Belladonna [Bell]
Kent writes under Belladonna: “Spasms-general spasms and local spasms. Spasms of little canals, of the circular fibres, of tubular organs. In the ductus communis choledochus there is a clutching-or it may be in the cystic duct that the circular fibres clutch that little bit of stone and will not let it through. The passage is large enough to admit it and it has started to go through-but the irritation of the part causes a spasm and it clutches that little stone. You put a dose of Belladonna on his tongue, the spasm lets up, the stone passes on, and there is no more trouble; in fifteen minutes the gall-stone colic is gone. There is never a failure in homoeopathic prescribing in gall stone colic. The symptoms are not always Belladonna, but in this instance, where that horrible sensitiveness is present, it is Belladonna”
Extreme sensitiveness: especially to jarring.
Face red: hot.
Hyperaesthesia: extreme irritability of whole economy or nerve centres.
Extreme excitability.
Chelidonium [Chel]
Pains from region of liver, shooting towards back and shoulder. ( Hydras.).
Pain in region of liver, extending quickly down across navel into intestines.
“Biliary calculi; chill; intense pain in gall- bladder region; vomiting; clay-coloured stools.”
Cutting pains and stitches: constriction like a cord.
Pain inner angle of right shoulder blade, running into chest.
Yellow tongue with indented edges.
Liver region tense and tender.
One has recently seen several patients who came up many years ago for gall-stone colic, and who got Chelidonium 6 t.d.s. for several days, when Chelidonium cm. at long intervals, and who have been free for years. They used to pass gall-stones after terrific pain.
Kent says : “Chelidonium has cured gall-stone colic. Practitioners who know how to direct a remedy, relieve gall-stone colic in a few minutes. We have remedies that act on the circular fibres of these little tubes, causing them to relax, and allow the stone to pass painlessly. In a perfect state of health, of course, there are no stones in the bile that is held in the gall- bladder, but this little cystic duct opens its mouth and a little gall-stone engages in it, and the instant it does it creates an irritation by scratching along the mucus membrane of that little tube. When this pain is a shooting, stabbing, tearing, lancinating pain, extending through to the back, Chelidonium will cure it. The instant it relieves the patient says, “Why, what a relief: that pain has gone. The remedy has relieved that spasm, the little duct opens up and the stone passes through. Every remedy that is indicated by the symptoms will cure gall-stones.”.
China [Chin]
Farrington says: “Belladonna is useful is cholelithiasis, but remedy to cure the condition permanently is Cinchona. Unless some symptom or symptoms call specifically for another drug, put your patient on a course of Cinchona.”
Pain in hepatic region, worse from touch.
Shooting in region of liver, tenderness and pain on touching the part. Liver region sensitive to least pressure.
Obstruction in gall bladder with colic; periodic recurrence; yellow skin and conjunctivae; constipation with dark greenish scybala.
Biliary calculi.
Intensely sensitive to touch, to motion, to cold air.
Periodicity: pains come on regularly at a given time each day: or every night at 12 o’clock. Drenching night sweats.
Aconite [Acon]
Ruddock gives Aconite as a chief remedy for gall-stone colic. It has –
Hot, tense swelling under right short ribs.
Agony, must sit straight up; can hardly breathe; sweats with anxiety; abdomen swollen, particularly under short ribs.
Agonized tossing about. Fear of death.
Nux vom [Nux-v]
Gall-stone colic with sudden severe pains right side; spasms of abdominal muscles with stitching pains in liver.
Jaundice, aversion to food, fainting turns; galls- stones. Constipation nearly always.
Liver swollen, indurated, sensitive, with pressure and stinging. Cannot bear tight clothing. ( Lycopodium Nat. sulph.)
Oversensitive, irritable, touchy.
Ineffectual urging to stool, irregular peristalsis.
Chilly, if he uncovers or moves.
Kent says: “The proper medicine relaxes the circular fibres in the canal, and lets the stone pass. The remedy that ameliorates, or some of its cognates, will overcome the tendency to form stones. Healthy bile dissolves gall-stones in the sac: healthy urine does the same to a stone in pelvis or kidney.”.
Berberis [Berb]
“An excellent remedy for renal calculi; also for gall-stones associated with renal disease.”
Pain shooting. The patient cannot make the slightest motion, sits bent over to painful side for relief.
