Acute Colic Diarrhoea

Plumbum [Plb]

      Nausea. Constant vomiting.

Extremely violent pains, umbilical region; shoot to other parts of abdomen. Partly relieved by pressure.

At times so violent, patient almost wild, tosses about bed: presses fists into abdomen, says must go to stool.

Abdominal muscles forcibly retracted, till navel seems to press against spine ( Platina). Boat- shaped abdomen.

Violent colic: screams and assumes the strangest postures for relief.

Excessive pain in abdomen, radiates to all parts of body. Hyperaesthesia.

Stools hard and scanty: like balls. ( Opium.).

Arsenicum [Ars]

      Violent pains in abdomen. Rolls about on the floor and despairs of life.

Excessive pain in abdomen, causing great anguish and despair of life.

Burning in intestines. Burning lancinations. Burning in intestines as from coals of fire.

Better from the application of hot things: (the Arsenicum burnings are relieved by heat).

Vomiting of everything taken: heat relieves: temporary relief from hot drinks.

In the abdomen all the symptoms of peritonitis. Great distension–a tympanitic state. Cannot be handled or touched, yet cannot keep still. Great exhaustion.

Ptomaine poisonings.

Excessive vomiting and purging: often simultaneous. Tongue dry–even black.

Stools bloody–watery–or black and horribly offensive.

Veratrum alb. [Verat]

      One of Hahnemann’s three cholera medicines.

Here the indications are: Excessive vomiting and purging, excessive cold sweat, with exhaustion.

Gastric catarrh, great weakness, cold, sinking, feeling.

Cold feeling in abdomen, or burning, as from hot coals. ( Arsenicum)

Coldness of discharges: coldness of body: coldness as if blood were ice- water. Internal chill runs from head to toes.

Profuse watery discharges.

Cold sweat: especially cold sweat on forehead.

Abdomen distended: “intestines twisted into a knot.”

“Flatulent colic: attacks bowels here and there, and the whole abdomen. The longer the flatus is retained, the more difficult its expulsion.”

During profuse, watery stools chilliness and shivering, and extraordinary exhaustion.

“Forehead covered with cold sweat, coldness in spots over body: extremities cold as death. Full of cramps. Looks as if he would die.”

Violent evacuations upwards and downwards.

Mercurius cor. [Merc-c]

      Peculiar bruised sensation about caecum and along transverse colon. Tender to pressure.

Appendicitis. ( Belladonna)

Painful bloody discharges (from rectum) with vomiting.

Tenesmus, persistent, incessant, with insupport- able cutting, colicky pains.

Diarrhoea–dysentery– with terrible straining before, with, and after stool.

Mercurius cor. is almost specific for dysentery.

Very distressing tenesmus, getting worse and worse: nothing passed but mucus tinged with blood.

Cuprum [Cupr]

      Violent intermittent colic. Violent diarrhoea.

Violent pressure at stomach.

Spasmodic motions of abdominal muscles.

Abdomen tense, hot and tender to touch.

Cramps–start fingers and toes.

One of Hahnemann’s Cholera medicines. (i.e. Camphor, Cuprum, Veratrum alb.).

Camphor [Camph]

      Everything vomited.

Tongue blue and cold: breath cold. ( Carbo veg.)

Yet there may be internal burning–or cold sensation in stomach and abdomen.

Violent pain in stomach with anguished face ( Arsenicum): feels he must die ( Arsenicum).

In cold stage wants to uncover: in hot phase to be kept warm.

Baptisia [Bapt]

      Gastric and abdominal ‘flu, with drowsiness.

Fullness in abdomen with rumbling and diarrhoea.

Sudden onset: rapid “typhoid” conditions.

Drowsy and stupid. Putrid conditions and discharges: fetid, exhausting diarrhoea, causing excoriation.

Lachesis [Lach]

      Painful distension of abdomen. Can bear no pressure, the surface nerves are so sensitive.

Worse everywhere from pressure or constriction, throat, neck, chest, abdomen.

Lies on back with clothes lifted from abdomen.

Lachesis sleeps into an aggravation.

Sulphur [Sulph]

      Inflation of abdomen with wind.

Grumbling and gurgling in bowels.

Painless diarrhoea driving out of bed about 5 a.m.

Morning diarrhoea: must go immediately.

Anus red. Stool acrid.

Typical Sulph. patient, is starving about 11 a.m.

Hungry an hour before usual meal.

Burning soles at night, puts them out ( Chamomilla, Medorrhinum, Pulsatilla).

Loves fat and sweat things.

Worse after sleeping–eating–bathing.

Sulph. “a chronic remedy” is speedily curative in acute conditions in a Sulphur patient.

Aloe [Aloe]

      Has to hurry to stool immediately after eating and drinking. ( Argentum nit.)

Colicky pain in bowels from eating and drinking.

Diarrhoea from drinking beer.

Fullness: distension as if abdomen would burst.

Loud rumbling, heard all over the room.

Gurgling and spluttering stools.

Early morning diarrhoea ( Sulph.).

[A queer symptom, peculiar to Aloe:–may strain in vain, and presently a large formed stool slips out unnoticed.

Or, faeces involuntary after stool.]

“Jelly-fish stools.” “Lumpy, watery stools.”.

Croton tig [Croto-t]

      Flatulence followed by urgent desire for stool.

Evacuations sudden: shot out of rectum: of a dirty green colour and offensive. Worse least food or drink.

Swashing in intestines as from water.

Raphanus [Raph]

      Post-operative intestinal stasis. Bits of intestine blown up here and there.

Paralytic ileus. ( Thuja.).

Accumulation and retention of flatus, no relief up or downwards.

Thuja [Thuj]

      Protrusion here and there as from a child’s arm. “Something alive in abdomen.” ( Crocus.).

Margaret Lucy Tyler
Margaret Lucy Tyler, 1875 – 1943, was an English homeopath who was a student of James Tyler Kent. She qualified in medicine in 1903 at the age of 44 and served on the staff of the London Homeopathic Hospital until her death forty years later. Margaret Tyler became one of the most influential homeopaths of all time. Margaret Tyler wrote - How Not to Practice Homeopathy, Homeopathic Drug Pictures, Repertorising with Sir John Weir, Pointers to some Hayfever remedies, Pointers to Common Remedies.