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(From …


(From vol. iii, 2nd edit., 1825.)

(The juice expressed from the fresh plant, Datura Stramonium, and mixed with equal parts of alcohol.)

The narcotic plant shows in its primary action, with the exception of very disagreeable sensations which the prover cannot call “pain,” no actual pains. Sensations which can strictly be called pain only occur in the secondary action, from the subsequent reaction of the organism, which develops not only the natural sensation as opposed to the sensation-destroying action of the thorn-apple, but, in the case of large doses, even morbidly exalted sensation (pain). So, also, this plant produces in its primary action great mobility of the voluntary muscles and suppression of all secretions and excretions, the reverse of which occurs in the secondary action, to wit, paralysis of the muscles and excessive secretions and excretions. On the other hand, in suitable doses it curatively allays some spasmodic muscular movements, and restores suppressed excretions in several cases in which absence of pain is a prominent symptom.

Hence thorn-apple can only cure homoeopathically the morbid states produced in its primary characterisic action.

The symptoms of the secondary action, which, as with all narcotic drugs, are much more numerous, better expressed and more distinct than with non-narcotic drugs, serve to make the observant physician refrain from its employment in cases where the patient is already suffering from ailments resembling those of the secondary action. Thus, a true physician would never administer thorn-apple in, for example, complete paralysis, or inveterate diarrhoeas, or in cases where violent pains constitute the chief feature of the disease.

But what incomparable curative action (I speak from experience) follows the homoeopathic application of the peculiar mental affections caused by thorn-apple for similar natural mental maladies, and how useful it is in convulsive ailments similar to those it causes.

I have found it efficacious in some epidemic fevers with symptoms similar to those it is capable of exciting in the mind and body.

As sure as there are several varieties of hydrophobia from the bite of rabid animals, so sure is it that we cannot cure them all with one remedy, and that we require belladonna in some, henbane in others, and thorn-apple in yet others, in order to cure them, according the totality of the morbid symptoms presents more similarity with the symptoms of the first, second, to third of these plants.

Moderate doses act for only 36 to 48 hours doses a shorter time. Injurious consequences of several days’ duration are to be feared from very large doses, these are partly primary, partly secondary effects.

Excessively violent primary actions are removed to citric acid, or fruits containing it (currents, barberries, &c. much more effectually than by vinegar. Smoking tobacco greatly allays the stupefaction of the head caused by thorn-apple. According to Falk, alcohol, and according to PLEHWE, cold foot-baths are useful for it.

A drop, often even but a small portion of a drop of the trillion fold dilution of the juice, is an adequate homoeopathic dose, all other extraneous medicinal influences being removed.

{HAHNEMANN’s fellow provers were FRANZ, FR. HAHNEMANN, MICHLER.]

The following old-school authorities are cited:

ALBERTI, Jurisp. Medorrhinum, i.

BOERHAAVE, kAAW, Impel. Fac. Hipp., L. B., 1745.

BRERA, in Harles Bemerk. Ub. D. Behandl. D. Hunderwuth, Fft. A. M., 1809.

BUCHNER, Bresl. Samml., 1727.

BUSCH, (In the 1st edit this is given as “B. RUSH,” but neither name can be found under the reference given.) B., in Philos. Transact. Vol. 60, 1771. Commentarri de rebus in Medorrhinum et Sc. Nat. gestis, vol. ii.

COSTA, CPH. A, in Schenk, Lib. vii, obs. 139.

CRUGER, DAN, in Misc. Nat., Cur., Dec. iii, ann.2.

DE WITT, in Phys. Medorrhinum Journale, Leipz., 1800, January.

DODERLIN, in Comment lit. Nor., 1744.

DU GUID, in Sauvages, Nosol, ii.

FOWLER, in Medical and Philosoph. Comment., v. – Edinb. Medorrhinum Comment.

GARCIAS Ab HORTO, DE Plantis, cap.24.

GARDANE, Gazette de Sante, 1773, 1774.

GREDING, in Ludwig, Advirs., i.

GRIMM, J. C., in Eph. Nat. Cur., cent, ix.

HEIM, in Selle’s Neue Beitrage z, Nat.u, Arzn. ii.

JOHNSON, in Medic. Facts and Observ., vol. v.

KELLNER, Bresl. Samml., 1727.

KING, in Phys. Medorrhinum Journale, Leipz.,1800, March.

KRAMER, in Comment. Lit. Nor. 1733.

LOBSTEIN, J. F., Obs. de Stramonium semivirt. Ven., in Append. Diss. Speilmann et geurin, de Plant. Venen. Alsat. Argent., 1766. M., in Baldinger’s Neues Magaz., vol. i.

ODHELIUS, L. L., Mem. sur l’us. Du Stramonium, 1773.

PFENNIG, in Hufel. Journ., xiv.

RAY. Istor. Plantar., tom. i.

RUSH (vide supra, “BUSCH”).

SAUVAGES, Epist. ad Haller, iii.- Nosol., ii.

SCHROER, in ufel. Journ., x.

STOERCK, Lib. de Stramonium Aconite, Hyoscyam., Viennae, 1762.

