
Phosphorus.- Of great importance in improving vision and removing many subjective symptoms after iridectomy. Fundus hyperaemic and hazy, halo around the light, and various lights and colors (especially red) before the eye. Sensation as if something was pulled tightly over the eyes. Vision impaired, better in the twilight.

Belladonna.- Of benefit in relieving the severe pains of glaucoma, especially if accompanied by throbbing headache and flushed face. The eye are injected, pupils dilated, fundus hyperaemic and pain both in and around the eye. The pains are usually severe and throbbing; may come and go suddenly and are worse in the afternoon and evening. The eyes are hot and dry, with sensitiveness of light. Halo around the light, red predominating. Photophobia.

Asafoetida.- Glaucoma, with severe, boring pain over the eye, and around it.

Cedron.- For the relief of the pains of glaucoma, when they are severe and shooting along the course of the supra-orbital nerve.

Colocynth.- Of service in relieving the pains of glaucoma when they are severe, burning, aching, sticking or cutting in character in the eye and around, always relieved by firm pressure and by walking in a warm room; aggravated by rest at night and upon stooping.

Nux Vom.- Indicated if the morning aggravation is very marked and for the resulting atrophy of the optic nerve.

Prunus spin.- Pain severe, crushing, in the eye, as if the eye were pressed asunder, or sharp, shooting through the eye and corresponding side of the head (Spigelia) Aqueous and vitreous hazy, fundus hyperaemic.

Rhododendron.- Incipient glaucoma, with much pain in and around the eye, periodic in character and always worse just before a storm, ameliorated after the storm commences.

Spigelia.- Pains sharp and stabbing through the eye and head, worse on motion and at night.

Our range of drugs will be extensive in this affection, as we must take into consideration all the general symptoms to make a sure prescription. The above remedies have been most often called for in the cases we have met, though the following may be found useful: Arn, Arsenicum, Aurum, Chamomilla, Conium, Crot. tig., Hamamelis, Kali iod., Macrotin., Mercurius and Sulph.

A. B. Norton
Norton, A. B. (Arthur Brigham), 1856-1919
Professor of Ophthalmology in the College of the New York Ophthalmic Hospital; Surgeon to the New York Ophthalmic Hospital. Visiting Oculist to the Laura Franklin Free Hospital for Children; Ex-President American Homoeopathic Ophthalmological, Otological and Laryngological Society. First Vice-President American Institute of Homoeopathy : President Homoeopathic Medical Society of the State of New York ; Editor Homoeopathic Eye. Ear and Throat Journal : Associate Editor. Department of Ophthalmology, North American Journal of Homoeopathy, etc.