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On Neuralgia, Its Causes and its Remedies

Noticing one day that her soft palate was very icteric, I gave hepatics,- the one that acted promptly and brilliantly being Hydrastis canadensis in small material doses. After its use the angina receded into the background, being complained of only occasionally, and now for some time not at all.

In this case the angina seemed a synalgia starting at one time from the spleen, at another from the liver and spleen, at another from the liver, and once in a way from the pit of the stomach, and in the last case Prunus Virginiana 0 promptly cleared the matter up. I saw the case many times and prescribed various remedies, and thus satisfied myself of the synalgic nature of the angina, and that its point of origin was always below the diaphragm, some times in the right hypochondrium and sometimes in the left, and occasionally form the pit of the stomach.

Viscum album is a notable remedy, and has its place in the treatment of angina pectoris. There are certain cases of angina that are synalgiae, starting from given points in the abdomen, sometimes from one ovary, at times from both ovaries, and at other from beneath the spleen, rather than from the organ itself. In several of such cases Viscum album 1x has helped me. Medorrhinum IN ANGINA PECTORIS.

Were I asked which is the most frequently-indicated remedy in angina pectoris, and the one that helps radically and really, i should say Medorrh. C., CC., and M. I have used it mostly in men, and only in a high dilution. I will not dwell upon the cases I have cured or relieved by it, but its indication with me has been purely historic, and on the principle of taking a hair of the dog that bit you. There is very commonly flatulent dyspepsia present where it is indicated, and often catarrh more or less inveterate true medorrhoea being the first mother of catarrhs.


The modes of thought in medicine are very important, as they condition the mode of treatment : those who think surgically treat surgically, even when they administer drugs. We are taught to regard angina as a pure neuralgia, or as a spasm, or as having atheroma of the coronary artery, and all three varieties doubtless exist; but to treat angina successfully we must take a much wider view and include aetiologic considerations, not for- getting those of the Coethen phase of homoeopathy.- I refer to my sulphur case of twenty years ago, and which has tinged the whole of my medical thoughts ever since.

Fag is a potent factor in angina, and so is wounded pride and nerve shock. not infrequently fag and shock combine to produce it. Take the case of the late Sir Morton Peto, who did great things and many, and lived to be wounded to the quick in his pride as a financial giant: he had angina pectoris from the two factors combined.

The late Sir Samuel Baker, the traveller, was a magnificent man of power who did great things : he had angina pectoris. One might fill a book with such examples.

These aetiologic points are of prime importance in the therapeutics of angina pectoris.

James Compton Burnett
James Compton Burnett was born on July 10, 1840 and died April 2, 1901. Dr. Burnett attended medical school in Vienna, Austria in 1865. Alfred Hawkes converted him to homeopathy in 1872 (in Glasgow). In 1876 he took his MD degree.
Burnett was one of the first to speak about vaccination triggering illness. This was discussed in his book, Vaccinosis, published in 1884. He introduced the remedy Bacillinum. He authored twenty books, including the much loved "Fifty Reason for Being a Homeopath." He was the editor of The Homoeopathic World.