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Hahnemann’s proving symptoms of homeopathy remedy Hyoscyamus Niger from Materia Medica Pura, which Samuel Hahnemann wrote between 1811 to 1821…


(The expressed juice of the fresh plant, Hyoscyamus niger, mixed with equal parts of alcohol.)

When dried the plant loses a great portion of its medicinal powers.

The following symptoms, which were produced by this drug on healthy persons, show the mental and emotional disorders and the derangement of the senses in which it is of use.

A dose containing a quadrillionth of a drop of the juice, or better, a small portion of such a drop is more than sufficient for all homoeopathic curative purpose when all other foreign irritants and drugs are kept away from the patient.

Frequent smelling at a saturated solution of camphor removes the troublesome effects of hyoscyamus when it has been given in too large a dose of in an unhomoeopathic case.

Although the symptoms of this plant recorded below are very numerous, they require to be added to in order to make them complete.


Symptoms are taken from the following old-school authorities:

BARRERE, Observat. d Anatomie, 1753.

BARTON (same as SMITH ).

BERNIGAU, in Hufel. Journ, v.

BLOM- C. M., in Kon. Vetensk. Acad. Handl. 1774, and in Bergius’ Mat. Ned.

BORELLI, PET., Cent. iv.

CAGNION, in Desault s Journal de Ohirurgio, tom. i.

CAMERARIUS, in Acta Nat. Cur., Vol. i.

CLAUDER, G., in Misc. Nat Cur., Dec. i, Ann. 3.

COSTA, in Journ. de Medec, tom. xxv, Febr.

EEMS, VAN, in Praelect, Boerhavii de Morb. Nerv., ad tom. i.

FABER, J., in Schenck, lib. vii.

GARDANE, Gazette de Santa, 1773, 1774.

GESNER, J. A. PH., Samml. von Beobacht.. i,

GMELIN, J. F., Reise durch Sibirien, Gott., 1752. Vol. III.

GREDING, in Ludwigii Adverse Medorrhinum pr., i.

GRUNEWALD, M., in Miscel Nat Cur., Dec. iii, Ann. 9, 10, App.

HALLER, A. v., in Vicat’s s Drat. &:d., i.

HAMBERGER, Diss. de OpiO.

HAMILTON, ARCH., in Neue Edinb.~ yersuehe., ii.

HEILBRONN. DAV., in Neues Journal der Ausland. Mod. Chir. Lit, d. Hufel. u. Harles, i 1804. HELMONT, J. B. VAN, Pus. duumv.

HUNERWOLF, J. A., in Misc. Nat. Cur., Dec. iii, Ann. 2.

JASKIEWITZ, J., Diss. Pharmaca regni veget., Vindob., 1775.

JOERDENS, in Hufel. Journal, iv.

KIERNANDER, Utkast til Medicinal Lagfar, 1776.

MATTHIOLUS, Comment in Diosc., lib. vi.

NAVIER, in Recueil period. d’Obs. de Medorrhinum, tom. iv.

PLANCHON. in Journal de Medecine, tom. xix. Pyl’a Neues Magazine, ii, B. iii, St.

RUEF, DH, in Nova Acta Natur. Cur., t. iv.

SAUVAGES, Nosol., ii.

SCHULZE, S., in Misc. Nat. Cur., Dec. i, Ann. 4, 5.

SELIGER, Capes„ in Misc. Nat. Cur., Dec. ii, Ann. 1.

SERRE, J. LA, in Miss. Nat. Cur., Dec. ii, Ann. 5.

SLOANE, EL, in Philos. Transact., No. 457.

SMITH, in Medorrhinum Comment., Vol. ii. Dec, ii.

STEDMAN, J., in Philos. Transact., Vol. xi, vii.

STOERCK, Lib, de Stramonium, Hyoscyamus, Aeon., Vien., 1762.

TOZZETTI. TARG., Relaz. di alcuni viaggi, Vol. vi.

VICAT, Mat. Med, i.

WEDEL, G. W., in Misc. Nat. Cur., Dec. i, Ann. 3.

WENDT, in Hufel. Journ., v.

WEPFER, Hist. Cicut. squat., Bas. 1716.

In the Frag. de Vir. hyoscyamus has 335 symptoms; in the 1st edit. 539, and in this 2nd edit. 582.]



