
Are you suffering from Cystitis? Dr. Tyler tells us the BEST homeopathic medicines for the treatment of Cystitis….

Cantharis [Canth]

      The remedy par excellence of cystitis. Violent tenesmus and strangury (Lilium tigr.)

Painful discharge of a few drops of bloody urine with very severe pain, as if a fed-hot iron were passed along urethra.

Violent burning. cutting, stabbing pain in neck of bladder. – worse before and after urinating.

Urging to urinate, from smallest quantity urine in bladder (Pulsatilla).

Must double up and scream from the pain.

Urine only drop by drop (Apis) with extreme pain.

“Cures acute cystitis more frequently than all other remedies put together.” (Farrington.)

Guernsey: “It is a singular fact, that if there be frequent micturition attended with burning, cutting pain, or if burning and cutting attend the flow, Cantharis is almost the remedy for whatever other suffering there may be, even in inflammation of brain or lungs or lungs.”

Kent: “The most important feature of this medicine is the rapidity with which it develops a gangrenous state. The patient is violently sick in a great hurry.

The bladder and genitals are inflamed, and the excitement and congestion often arouse the sexual instinct to sexual thoughts, and even sexual frenzy.

Intensity and rapidity. Its features. A state of pain and excitement found in no other remedy.”.

Tarentula [Tarent-h]

      Cystitis with high fever, gastric derangement; excruciating pains and impossibility to pass a drop of urine. Bladder seems swollen and hard. Great spasmodic tenesmus.

Passes by drops a dark-red, brown, fetid urine, with gravel-like sediment.

Excessive restlessness: hurried and fidgety: rolls from side to side.

Pareira brava [Pareir]

      Atrocious pains with strangury.

Constant urging: violent pain extorts screams.

Must get down on hand and knees to urinate: almost touches floor with forehead, in order to be able to pass urine. (Comp. Chimaph., Sarsa.)

Pains down thighs in effort to urinate.

Passes stringy white mucus, or red sand.

Apis [Apis]

      Excessive pain in region of bladder.

Frequent, painful, scanty, bloody urination.

Much straining, then a few drops: dribbles a little hot bloody urine (Cantharis).

Urine almost suppressed.

Scanty urine in little boys, with foreskin enormously distended, or hydrocele.

When call comes to urinate, will shriek, because he remembers the pain last time (Aconite).

Whole urinary tract irritated, like Cantharis:- “these two, antidote one another.”

Agony in voiding urine. Retention in nursing infants. Kent says: “Old women in nursing infants. Kent says: “Old women knew, long before Apis was proved, that when the new-born babe did not pass its water, they could find a cure by catching bees, over which they poured hot better, and grave the baby a teaspoonful.”

The pains of Apis are burning, stinging.

Apis is worse from heat: better from cold.

Has plenty of oedema. Is thirstless. (Rev. of Aconite).

Belladonna [Bell]

      No remedy has a greater irritation of bladder and along urinary tract.

Urging to urinate constant. Urine dribbles: burns intensely along length of urethra.

Bladder sensitive to pressure: to jar.

After urination sits and strains: intense torment.

Sometimes bloody urination: or blood in bladder comes away in little clots.

Urine strongly acid. Fiery red urine.

Belladonna has quick sensations and motion.

Pains come suddenly, and go suddenly.

Belladonna in fever, craves lemons. Is usually hot, and red. Trends to violent delirium.

Aconite [Acon]

      Inflammation of bladder and kidneys; bloody urine. Violent scanty, suppressed or retained. From shock.

Cystitis; cutting, tearing pains: burning.

Urine hot, dark, red; clear or bloody.

Retention from cold. In children urging; crying; fear of the pain (Apis.).

“Inflammation of bladder, in adults or infants: with the Aconite anxiety; restlessness; fear.” Kent.

Aconite is thirsty: Apis thirstless.

Sarsaparilla [Sars]

      Unbearable pain at end of urination (Equiset.).

Tenderness and distension of bladder.

Cannot pass urine when sitting: it passes freely. when standing. Dribbles while sitting.

Floods the bed at night; by day can only pass it standing.

“Passes enormous quantities of sand. In one case, this mitigated the catarrh and kept bladder comfortable.” Kent.

Also. “Urine passed without sensation.” (See Causticum, p. 25.).

Terebinthina [Ter]

      Violent burning and cutting in bladder, alternating with similar pain in umbilicus. (<) at rest (>) walking in open air. (Comp. Pulsatilla) Sensitive in hypogastrium; tenesmus, bladder.

Spasmodic tenesmus, urging and pressing while sitting: pain streaks up to kidneys.

Haematuria: albuminuria: urine cloudy, smoky. (A great haemorrhagic remedy.)

Smooth, glossy, red tongue (Pyrog., Crot.)

Urine smells strongly of violets.

Terebintha has also excessive tympanites. Ecchymoses: purpura. (A less acute. Cantharis).

