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Acute Colic Diarrhoea

Are you suffering from Acute Colic Diarrhoea? Dr. Tyler tells us the BEST homeopathic medicines for the treatment of Acute Colic Diarrhoea….

Aconite [Acon]

      Abdominal conditions-sudden attacks-after exposure to violent cold: after being chilled.

Pressive weight in stomach-in hypochondria: swollen distended abdomen, like ascites.

Flatulent colic in hypogastrium, as if had taken a flatus- producing purgative.

Abdomen burning hot, tense, tympanitic, sensitive to least touch; cutting pains; fever; anguish.

Before or after diarrhoea, nausea and perspiration.

Stools white (Calcarea): like chopped spinach: slimy, bloody, with tenesmus.

Catarrhal inflammatory troubles of all the viscera; hepatitis, but “with the Aconite restlessness, awful tortures of anxiety, fear of death; red face, glassy eyes; great thirst.”.

Belladonna [Bell]

      Abdominal pains, violent; come and disappear suddenly. Are squeezing; clawing;. as if griped by nails; violent pinchings.

“Violent colic, intense cramping pain, face red as fire.”

Tenderness of abdomen, worst least jar.

Frequent urging to stool, little or no result (Nux).

Spasmodic contraction of sphincter ani.

Great pain in ileo-caecal region: cannot bear slightest touch, even of bedclothes (early appendicitis. Local external applications to abort).

Typical Belladonna has red, hot face; big pupils: is sensitive to pressure, draughts, jar.

Dulcamara [Dulc]

      Colic, such as is usually caused by cold wet weather.

Sudden attacks of diarrhoea in cold, wet weather.

Colic as if diarrhoea would occur.

Yellow watery discharge twice in a day, with tearing-cutting colic before every evacuation, as after taking cold.

Aetiology: cold wet weather.

Bryonia [Bry]

      Stitching and bursting pains (Kali carb.)-as if stomach would burst-as if abdomen would burst. (Aloe.)

Effects of disordered stomach; taking cold; having been overheated: from cold drinks when heated. (Arsenicum)

Worse from pressure. (Everywhere else Bryonia has relief from pressure: not in stomach or abdomen.)

Lies still, knees up to relax abdominal muscles.

Unable to move; breathing shallow; since movement increases the pain. (Arsenicum rolls about and is never still.)

Does not want to talk, or think.

Diarrhoea preceded by cutting in abdomen.

Nux vomica [Nux-v]

      Qualmishness: after eating.

Qualmish, anxious, nauseated, as after a violent purge. Cutting colic with qualmishness.

Pressure as from a stone in stomach. (Bryonia)

Violent gastric symptoms.

Flatulent colic here and there in abdomen.

Better rest, sitting or lying.

Anxious, ineffectual desire for stool.

Frequent ineffectual desire for stool after evacuation.

Sensation after stool as if some remained behind.

Constipation : or, “The Nux diarrhoea consists of small, mostly mucous stools, with straining.”

The Nux abdominal condition, pains and stools are due to irregular peristalsis. And here Nux cures.

Nux is irritable and hypersensitive. (cham.).

Opium [Op]

      Violent griping in abdomen with constipation.

Cutting in abdomen.

Pain, pressive, as if intestines would be cut to pieces.

Almost unconquerable chronic constipation.

Constipation for weeks of small, hard dark-brown pieces.

Almost unconquerable chronic constipation.

Constipation for weeks of small, hard dark brown pieces.

No activity. Rectum fills with hard, black balls. (Plumbum.).

Colocynth [Coloc]

      Violent griping, cutting, twisting, colic pins about umbilicus; frequent discharge of flatus, with relief.

Deep stitches, in right, or left flank.

Abdomen greatly distended, and painful.

Violent pain in abdomen, worst three fingers’ breadth below umbilicus, obliging him to bend over. Pinching pain as if bowels were pressed inwards, with distortion of face and eyes: pain is only relieved by pressing on bowels and doubling up.Pinching, “Bowels squeezed between stones.”

Very violent colic in paroxysms, obliging him to bend forward… “unexpressible colic.”

Frequent excessive urging stool.

Stannum [Stann]

      Pains slowly increase till their acme, then slowly decrease: leaving a sensation of a hole.

Intestinal obstruction.

Magnesia phos. [Mag-p]

      Spasms of cramp in stomach, nipping, gripping, pinching, with belching which does not relieve ( Coloc. which does relieve.)

Flatulent colic, forcing patient to bend double (Coloc.), better from warmth and rubbing.

in abdomen: violent cutting pains, has to scream out. Better bending double, pressing with hand ( Coloc.), warmth.

Cannot lie on back stretched out.

Mag. phos. is worse cold air, cold water, touch: better heat, warmth, pressure, bending double ( Coloc.).

Spasmodic conditions, (>) by heat and pressure. (In relief from heat comp. Arsenicum Arsenicum has burning pains relieved by heat. Mag. phos. cramping (not burning) relieved by heat.).

Dioscorea [Dios]

      Constant distress (umbilical and hypogastric regions), with severe cutting colic pains every few minutes in stomach and small intestines.

Griping in umbilical region: in lower bowels.

