KALI BICHROMICUM signs and symptoms from the Characteristic Materia Medica by William Burt of the homeopathic medicine KALI BICHROMICUM…


Acts through the ganglionic system upon the mucous membranes; the glandular system; fibrous tissue and skin.

This remedy has a powerful and peculiar effect upon the mucous membranes, affecting more especially those portions which are covered with columnar epithelium; these are found in the nares (excepting that portion to which is distributed the olfactory), larynx, trachea, body of the uterus, and FAllopian tubes. It so changes the functions of the mucous follicles as to cause them to secrete a tough, viscid, ropy mucus, capable of being drawn into fine threads two or three feet long.

Hughes say: The action of Kali Bichromicum on the mucous membranes should be compared with that of Arsenic, of Mercury, and of Tartar emetic. It causes a marked increased in the quantity of mucus formed, which mucus is sometimes tough and stringy, and sometimes degenerates into pus. Higher grades of the inflammatory process are seen in the respiratory mucous membrane, and (when the poison has been swallowed) along the alimentary tract. In the former region, false membranes have been formed; in the latter, the tendency is toward ulceration.

The portions of the mucous membranes chiefly affected are the mouth, throat, cardiac portion of the stomach, duodenum, jejunum, and rectum; the whole respiratory membrane, including the conjunctiva and the uterus.

Upon the liver and kidneys it produces congestion going on to the stage of softening; and exudation of plastic lymph.

Upon the skin it causes papules, pustules, and ulcers.

Upon the fibrous tissue, about the joints and the periosteum, it has a marked and powerful influence. It also affects the cartilages, especially that of the nose, which it has entirely destroyed.


Especially adapted to fat, light-haired people, and to scrofulous, catarrhal, and syphilitic diseases.

Discharges from the nose, mouth, throat, stomach, vagina, or any of the mucous membranes, of a tough, stringy mucus, which sticks to the parts, and can be drawn out into strings three feet long.

Respiratory Organs.–Cough, with expectoration of tough, stringy mucus, which sticks to the throat, mouth and lips; the cough in choking and croupy; worse in the morning.

Chronic hoarseness, in laryngitis, one of the most useful remedies.

True membranous croup, this is our best remedy.

It is especially useful in chronic bronchitis, with tough, stringy expectoration, and burning pain in the trachea and bronchi.

It is also of great value in acute capillary bronchitis.

Fetid discharge from the nose.

Caries of the bones of the nose.

Profuse mucous discharge from the nose; at first it is clear water; lastly thick, tough mucus; finally the nostrils become filled with hard, elastic plugs (clinkers.)-.

Perfect loss of smell.

For chronic cold in the head, there is no medicine like it.-.

Pseudo-membranous lesions of a diphtheritic nature, affecting the respiratory mucous surfaces, the nares, superior portion of the pharynx, larynx, trachea, and bronchial tubes; the deposits are firm in texture, apt to be developed into casts, which are cartilaginous, or pearly in appearance, elastic fibrinous, and more securely attached to the subjacent integument.–Dr. R. LUDLAM.

Aggravation of the cough from the least morsel of food or drink.–W. H. BIGLER.

Digestive Organs.–Tongue coated with a thick yellow felt.

Chronic ulceration and inflammation of the pharynx, especially of a syphilitic origin.

Catarrhal and strumous inflammation of the fauces.

Gastric catarrh with vomiting.

Ulceration of the stomach and duodenum.

In chronic intestinal ulceration, it vies with mercury.-.

Dull pains in the right hypochondrium, especially when limited to a small spot, with whitish stools.-.

Bloody stools, or mucus and blood.

Deep red urine; complete suppression of urine; with dull pains in the small of the back.

Generative Organs of Women.–Yellow ropy leucorrhoea, that can be drawn out into long strings.

Menses too soon.

Prolapsus uteri, seemingly caused by hot weather.

Generalities.–In pustular diseases of the skin, it will be found of great value.

Catarrhal and strumous ophthalmia.

Chronic rheumatism of a cold variety.-.

Periosteal and syphilitic rheumatism.-.

Large ulcers, with dark centre, and overhanging edges.

Solid eruption, like measles, over the whole body.

William Burt
William H. Burt, MD
Characteristic materia medica Published 1873
Physiological materia medica, containing all that is known of the physiological action of our remedies; together with their characteristic indications and pharmacology. Published 1881