Equisetum [Equis]

      Dull pain in bladder, as from distension.

Constant desire to urinate and pass large quantities of pale urine without relief.

Hering’s case:-“General paralysis in an old woman in whom control over stools and urine, long completely lost, was rapidly restored.”

Has severe pain at end of urination (Sarsa.).

Lachesis [Lach]

      Cystitis with offensive mucus, tending to putrescence. ‘The more the offensiveness, the more it is Lachesis”

Sensitiveness over abdomen. Can hardly allow her clothes to touch her.

Urine blackish, or dark brown: foamy: or has little black spots like soot floating in it.

Feeling as of a ball rolling about in bladder when it does pass.

No urine: no stool.

Always has to urinate after lying down: especially after sleep.

Typically Lachesis is purple: loquacious: suspicious: sleeps into an aggravation, or is worse after sleep.

Is hypersensitive to heat and touch.

Chimaphila [Chim]

      Cystitis with great quantities or ropy bloody mucus in urine: muco- purulent: foul, scanty.

Curious sensation of swelling in perineum, or near anus, “as if sitting on a ball”.

Must stand, feet wide apart to urinate. (Comp. Sarsa.)

“Prostatic troubles.” Nash.

Acute inflammation in urinary tract.

Pulsatilla [Puls]

      Wonderful tenesmus: extremely painful, bloody, burning, smarting urine: scarcely a drop collects in bladder, but it must be expelled (Cantharis). Cannot lie on back without desire to urinate.

Dribbling urine: on slightest provocation- coughing, sneezing (comp. Causticum), surprise, joy, laughing, the slam of a door (Sepia).

Great urgency: impossible to delay: when going to urinate, sensation as if it will gush away.

Tenesmus vesicae: cystitis or catarrh. As if bladder too full.

Must keep mind constantly on bladder, or she will lose her urine (Sepia).

Flow away in sleep (Lycopodium, Causticum, etc.).

In the Pulsatilla patient: changeable, extremely touchy and weepy. Heat and stuffiness unbearable. (Comp. Terebinth.).

Chamomilla [Cham]

      Sticking pain in neck of bladder when not urinating: burning pain, when urinating.

Ineffectual urging, with anguish: smarting or burning in urethra when urinating.

Urine hot, scanty, turbid; red as blood.

But with the Chamomilla mentality:-

Piteous moaning in child: because he cannot have what he wants.

Wants this and that, then pushes it away.

Snappish: uncivil: irritable: impatient.

Oversensitive to pain: “cannot bear it.”.

Staphisagria [Staph]

      Kent says, “Staphisagria is very comforting to the young wife.”

Frequent and painful urging to urinate: urine bloody, involuntary, acrid and corroding, with burning: worse form motion.

Burning during and after urination.

Nash says, “our only remedy for burning all the time, between the acts of urinating.”

A remedy of strong mentality: ailments from indignation about acts of others-or his own.

Arnica [Arn]

      Bladder affections after mechanical injuries.

Constant urging, while urine passes involuntarily by drops.

Frequent attempts to urinate: has to wait a long time for urine to pass.

Urination involuntarily during sleep: when running.

Haematuria from mechanical causes:

Urine thick, with much pus.

Urine very acrid, with increased specific gravity.

With Arnica, the body feels sore and bruised, and the bed too hard.

Fear of touch: of approach.

A curious symptom: says she is well, when very ill.

Petroselinum [Petros]

      Such pain when he passes urine, as to cause him to shiver and dance round the room in agony.

Sudden agonizing desire to urinate.

Mercurius cor. [Merc-c]

      Tenesmus vesicae with intense burning in urethra; discharge of mucus and blood with urine or after it.

Micturition frequent: urine in drops with much pain. Scanty: hot; burning; bloody (Cantharis, Apis.).

Stools also hot, scanty, bloody, with great straining, not relieved by stool. (Dysentery.)

Ptyalism, with salty taste.

Skin cold, pale, dripping with sweat.

A remedy of violent conditions.

Dulcamara [Dulc]

      Cystitis, or catarrh of bladder: from changes in the weather: from hot to cold: especially to damp cold.

If chilled must hurry to urinate.

“Every time he takes a little cold, urine bloody, with frequency.” Kent.

Constant desire to urinate, felt deep in abdomen.

Dulcamara is a medicine of Autumn; hot days and cold evenings. They bring out sweat, then suppress it.

Margaret Lucy Tyler
Margaret Lucy Tyler, 1875 – 1943, was an English homeopath who was a student of James Tyler Kent. She qualified in medicine in 1903 at the age of 44 and served on the staff of the London Homeopathic Hospital until her death forty years later. Margaret Tyler became one of the most influential homeopaths of all time. Margaret Tyler wrote - How Not to Practice Homeopathy, Homeopathic Drug Pictures, Repertorising with Sir John Weir, Pointers to some Hayfever remedies, Pointers to Common Remedies.