Symptom peculiar to Berberis is a bubbling feeling, as if water were coming up through the skin.
Sticking pains under border of false ribs on right side, shoot from hepatic region down through abdomen.” Farrington.
“Radiating pain from a particular point puts Berberis almost alone for radiating pains. Has cured renal colic many times, because of its well-known ability to shoot out in every direction. It cures gall-stone colic when these little go in every direction from that locality. ( Dioscorea)
The liver is full of suffering.
Sudden stabbing like a knife puncturing the liver. Dreadful suffering.
Berberis, when it is indicated, will let the little gall-stone loose, and it will pass through (Belladonna), and the patient will take a long breath. Anything that is spasmodic can be relieved instantly.” Kent.
Dioscorea [Dios]
Hard, dull pain, gall bladder, at 7 p.m.
Neuralgia and spasmodic affections of liver and gall-ducts. Cutting, squeezing, twisting pain.
Colic begins at umbilicus and radiates to all parts of body, even extremities (see Berberis).
A constant pain, aggravated at regular intervals by paroxysms of intense suffering. Unbearably sharp, cutting, twisting, gripping or grinding pains: dart about and radiate to distant parts. ( Berberis).
Worse doubling up (reverse of Coloc., Mag phos.).
Better stretching out, or bending back.
Better hard pressure.
Also, writhing, twitching, and crampy pains with passage of renal calculi.
Magnesia phos. [Mag-p]
Sharp twinges, border of right lower ribs.
Severe griping colic pains, (>) hot applications.
Spasms or cramp in stomach: clean tongue: as if a band were tightly drawn round body.
Cramping pains round navel and above it towards, stomach, radiating to both sides towards back. Violent cutting pains; has to scream out: then shooting and violently contracting.
Better bending double and pressure of hand (Coloc.). Better external warmth (reverse of Apis.).
Worse slightest movement.
Worse cold air: cold water: draughts: uncovering.
Sudden paroxysms of pain.
Better warmth: hot bathing: pressure: doubling up.
Podophyllum [Podo]
Podophyllum indicated in bilious colic.
Stools constipated and clay-coloured.
Tongue yellow or white, takes imprint of teeth.
Pain liver, inclined to rub part with hand.
(Curious), “sweat profuse, dropped off the prover’s fingers.”
Colic at daylight every morning.
Better bending forward: external warmth.
Lithium [Lith]
Gall-stones. Violent pain in hepatic region between ilium and ribs.
Violent pain across upper of abdomen.
Soreness and pain in bladder; sharp, sticking.
Red nose is characteristic.
Kali bich. [Kali-bi]
Pain in a small spot in right hypochondrium: as sharp stitch on sudden movement after sitting.
Spasmodic attacks resembling those accompanying gall-stones.
Pains in small spots, can be covered with point of finger.
In evening is seized with violent aching pain, dragging her down, right hypochondrium, stretching round to shoulder: must undress, though not perceptibly swelled. Great oppression of breathing. Lasts several hours and subsides gradually, without passage of wind.
Carduus marianus [Card-m]
Liver engorged. Gall-stones.
Tongue, white centre with red indented edges (reverse of Iris).
Crawling sensation, like the passage of a small body like a pea through a narrow canal on posterior side of liver extending to pit of stomach. ( Nat. sulph.).
Iris [Iris]
Also set down for gall-stone colic.
Cutting pain, region of liver: (<) motion.
Tongue dry, coated on each side: red streak in centre (reverse of Carduus).
Great burning distress in epigastrium.
Baptisia [Bapt]
Pain over gall bladder.
Pain in liver from right lateral ligament to gall bladder; can scarcely walk, it so increases the pain in gall bladder.
Must stir about, yet motion is painful to gall bladder. May extent to spine.
Face dark red, purple: besotted.
Drowsiness: Prostration.
Rapid onset and rapid prostration.
Leptandra [Lept]
Burnings, liver: near gall bladder.
Dull aching, liver, (<) near gall bladder.
Yellow coated tongue. Jaundice.
Better lying on stomach or side.
Chionanthus vir. [Chion]
A great liver and gall-stone-colic medicine.
Better lying on abdomen.
Heat with aversion to uncover. ( Nux.)
Very bitter eructations. Hot, bitter, sour, set teeth on edge. ( Lyc).
Hypertrophy of liver: obstruction: jaundice.
Nausea and retching with desire for stool.