Pain in the head and pelvis. [GREDING, l. c., p. 276.]

Headache with anorexia. [GREDING, l. c., p. 278.]

Alternately headache and distension of the abdomen. [GREDING, l. c., p. 279.]

45. Squeezing headache.

Throbbing headache in the right temple, with diarrhoea. [GREDING, l. c., p. 310.]

Giddy headache. With faintness and thirst. [GREDING, l. c., p. 327.]

Pains in the head and eyes. [GREDING, l. c., p. 325.]

Severe headache and toothache, with profuse flow of tears. [GREDNIG, l. c., p. 325.]

50. Convulsions of the head and arms, with hiccup. [GREDING, l. c., p. 232.]

Spasmodic drawing only of the head, with snoring. [GREDING, l. c., p. 333.]

Spasmodic drawing only of the head and eyes, with grinding of the teeth. [GREDING, l. c., p. 232.]

Frequent raising of the head from the pillow. [PFENNIG, l. c.]

Spasmodic drawing only of the head on both sides, with screaming and raising of the arms over the head. [GREDING, l. c., p. 298.]

55. In the morning moving of the head to and fro, with extreme thirst. [GREDING, l. c., p. 302.]

Moving of the head to and fro, which was interrupted by hiccup. [GREDING, l. c., p. 302.]

Swollen face distended by blood. [KELLNER, (Not found.) Bresl. Samml., 1727.]

Swelling of the face. [FOWLER, l. c.]

Swelling of the face with very red cheeks and lips. [J. F. LOBSTEIN, Obs. de Stram Sem. Virt. Ven., in Append. Diss. Spielmann et Geurin de Plant. Venen Alsat., Argent., 1766.]

60. Swelling of face, eyes, and tongue. [FOWLER, l. c.]

Swelling and redness of the eyes and face. [FOWLER, l. c.]

Redness of the face, [KAAW BOERHAAVE, – PFENNIG, – DODERLIN, l. c.]

The skin of the forehead is wrinkled, the look staring, the whole face distorted and horrible. (aft. 3 h.). [Fz.]

His face is at first pleasant-looking, all except the staring eyes; but at last it is quite disfigured by deep furrows which run from the inner canthus of the eye to the cheek, and by furrows over the commissure of the mouth down from the alae nasi, and by knitted eyebrows, and at first looks frightful with the sparkling eyes; but after an hour it is disfigured by dim eyes (aft. ½, 2 h.). [Fz.]

65. At first his face looks quite pleasant, with the exception of dilated pupils, it is then disfigured by deep furrows and wrinkled forehead like the face of a person suffering from anxiety. [Fz.]

The face is red and puffy on the cheeks, but above is narrowly contracted and gloomy. [Fz.]

Frequent redness of face with staring eyes. [GREDING, l. c., p. 232.]

Erysipelas on the right side of the cheeks, nose, and face. [GREDING, l. c., p. 276.]

Paleness of the face. [GREDING, l. c., pp. 293 and 307.]

70. Very profuse sweat on face and forehead. [GREDING, l. c., p. 334.]

Pupils quite contracted, they scarcely dilate at all in the dark; he sees everything much smaller and more distant, and like a person dazzled by the light (aft. ½ h.). [Fz.]

Dilatation of the pupils. [KING, – KAAW BOERHAAVE, – VICAT, l. c.]

Extremely dilated pupils with obscuration of sight. [BRERA, l. c.]

Pupils extremely dilated (aft. 3.1/2 h.). [Fz.]

75. After drinking vinegar the pupils again become extremely contracted. [Fz.]

Dilated, immovable pupils. [PFENNIG, – SCHROER, l. c.]

Dull, sad look. [DU GUID, l. c.]

Sparkling eyes, with complaints of dazzling of the sun’s rays, (Though no such cause was actually present.) and anorexia. [GREDING, l. c., p. 273.]

Gleaming eyes. [KAAW BOERHAAVE, l. c.]

80. Staring eyes. [PFENNIG, l. c.]

Staring sleepy eyes. (In original, “dull, heavy eyes.”) [SWAINE, l. c.]

Burning of the eyes with dimness of vision and profuse sweat. [GREDING, l. c., p. 314.]

Pressure and tension in both eyes, for six days (aft. 2 h.). [Fr.H-n.]

Pressure in the eyelids, as if they were swollen, which they are, or as if they were overcome by sleep; hence a great inclination to sleep, which, however, he succeeds in overcoming (aft. 3.1/2 h.). [Fz.]

85. Ulcerated eyelids. [GREDING, l. c., p. 272.]

At night the eyelids stick together. [GREDING, l. c., p. 288.]

Swelling of the eyes. [FOWLER, Medorrhinum edinb. Comment., v, p. 170.]

Swollen eyes, with very dilated pupils and turning of the eyeballs to all sides. [LOBSTEIN, l. c.]

The eyes are involuntarily closed, blackness before the eyes. [Fz.]

90. Swollen and inflamed eyelids.

Hanging down of the upper eyelid as if caused by a spasm of the orbicular muscle. [Fz.]

