An excellent compilation of symptoms of homeopathic medicine Kali Bichromicum from the book Pearls of Homeopathy by M.E. Douglass, published in 1903….

Adapted to fat, light-haired persons, who suffer from catarrhal, syphilitic, or scrofulous affection; fat, chubby, short-necked children, disposed to croupous inflammations.

Affections of any of the mucous membranes-eyes, nose, mouth throat, bronchi, gastro-intestinal, and genito-urinary tracts- discharges of a tough, stringy mucus which adheres to the parts, and can be drawn out in long strings.

Complaints in hot weather.

Pains: in small spots, can be covered with point of finger; shift rapidly from one part to another; appear rapidly, disappear suddenly; neuralgia every day at same hour.

Nose.- Pressive pain in root of nose; discharge of clinkers, plugs; mucus tough, ropy, green, bloody; in clear masses, and has violent pain from occiput to forehead if discharge ceases; ulcers and scabs on, or ulceration of, septum; septum narium completely ulcerated away.

Diphtheria: pseudo-membranous deposit, firm, pearly, fibrinous, prone to extend downwards to larynx and trachea; bladder-like appearance of uvula: much swelling, but little redness.

Cough: hoarse, metallic in croup, with expectoration of tough mucus or fibro-elastic casts; in morning on awaking, with dyspnoea relieved by lying down, sputa tenacious, expectorated, but cannot be easily detached, sticks to throat, mouth, lips.

Sexual desire, absent, in fleshy people.

Prolapsus uteri, seemingly in hot weather.

Tongue smooth, red, and cracked.

Hawking of thick gelatinous mucus, in the morning.

On the root of the uvula, on the right side, an excavated sore, half the size of a split pea, with a reddish areola, containing a yellow tenacious matter.

Complete loss of appetite.

Diarrhoea-like stool, consisting of brown, frothy, water; bloody; jelly-like; from lager beer.

Rough, hoarse voice.

Expectoration of white mucus “as tough as pitch,” an which can be drawn out into strings.

Leucorrhoea: yellow, ropy, tough discharge, which may be drawn out in long strings.

Itching at the vulva.

Objects appear yellow.

Pulsating pain in the ears at night.

Habitual constipation; stools scanty and knotty.

Rheumatism co-existing or alternating with gastric or pulmonary troubles.

Profuse sweat while sitting quietly.

Melford Eugene Douglass
M.E.Douglass, MD, was a Lecturer of Dermatology in the Southern Homeopathic Medical College of Baltimore. He was the author of - Skin Diseases: Their Description, Etiology, Diagnosis and Treatment; Repertory of Tongue Symptoms; Characteristics of the Homoeopathic Materia Medica.