteristic of Spigelia.

Intolerable pain in eyeballs : feel too large for orbits ( Lycopersicum); sensitive to touch.

Stitching pains.

Bryonia [Bry]

      Worse from any motion. Cannot bear any disturbance, mental or physical.

Cannot sit up in bed.

Bursting, or splitting, or heavy crushing head- ache: worse any movement.

Fronto-occipital headache.

Nausea or faintness rising or sitting up: better lying still.

Irritable : thirsty: dry lips and mouth.

Vehement and quarrelsome.

Pain in head from coughing: grasps head when going to cough. Worse straining at stool.

Headache after washing with cold water when face was sweating: “from ironing”. Rush of blood to head. Epistaxis.

Worse from slightest motion: after eating.

Eupatorium perf. [Eup-per]

      Sick headache: on waking :lasts all day.

Pain and weight occiput: must use hand to raise head. “Terrible sick headaches.”

Pains throbbing, shooting, darting, thumping.

Painful soreness of eyeballs.

Malarial and influenzal headaches with aching and breaking sensations in bones and joints.

Eupatorium promptly cured a case of influenza, with soreness in bones and a headache so intense that she dared not move a hand, as the slightest movement made the pain intolerable ( Bryonia).

Silica [Sil]

      Chronic sick-headaches with nausea, even vomiting.

Begins nape of neck, goes forward over vertex to eyes, especially right eye (left, Spigelia).

Better pressure; better lying; wrapping head up warmly: tying head up tightly. Better applied heat. Better profuse urination. ( Gelsemium)

Silica is chilly, yet sweats much, especially face and feet. Offensive foot sweat.

Calcarea [Calc]

      Icy coldness in and on head : on vertex.

Heaviness in forehead.

Stunning, pressive pain in forehead.

Tearing headache above eyes down to nose.

Semilateral headaches with empty risings.

Head numb, as if wearing a cap ( Sulph.).

But in the Calcarea patient “Fat blondes who sweat easily: especially head, neck, chest, during sleep.”

Cold, damp feet ( Sepia).

Chilly:lax muscles.

Profuse head-sweats during sleep ( Silicea).

Worse milk.

Veratrum alb. [Verat]

      Head feels as if packed in ice. Feels as if ice lay on vertex and occiput.

Troublesome neuralgic headaches of great violence.

Violent pains drive to despair : great prostration, fainting, cold sweat and great thirst.

Case.- Elderly woman with violent, unendurable pains in head. Almost out of her mind : utterly changed in appearance and mentality. Sensation of ice on vertex suggested Veratrum alb., which gave rapid relief and cured.

Heloderma [Helo]

      Very violent headaches : pressure as if skull too full ( Belladonna, Gloninum, China, Mercurius, Sanguinaria): as of a tumour forming and pressing inside skull.

Burning in brain: or sensation of a cold band round head.

Characteristic. Intense, arctic coldness : internal coldness, as if being frozen to death from within outwards. Coldness at heart, as if being frozen to death.

Cold rings round body : cold waves.

Arnica [Arn]

      Burning in head- in brain, the rest of the body being cool.

Aching pain over eyes, to temples; as if integuments were spasmodically contracted.

Great shoots in head from coughing, sneezing.

Cutting in head, as from a knife; then coldness.

Effects of injuries to head; of concussion.

After cerebral haemorrhages.

Arnica feels bruised and beaten; says “bed too hard”.

Epiphegus [Epip]

      Headache when “tried out”. Better for a good sleep ( Phosphorus, Sepia).

Characteristic : constantly wants to spit: saliva viscid.

Argentum nit [Arg-n]

      Constitutional headaches from brain fag.

Hemicrania. Feeling of expansion, as if head were enormously enlarged.

Better tied up tight.

Wants cold air, cold drinks, cold things.

Craving for sweets : sugar, which disagree.

Strange notions and impulses.

Psorinum [Psor]

      Always hungry during headache. (Compare Phosphorus), but the antithesis of Phosphorus in appearance.

“Hungry headaches ” may alternate with cough.

If goes without a metal, has a headache.

Fulness vertex as if brain would burst out.

Not room in forehead for brain, in a.m. better after washing and eating.

A chilly edition of Sulph. Typically, looks dirty:” offensive to eye and smell”. “No amount of washing will make him look clean.”.

Anthracinum [Anthr]

      Headache, as if a smoke with a heating pain was passing through head” ( Fumee de douleur chaude).

Head is affected in an indescribable manner.

Dullness: confusion : dizziness :loss of consciousness.

Margaret Lucy Tyler
Margaret Lucy Tyler, 1875 – 1943, was an English homeopath who was a student of James Tyler Kent. She qualified in medicine in 1903 at the age of 44 and served on the staff of the London Homeopathic Hospital until her death forty years later. Margaret Tyler became one of the most influential homeopaths of all time. Margaret Tyler wrote - How Not to Practice Homeopathy, Homeopathic Drug Pictures, Repertorising with Sir John Weir, Pointers to some Hayfever remedies, Pointers to Common Remedies.