The white of the eyes and the edges of the lids are red, the eyes weep much. [Fz.]

The eyes are excessively sensitive to daylight, they weep (aft. 24 h.). [Fz.]

Involuntary weeping.

95. Weeping of the left eye. [GREDING, l. c., p. 300.]

Weeping of the right eye. [GREDING, l. c., p. 300.]

Weeping of both eyes. [GREDING, l. c., p. 300.]

Without consciousness, he sheds tears. [GREDING, l. c., p. 267.]

Weeping of both eyes, with dimness of vision. [GREDING, l. c., p. 300.]

100. He opens his closed eyes only when spoken to. [PFENNIG, l. c.]

Dimness of vision. [GREDING, l. c., pp. 271, 273, 274, 280, 283.]

Obscuration of sight. [GREDING, l. c., pp. 264, 275, – L. L. ODHELIUS, (Not accessible.) men. Sur l’us du Strmonium, pa. 4, 1773.]

Great obscuration of sight. [GREDING, l. c., p. 293.]

Extreme obscuration of sight. [GREDING, l. c., p. 316.]

105. Every morning, obscuration of sight. [GREDING, l. c., p. 278.]

Usually every morning dimness of vision, as if the eyes were covered by a veil. [GREDING, l. c., p. 287.]

Dimness of vision with great thirst. [GREDING, l. c., p. 327.]

Almost complete blindness, for six hours, after which on the following day (in the secondary action) a pressure as if from the centre of the eyeball outwards ensued at every change of light, either when he came into the sun or suddenly into the dark.

Along with dimness of vision at the same time thirst and sweat. [GREDING, l. c., p. 284.]

110. After dimness of vision, blear-eyed. (Literally “lippitudo.”) [GREDING, l. c., p. 314.]

After dimness of vision vertigo, then headache. [GREDING, l. c., p. 301.]

Very clear vision, more distant than ordinary. (Curative action after 24 h.).

Long-continued presbyopia; he could only read writing at a considerable distance. [GREDING, l. c., p. 310.]

During the contraction of the pupils (reproduced by drinking vinegar) all objects appear extremely small, he hardly sees distant objects at all; but if he looks into the sun the pupils remain fixed, and it is quite black before his eyes. [Fz.]

115. Small objects, e.g. the point of a needle, he cannot perceive. [KING, l. c.]

Indistinct, confused vision. [KING, l. c.]

Objects always appear to have a sloping position.

False vision; all objects seem sloping. [GREDING, l. c., p. 276.]

Displaced diplopia; small objects he sees in their true position, but, as it were, a second example of them is perceived above and to one side. [Fr.-n.]

120. Diplopia. [GREDING, l. c., pp. 275, 280.]

It seemed to him as if he saw the objects through coarse linen, as if only in bits, and as if cut through, e.g. of a face he only sees the nose, &c., just as though the eyes had only a small field of vision, and he could only see a small point at once.

Objects appear multiplied and of various colours. [KING, l. c.]

He fancies he around white things, e.g. around a piece of paper, a reddish grey border.

Black things appear of a grey colour. [Fr.H-n.]

125. Black letters appear to him grey, and as if another of a lighter grey stood above and at the side of it (a kind of diplopia) e.g. F. (When he attempted to draw this appearance, he first drew a single f, and in order to draw the second he went over the same marks, and yet imagined that he had indicated the double appearance.)

He sees in the room objects that are not there. [KING, l. c.]

She sees fiery appearances before the eyes. [JOHNSON, (From seeds, in an adult. – Literally, “She had repeatedly a sensation of a flashing light, which made her think that she saw it lighten” (comp. S, 78) in Medorrhinum Facts and Observ., vol. v, p. 78.]

When reading he could not bring out a syllable; the letters seemed to move and run into one another.

Vision obscured, like a mist before the eyes, as if he saw the objects through a glass of turbid water; the objects seemed as if they flowed into one another, and as though they were too distant.

130. Loose of the senses of sight and hearing. [KELLNER, l. c.]

Wind is discharged from both ears. [GREDING, l. c., p. 276.]

Shuddering on the chin. [VAN EMS, (Nothing about Stramonium found here.) in H. Boerhaave, Praelect. De Morb. Nerv., I, p. 237.]

Wind is discharged from both ears. [GREDING, l. c., p. 276.]

Shuddering on the chin. [VAN EMS, (Nothing about Stramonium found here.) in H. Boerhaave, Praelect. De Morb. Nerv., I, p. 237.]

Trembling of lips, hands and feet. [KAAW BOERHAAVE, l. c.]

The lips have a yellow stripe on their vermillion, as in malignant fevers, and stick fast together; he fears they might grow together. [Fz.]

135. Toothache. [GREDNIG, l. c., p. 319.]

Throbbing pain in the teeth as if some of the teeth would fall out.

Grinding of the teeth. [KELLNE, – KAAW BOERHAAVE, l. c.]

Grinding of the teeth with shivering all over the body. [GREDING, l. c., p. 293.]

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.