Diseases of the Orbit

COURSE.-The disease as a rule is very chronic, lasting for several years with frequent temporary improvements and relapses; the symptoms may then gradually subside, though often some enlargement of the thyroid or exophthalmos will remain permanently. Rarely death occurs in this disease, especially in men in advanced life, from organic disease of the heart or exhaustion. The majority of these cases, however, practically recover.

CAUSES.-Basedow’s disease is much more often found in women than in men, some authorities claiming that over 85 percent of all cases are found in women. The majority of cases occur between the age of puberty and thirty in women, while the average age in men for the appearance of this disease is from thirty to fifty.

This disease has at various times been attributed to a disease of the sympathetic, to rheumatism, etc., and, while its cause has not yet been definitely demonstrated, it will probably be found in some central lesion located in the gray matter of the third and fourth ventricles, the vaso-motor centre and the origin of the pneumogastric. It is generally brought on by some mental shock, by exhaustion from disease, excessive haemorrhages, or severe labor.

TREATMENT.- To promote a permanent cure, rest, especially in the country; freedom from all excitement, especially emotional; exercise in open air; a generous diet, and abstinence from all stimulants, are particularly required and should be insisted upon whenever practicable. Galvanization of the sympathetic in the neck has been followed by very good success in many instances, especially when combined with internal medication.

Amyl nit.- Cases have been entirely cured by olfaction of this drug alone. The eyes are protruding, staring, and the conjuctival vessels injected, as well as those of the fundus. Especially indicated when there are frequent flushes of the face and head, oppressed respiration, etc.

Badiago.-Exophthalmic goitre, with aching pain in the posterior portion of the eyeballs, aggravated on moving them, accompanied by tremulous palpitation of the heart and glandular swellings. The pulse is rapid and irregular.

Cactus grand.- Cases of exophthalmic goitre have been improved, when prescribed on the heart symptoms.

Ferrum.-Both the iodide and acetate have been followed by favorable results, especially when the disease comes on after the suppression of the menses; protruding eyes, enlargement of the thyroid, palpitation of the heart and excessive nervousness. Linnell found good results from the simultaneous use of Iron and Digitalis in one case, after both had been tried separately with no benefit.

Lycopus virg.-Judging from its provings, in which we find a rapid, irregular, intermittent and very compressible pulse, together with a bellows murmur over the heart and large vessels, it should be a valuable remedy in this disorder. Linnell (loc. cit.) reports very gratifying results from the use of this remedy.

Spongia.-Exophthalmos, enlargement of the thyroid and palpitation of the heart, great uneasiness and easily frightened, especially at night; stitches in the ball and burning around the eyes, with lachrymation in the light; the eye feels twisted around; chromopsies, especially deep red and photopsies, even when the eye is closed at night-all indicate this drug, which has proved serviceable.

Mr. Hulke Trans. Ophthal, Soc. Vol. VI. recommends Aconite, and Dr, Samuel Wilks Belladonna.

Nat. mur. and Baryta carb. are reported to have cured well-marked cases. Other remedies which have been recommended are Arsenicum, Belladonna, Bromium, Calcarea, Iodium, Phosphorus, Silicea, Sulphur and Veratrum alb. and viride.

A. B. Norton
Norton, A. B. (Arthur Brigham), 1856-1919
Professor of Ophthalmology in the College of the New York Ophthalmic Hospital; Surgeon to the New York Ophthalmic Hospital. Visiting Oculist to the Laura Franklin Free Hospital for Children; Ex-President American Homoeopathic Ophthalmological, Otological and Laryngological Society. First Vice-President American Institute of Homoeopathy : President Homoeopathic Medical Society of the State of New York ; Editor Homoeopathic Eye. Ear and Throat Journal : Associate Editor. Department of Ophthalmology, North American Journal of Homoeopathy, etc.