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Are you suffering from Erysipelas? Dr. Tyler tells us the BEST homeopathic medicines for the treatment of Erysipelas….

Aconitum Napellus [Acon]

      Sudden violent onset after exposure to cold wind.

Intense fever, with restlessness, and fear of death.

Apis [Apis]

      May be in patches. Great tumefaction.

High degree of inflammation, with stinging, burning, and oedema and vesication.

Eyelids like sacs of water.

Amelioration from cold; aggravation from heat.

Fidgety, nervous, fretful: sleepless.

Arsenicum Album [Ars]

      “Sudden inflammatory conditions like gangrenous and erysipelatous inflammations.

A sudden inflammation that tends to produce malignancy in the part, belongs to Arsenicum.”

The secretions of Arsen. are acrid.

Characteristic, burnings relieved by heat: intense anxiety, restlessness and prostration.

Baptisia [Bapt]

      Drowsy, dusky, comatose; face dark-red, with besotted expression.

May be roused, but falls asleep answering.

Typhoid conditions, in the course of disease.

Acts very rapidly; rapid collapse, and rapid restoration. (Crot. h.).

Belladonna [Bell]

      Swelling, smooth, bright-red, streaked red; or deep, dark red.

Not much tendency to oedema or vesication.

Pains are throbbing; throbbing in brain.

Brain affected. Cases with delirium.

Jerking of limbs.

Belladonna is acute, sudden, and violent.

Belladonna is red and intensely hot, dry.

Cantharis [Canth]

      Erysipelas of face with large blisters.

Burning in eyes: whole atmosphere looks yellow: scalding tears.

Like Rhus, but when very violent, Cantharis will be indicated.

“Rhus has the blisters and the burning, but in Cantharis between your two visits the erysipelas has grown black: it is a dusky rapid change that has taken place, looks as if gangrene would set in. Burning like fire from touch: as if the finger were a coal of fire. Not so in Rhus.

“The little blisters, if touched, burn like fire. Eruptions burn when touched” (Kent).

Erysipelas of eyes, with gangrenous tendency. “Unquenchable thirst with disgust for drinks.”.

Crot. Horridus [Crot-h]

      Frequently recurring erysipelas of face.

General local phlegmonous or oedematous erysipelas. Skin bluish- red; low fever.

Gangrene: skin separated from muscles by a foetid fluid. Black spots with red areola and dark, blackish redness of adjacent tissues.

“Crot. is indicated in disease of the very lowest, the most putrid type, coming on with unusual rapidity, reaching that putrid state in an unusually short time” (Kent). (Baptisia).

Croton Tiglium [Croto-t]

      “Erysipelas that itches very much.”

“Eruptions that itch very much; but cannot bear to scratch, as it hurts. A very slight scratch, a mere rub, serves to allay the irritation” (Guernsey).

Sensation, “Insects creeping on face.”

“Cough disappears and the eruption comes; then eruption goes and cough comes back.”.

Cuprum Metallicum [Cupr]

      Erysipelas of face disappears suddenly.

Eruptions “strike in” and cramps, spasms, convulsions supervene. To bring the eruption back, with relief.

Cramps begin characteristically in fingers and toes.

Euphorbium [Euph]

      Vesicular erysipelas: erysipelas bulbosum.

Red inflammatory swelling, with vesicles as large as peas, filled with yellow liquid.

Red, inflammatory swelling, with boring, grinding, gnawing from gums into ear, followed by itching and tingling.

Vesicles burst and emit a “yellow humour”.

Shuddering and chilliness.

Temporary attacks of craziness.

Hippozaeninum [Hippoz]

      (Nosode of Glanders)

“Malignant erysipelas, particularly if attended by large formation of pus, and destruction parts. Ulcers with not disposition to heal, livid appearance” (Clarke).

Lachesis Muta [Lach]

      Purple, mottled, puffy.

“When the cerebral condition does not yield to Belladonna.” Belladonna is red: Lachesis less red and more blue.

Especially affects the left side.

Lachesis, typically, is worse after sleep: is loquacious- suspicious-jealous.

Is hypersensitive to touch, esp. on throat: wants face free, or suffocates.

Mercurius [Merc]

      With salivation: bitter or salt taste.

With offensiveness: breath, sweat.