Rumbling in bowels and passing large quantities of flatulence.

Worse doubling up (op. of Colocynth).

Chamomilla [Cham]

      Violent retching. Covered with cold sweat.

Cutting colic. Nightly diarrhoea with colic.

Doubles up ( Coloc.) and screams. A wind colic.

White slimy diarrhoea with colic: or painless green watery diarrhoea. Stool hot, smelling like rotten eggs. ( Chamomilla)

Chamomilla is frantically irritable: impatient: oversensitive ( Nux).

Uncivil irritability: snappish: admits it.

Excessive sensibility to pain.

Ailments from anger.

The colic of teething babies: want this and that, and then push it away.

China [Chin]

      Flatulent colic ( Carbo veg., Lycopodium, Colchicum, etc.).

Abdomen feels packed full: not better by eructations. (Rev. of Carbo veg.)

Diarrhoea generally painless; watery with much flatus; passes undigested food. Very debilitating.

Cocculus [Cocc]

      Violent cramp in stomach.

Griping in upper abdomen; takes breath away.

Flatulent colic about midnight: wakened by incessant accumulation of flatus, which distends abdomen, giving oppressive pain here and there. Passed without much relief, while new flatus collects for hours.

Lies on first one side and then the other for relief.

Says, “Abdomen full of sharp sticks or stones.”

“Intestines pinched between sharp stones.”

Worse for loss of sleep; night-nursing; over- work.

Worse for thought or smell of food. ( Colchicum, Sepia, Arsenicum).

Colchicum [Colch]

     . Very great distension of abdomen: tympanitic; griping pain. (Membraneous colitis.)

A Colchicum keynote, very sensitive to smell of food. (In diarrhoea, etc.)

Nausea from smell of food ( Arsenicum Cocc., Sepia).

Lycopodium [Lyc]

      Abdomen bloated: distension in epigastrium after a meal.

Flatulence after eating: fermentation, rumbling, rattling, relieved by discharge of flatus.

Incarcerated flatus, with pressure up and down with frequent urging to urinate.

Immediately p.c., full, distended and tense.

So full cannot eat. Hungry, but first mouthful fills him up.

Cannot bear weight or pressure of clothes ( Lachesis). Must loosen clothing at waist.

Always belching. ( Asafoetida) Colicky pains.

“Lycopodium, Carbo veg. and China are the most flatulent of remedies. China bloats whole abdomen, Carbo vegetabilis the upper part, and Lycopodium the lower part.”

Lycopodium desires sweets and hot drinks: its bad hours are from 4-8 p.m. Suffers from anticipation.

Pulsatilla [Puls]

      Eructations: of gas: tasting of food: of bitter fluid in the evening: like bad meat, or rancid tallow. With qualmishness.

Qualmish nausea, especially after eating and drinking.

Vomiting of food eaten long before.

Extremely disordered stomach.

Sensation of having eaten too much.

Food rises into mouth ( Phosphorus) as if would vomit.

Pain, gnawing, scraping in stomach.

Colic, rumbling and gurgling in abdomen.

Flatus moves about in abdomen, rumbling and griping: worse in bed. Colic at night.

Cutting in abdomen: a stone sensation.

Diarrhoea green as bile at night, with movements in intestines before every stool.

Watery diarrhoea at night: discharge of green mucus.

Frequent evacuations of only mucus.

Typical Pulsatilla is tearful: must have air: is worse for heat–hot rooms.

(A curious symptom: one-sided sweat, of face or body.).

Carbo veg [Carb-v]

      Great accumulation of flatus in stomach.

Distension. All food turns to “wind”.

Colic. Cramps in bowels and stomach.

Relief from belching. (Opp. Lycopodium and China.)

Even headaches and rheumatic pains relieved by belching.

Argentum nit [Arg-n]

      Craves sugar: yet cannot digest it: it acts like physic and brings on diarrhoea.

Excessive flatulency.

Vomiting and purging at the same time: “gushing out both ways with great exhaustion.” ( Arsenicum also has this.)

Diarrhoea as soon as he drinks.

Kali carb [Kali-c]

      Severe pain in stomach. Will not tolerate the least amount of food: vomiting and fainting. Bloated.

Stomach as if cut to pieces.

Stitching in abdomen. ( Bryonia)

Violent cutting in intestines, must sit bent over pressing with both hands ( Coloc., Mag. phos.) or lean far back for relief. ( Dioscorea)

Colic, cutting pains with distension, doubling him up ( Coloc.). Tremendous flatulence.

Great coldness with pains. ( Veratrum).

(For cases when Coloc. only relieves temporarily: in colics with periodicity: that recur.) Kali carb.’s time aggravation is 3 a.m.

Margaret Lucy Tyler
Margaret Lucy Tyler, 1875 – 1943, was an English homeopath who was a student of James Tyler Kent. She qualified in medicine in 1903 at the age of 44 and served on the staff of the London Homeopathic Hospital until her death forty years later. Margaret Tyler became one of the most influential homeopaths of all time. Margaret Tyler wrote - How Not to Practice Homeopathy, Homeopathic Drug Pictures, Repertorising with Sir John Weir, Pointers to some Hayfever remedies, Pointers to Common Remedies.