SWAINE, ABR., Essays phys. and lit., ii, edinb., 1756.

UNZER, Medorrhinum Handbuch, ii.

VAN EEMS, in H. Boerhaave, Praelect. De morb. Nerv., i.

VICAT, Plantes Venenuses de la Suisse.

WEDENBERG, A. F., Diss. de Stramonii usu in Morbis convulsivis, Ups., 1773.

The frag. De Vir. Has 216, the 1st edit. 546, this 2nd edit. 569 symptoms.]


Vertigo. [KING, (Effects of large medicinal doses.) iin Phys. Medorrhinum Journale, Leipzig, 1800, March, – VICAT, (Observations of poisoning.) Planets Veneneuses dela Suisse, p. 248. – GREDING, (Symptoms occurring in patients taking the extract. Those referred to p. 261 – 277 of his essay were maniacs and melancholies, those of p. 277 – 311 epileptics, and those of p. 314 – 335 epileptic – maniacs.) in Ludw. Advers., I, p. 285.]

Vertigo (immediately). [DU GUID, (From root, in an old man.)in Sauvages, Nosol., ii, p. 241. – ABR. SWAINE, (From decoction of fruit.) Essays Phys. and Lit., ii, Edinb., 1756, p. 247.]

Vertigo: his head always feels drawn backwards; he is at the same time very sleepy.

Vertigo, with red face. [GREDING, l. c., p. 302.]

5. Vertigo with bellyache and dimness of vision, like a veil before the eyes. [GREDING, l. c., p. 327.]

Vertigo with diarrhoea. [GREDING, l. c., p. 306.]

Vertigo, headache, dimness of vision, great thirst, viscid mucus in the mouth, rumbling in the abdomen and pain in its upper part. [GREDING, l. c., p. 300.]

Vertigo for eight days. {PFENNING, (From seeds, in an adult.) in Hufel. Journal, xix, i. p. 158.]

Vertigo so that he staggered to and fro as if drunk. [D. CRUGER, (From the fruit.) in Misc. nat. Cur., Dec. iii, ann. 2, obs. 68.]

10. He is giddy when sitting and standing, in the room; he staggers. [Fz.]

(Four successive mornings) after he has risen from bed, vertigo, absence of thoughts; everything hovers before his memory only in a dim and distant manner (weakness of memory), and he seems to have a veil before the eyes, for ten hours. [Fz.]

Staggering. [PFENNING, l. c.]

Staggering as from intoxication. [DU GUID, – SWAINE, l. c.]

He staggers when walking. [Fr.H-n.]

15. He staggers about the room and seems to be looking for something. [Fz.]

He always knocks up against the door, when going out at it. [Fz.]

A disagreeable lightness in the head, with weak feeling in it.

Intoxication (aft. 8 h.).

Intoxication and heaviness in the body (aft. 1 h.).

20. Intoxication. [KAAW BOERHAAVE, (From root, in an old man.)Impet. Fac. Hipp., L., B., 1745, p. 282 – BRERA, (Not accessible.) in Harles, Bemerk, ub. D. Behandl. D. Hunswuth, Frft. A. M., 1809, 4.]

Intoxication with thirst and great flow of escalding urine. [GREDING, l. c., p. 301.]

Rush of blood to the head. [SCHROER, (From seeds, in children.) in Hufel. Journ., x, I, p. 195.]

Heat of the head and sparkling eyes. [GREDING, l. c., p. 302.]

Apoplexy. [BUCHNER, (Not found.) Bersl. Samml., 1727.]

25. Weakness of the head. [GREDING, l. c., p. 307.]

Heaviness in the head. [A. F. WEDENBERG, (Statement.) Diss. de Stramonii usu in Morbis Convulsivis, Ups., 1773, 4.]

Stupefaction of the head. (King’s word in “numbness,” Gerding’s “obnubilatio.”) [KING, l. c. – GREDING, l. c., p. 271.]

Stupefaction of the head with dimness of vision. [GREDING, l. c., p. 290.]

Stupidity. [FOWLER, (From seeds in children.) Medical and Philosoph. Comment., v, p. 161.]

30. She sits devoid of reason and immovable like a statue. [FOWLER, l. c.]

Stupid feeling in the head.

Stupid feeling in the head. [Fr.H-n.]

Diminished memory.

The loose of consciousness seems to be attended by an internal restlessness, and to proceed from that.

35. Obscuration of all the senses. [DU GUID, l. c.]

After the obscuration of all the senses and anxiety, red miliary rash (In original, “purpura.”) on the back, with sweat. [GREDING, l. c., p. 289.]

Extreme insensibility of all the senses. (Literally, “entire unconsciousness.”) [PFENNIG, l. c.]

Insensibility. [SWAINE, l. c., p. 285. – FOWLER, l. c.]

40. Violent headache. [GREDING, l. c., p. 293. – DODERLIN, (From cooked plant.)Comm. Lit. Nor., 1744, p. 15. – FOWLER, l. c.]

Obtuse headache. [STOERCK, (Effect of sleeping in a room where he had been expressing the juice of the fresh leaves.) Lib. de Stramonium, Aconite, Hyoscyam., Viennae, 1762, p. 5.]

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.