Hpathy Needs Your Help!


Are you suffering from Chorea? Dr. Tyler tells us the BEST homeopathic medicines for the treatment of Chorea….

Agaricus [Agar]

      Clumsy: drops things: tumbles over things.

On reaching for an object it is generally missed.

Frequent jumping of muscles in different parts of the body.

Involuntary movements of children when awake: cease during sleep. (Mygale-reverse of Tarent.)

Twitching of eyes-cheeks-chest-abdomen.

Jerking, twitching and trembling.

Creeping and crawling sensations.

May sweat alternate sides.

Agaricus is very chilly, and worse from cold.

Actea [Cimic]

      Mental unbalance; glooms comes cover like a cloud.

Irregular motions of left arm; or as if bound to side.

Ignatia [Ign]

      Emotional chorea, after grief-fright-excitement or threats of punishment. Sighing and sobbing.

Gait affected: stumbles and falls over small objects (Agaricus).

Drops things (Agaricus). Constant involuntary twitchings and throwing about of arms. Motions and contortions of extremities and head.

Cannot walk, or use hands to write.

Sitting and standing extremely difficult.

Mentally unstable.

Bright child becomes almost imbecile.

Opium [Op]

      Emotional chorea (Ignatia, Lauro., Chamomilla) from fright; anger; reproaches.

Limbs tossed at right angles of body.

Spasmodic jerking of flexors.

Chamomilla [Cham]

      Twitching eyes, facial muscles: of limbs.

Aversion to touch: musn’t be spoken to.

Spiteful, sudden or uncivil irritability.

Ailments from anger.

Magnesia phosphorica [Mag-p]

      Involuntary movements and contortions of limbs. Spasm of larynx, etc.

Convulsive twitchings of corners of mouth.

Mag. phos. is worse right side.

Worse from cold-air-draught-washing.

Worse from touch. Better for warmth and heat.

Mygale [Mygal]

      Twitchings and contractions of facial muscles especially: eyes and mouth open and close rapidly. Head jerked to esp. right side.

Words jerked out in talking.

Twitching and jerking of one arm and leg, generally right. Hand raised to head is violently jerked backwards or down.

Uncontrollable movements of arms and legs.

Drags legs in attempting to walk.

Limbs quiet in sleep. (Agaricus Rev. of Tarent.)

“One of our best remedies in uncomplicated chorea” (Farrington.).

Tarentula [Tarent-h]

      Right arm and leg especially affected.

Nocturnal chorea: the contortions not even ceasing at night. (Reverse of Agaricus, Mygale.)

Eating causes involuntary movements of tongue, causing food to drop from mouth.

Choreic, irregular movements.

Very destructive. Tears or bites bedclothes.,

Chorea with inclination to bite and tear.

Impending imbecility. ( Ignatia)

Sensitive to music: amelioration from music.

Worse when observed.

Tarentula [Tarent-c]

      “Also said to be specific for Chorea, as wells as in chronic cases.” cubensis.

Belladonna [Bell]

      Much twitching and jerking of muscles.

Remarkable quickness of sensation and motion.

Eyes snap and move quickly. Pupils dilated.

Spasmodic motions; generally backwards.

Throws body backwards and forwards when lying, like constant change from emprosthotonos to opisthotonos.

Jumping, jerking, terrifying sleep (reverse of Agaricus, Mygale).

Starts and talks in sleep.

Staggers when walking.

Excitable and sensitive.

Flushed face, bright eyes, big pupils, hot skin.

After mental excitement.

Hyoscyamus [Hyos]

      “If full of convulsions and contractions and trembling and quivering and jerking of muscles.”

Convulsive jerks of the limbs, so that all sorts of angular motions are made. (Stramonium is more graceful in its spasms.)

Angular motions of arms.

Where every muscle in the body twitches, eyes to toes.

Suspicious. Loquacious.

Will not remain covered.

Dull mentally, if not excited.

After a fright. (Opium, Hyoscyamus, Stramonium).

Stramonium [Stram]

      Involuntary movements: spasms.

Very violent convulsive movements.

Raises arms over head: makes graceful gyratory movements (reverse of Hyoscyamus).

Facial muscles constantly in play.

Chorea from fright. (Hyoscyamus, Opium.)

Twitching of hands-feet-tendons.

“Affects all parts of the body crosswise: or especially upper extremities.”

Staggers when walking.

Cannot keep on feet in a dark room: falls.

Fear in dark: fear alone.

(A case of violent jerks on attempting to move or walk, after scarlet fever, improved with Scarlatinum; then rapidly cleared up with Ignatia.).

Cuprum [Cupr]

      Periodic chorea.

Irregular movements: start in fingers and toes (rev. of Agaricus) and spread over body.

Twitchings, often one-sided.

Awkward movements, with laughter, grimacing, distortion of mouth and eyes.

Terrible contortions.

Speech difficult, or imperfect.


Better lying down.

From a fright (Opium, Hyoscyamus, Stramonium).

Where eruptions “strike in” (scarlet fever, etc.).

Cicuta [Cic]

      Violent jerkings: motion is convulsive.

Spasms, clonic and tonic. Actions violent.

Chorea attacks twist child into curious frightful contortions, causing it to scream.

Walks feet turned in: on outer edge of foot.

Swings feet, each step describing an arc of a circle.

Strange desires, to eat coal, etc. (Alumina).

After accidents: concussion: injuries to head.

Arsenicum [Ars]

      “Useful in stubborn cases of chorea.”

Anxious: restless: fear: especially after mid-night. Fastidious.

Phosphorus [Phos]

      To clear up, in tall slender, nervous child: thirst for cold water: craves salt.

Margaret Lucy Tyler
Margaret Lucy Tyler, 1875 – 1943, was an English homeopath who was a student of James Tyler Kent. She qualified in medicine in 1903 at the age of 44 and served on the staff of the London Homeopathic Hospital until her death forty years later. Margaret Tyler became one of the most influential homeopaths of all time. Margaret Tyler wrote - How Not to Practice Homeopathy, Homeopathic Drug Pictures, Repertorising with Sir John Weir, Pointers to some Hayfever remedies, Pointers to Common Remedies.