Erysipelas with sloughing: with “brown mortification”. With burning: ulceration.

Chilliness and heat alternately: or heat and shuddering at the same time.

Creeping chilliness: in single parts: in places of pus formation, or ulceration.

Worse at night.

Rhus Toxicodendron [Rhus-t]

      Erysipelas of the vesicular variety, accompanied by restlessness.

Erysipelas of face with burning; large blisters, rapidly extending: becomes very purple and pits on pressure.

Often extends from l. to r. across face.

Rhus is worse form damp: from cold: relieved, temporarily, by motion.

Secale Cornutum [Sec]

      Gangrenous erysipelas: competes with Arsenicum The only distinguishing feature between the two remedies may be that. Secale wants cold and Arsenicum wants heat.

Burning: “Sparks of fire” falling on the part.

Formication: “mice creeping under the skin.”.

Thuja [Thuj]

      Oedematous erysipelas of face.

Cases that occur in the much vaccinated may need Thuja, or cases that occur after vaccination.

A curious, characteristic symptom, profuse sweat only on uncovered parts.

Veratrum Viride [Verat-v]

      “One peculiar symptom I have verified in a very severe case of erysipelas, which was accompanied by great delirium, is a narrow, well-defined red streak right through the middle of the tongue” (Nash).

“Phlegmonous erysipelas of face and head” (Clarke).

Ammonium Carbonicum [Am-c]

      “Erysipelas of old, debilitated persons.

Eruption faintly developed, or has seemed to disappear, from weakness of patient’s vitality to keep it on the surface.”

With cerebral symptoms, simulating a drunken stupor” (Nash).

“Eruption comes out, and does not give relief to the patient.”

“Erysipelas of old people when cerebral symptoms are developed.”

Defective reaction.

Arnica [Arn]

      “Erysipelas of face, with soreness, and sore bruised feeling of all over the body; you need to wait longer before prescribing


“Bed feels too hard: must move to get into a new place.” “Rhus moves from restlessness and uneasiness, cannot lie still: Arnica, to ease the soreness by getting into a new place” (Kent).

Graphites [Graph]

      “Eruptions oozing out a thick, honey-like fluid… erysipelas sometimes take this form and in such cases recurs again and again” (Sulphur).

Erysipelatous, moist, scurfy sores.

Or, “Thin, sticky, glutinous, transparent watery fluid” (Guernsey, Keynotes).

Hepar Sulphuris Calcarea [Hep]

      Any trouble occurring on the skin, when there is great sensitiveness to the slightest touch (Cantharis).

Extreme sensitiveness runs through the whole remedy: to the slightest draught of air: to the slightest noise: and also mental sensitiveness and irritability-almost to murder, when angered.

Pulsatilla [Puls]

      Erysipelas in the typical Pulsatilla patient.

Mild, but irritable: changeable: weeps: craves sympathy.

Craves open air: cool air: worse for heat. Not hungry or thirsty.

Sulphur [Sulph]

      Recurrent attacks of erysipelas (Graphites).

Much burning: worse from heat of bed or room. Purplish appearance (Lachesis).

“For erysipelas, as a name, we have no remedy, but when a patient has erysipelas and his symptoms conform to those of Sulphur, you will cure him with Sulph.” (Kent).

“When symptoms agree, Sulphur will be found a curative medicine in erysipelas.”

The typical Sulph. patient is hungry, especially at 10 to 11 a.m.

Loves fat, “Eats anything.”

Kicks off the clothes at night, or puts feet out. Craves, or hates, or is worse from fats.

His eruptions itch; are worse from heat, warm room, warm bed and from washing.

Worse at night. Skin cannot bear woollens.

The untidy ragged philosopher. Selfish.

“Sulphur may be given on a paucity of symptoms.”.

Margaret Lucy Tyler
Margaret Lucy Tyler, 1875 – 1943, was an English homeopath who was a student of James Tyler Kent. She qualified in medicine in 1903 at the age of 44 and served on the staff of the London Homeopathic Hospital until her death forty years later. Margaret Tyler became one of the most influential homeopaths of all time. Margaret Tyler wrote - How Not to Practice Homeopathy, Homeopathic Drug Pictures, Repertorising with Sir John Weir, Pointers to some Hayfever remedies, Pointers to Common Remedies.