Hpathy Needs Your Help!


Keynote symptoms of homeopathy medicine Ipecacuanha, described by A. L. Monroe in his book, Method of Memorizing the Materia Medica, published in 1882….


Intermittents, with gastric complaints in each stage,

Post-quinial, with chill coming oftenest at night;

Endless Nausea,” which nothing will serve to assuage;

Cholera Infantum with tongue coated white;

After food that is crude and hard to digest

Comes Diarrhea frothy, with Colic, as if

Umbilical region strong claws did invest;

Has Pertussis, is pale, but with cough, blue and stiff;

And Headaches and Spasms ‘t will aid it is said,

Next Hemorrhage with panting, and color bright red.

And when phlegm fills the Lungs, often exhibited.

A.L. Monroe
Dr Andrew Leight MONROE (1856-1935)
American homeopath - Louisville.
Chair of materia medica at Pulte College in Cincinnati.