Vertigo. [ J. A. HUNERWOLF, (From cooked roots, eaten by several persons.) in Miscel. Nat. Cur.. Dec. iii, Ann.2, Obs. 92.-M. GRUNEWALD (Three observations :-1. Effects of exhalations from seeds. 2. Do. of a clyster containing 13., with turpentine and carminatives. 3. Do. of fomentations of it in the girls who had applied them.) (1), in Miscel. Nat. Cur., Dec. iii, Ann. 9, 10, app., p. 179 (A vertigo lasting 14 days from the exhalation of the seeds.) -C. M. BLOM,( From root eaten by an adult man.) in Kon. Vetensk. Acad. Handl.. 1774, p. 52.-NAVIER,( From herb eaten as salad by an adult.) in Recueil period d’Obs. de Medorrhinum, tom. IV -PLANCHON,( From repeated doses given to an adult. ) in Journal de Medecine, tom. xix, p. 42.-H. SLOANE,( From seeds eaten by children.) in Philos. Transact., No. 429.-GREDING,( From gr. iij-xij daily given to patients. Those referred to pp. 73-78 were melancholico-maniacs, those of pp. 79-87 maniacs; of 89-99 epileptics, 103-107 epilepto-maniacs.) in Ludwigii Advers. Medorrhinum, pr., i, pp. 86, 91.-WEPPER, (From cooked roots, eaten by several persons.) Hist. Cicutae squat., Bas., 1716, p. 230.-VICAT,( General statement.) Mat. Medorrhinum, i, p. 185.-BERNIGAU,( From a cluster of H. in an adult man.) in Hufel. Journ., v, p. 905.]

Violent vertigo. [STEDMAN, ( From leaves boiled in broth, in several persons.) in Philos. Transact., Vol. xl, vii, p. 194.]

Vertigo with obscuration of vision.(From for grains of the resinous extract in a healthy man 24 years old.) [SMITH, (As in Hahnemann’s note.) in med.comment., vol, ii, Dec. ii.]

Vertigo, with obscuration of vision.( From four grains of the resinous extract in a healthy man 24 years old)[SMITH,( As in Hahnemann’s note.) in MedComment., vol., ii, Dec. ii.)

5. Vertigo, as from intoxication (immediately). [Stf.]

Swaying about from one side to the other. [Stf.]

Staggering. [LA SERRE (From clyster of H. given for dysentery.), in Misc. Nat. Cur., Dec. ii, Ann. 5, Obs. 78-GRUNEWALD, 1. C.]

They staggered as if intoxicated.( Several children who had eaten the roots for carrots.) [CAGNION,( From root in children.) in Desault’s Journal de Chirurgie, tom. i, p. 370.]

Intoxication. [SLOANE, 1. c.-J. F. GMELIN,( General statement.) Raise durch Sibirien, Gott,, 1752, vol.. iii, pp. 84, 85.( From Hyoscyamus physaloides.) ]

10. Unconsciousness : he is insensible to pinching and nipping, (From Ryoseyamus albus.) [ARCH. HAMILTON,( ii, 243, of original English edition, from which corrections have been made: From gr. xxv of seeds of H. albus in a young man.) in Neue Edinb. Versuch, ii, p. 275.]

Stupefaction.( In original, “stupor, as if drunk.”) [STEDMAN. 1. c.]

Staring at objects devoid of thought, tendency to self-forgetfulness (aft1/2 h.). [Fz.]

He involuntarily remembers persons and events, which he had no wish to think about (aft1/2 h.). [Fz.]

Remembrance of long forgotten things.( Curative action (?) )

15. Weak memory.

Complete loss of memory.

Loss of memory. [J. JASKIEWITZ,( From seeds in an adult man. )Diss. Pharmaca Regni Vogel., Vindob.,1775, p. 53.]

Things he did not wish to remember come back into his thoughts, and he can with difficulty recall things he wishes to remember (aft. 3 h.). [Fz.]

Want of recollection: he remembers what he had thought and done the last few days only as if in a dream (aft. 24 h.). [Ws.]

20. Forgetfulness of all he had previously heard. [WENDT,( From- a clyster of H. in an adult man.-This symptom not found.) in Hufel..journal, v, p. 390.]

Forgetfulness : he knows not whether he really said what he wished to say (aft. 1/4 h.). [Fz.]

He complains of heaviness of the head and violent headache.( This occurred 24 hours after the poisoning, with S. 467.) [HAMILTON, 1. C.]

Continued violent headache. [PLANCHON, 1. C.]

Heavy, dazed head. [COSTA,( From seeds in an adult man. ) in journ. de Medec., tom. xxx, Febr.]

25. Heaviness in the head, [GREDING, 1. c.. p. 91.-VICAT, 1. c.MATTHIOLUS,( General statements.) Comment an Dioscorea, lib. vi, p. 1064.]

Heaviness of the head with swollen eyelids. [GREDIND, 1. c., p. 89. ]

Dulness of the head, costiveness and pains in the loins. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 95.]

The thoughts sometimes refuse to come (the 2nd d.) [Stf. ]

His head is very much affected, like an absence of thoughts; he is troubled about everything, and hence goes to sleep for some hours in the afternoon (without dreams), and though he often half awakes, he continues to steep on (aft. 9 h.). [ Ws.]

30. Confusion and dazed state of the head, such as occurs from excessive bodily weakness, especially in the morning.

Headache of several bouts’ duration.( From the odour and exhalations of the plant.) [GARDANE,( From exhalations of H., in several persons.) Gazette de Santa,1773, 1774, p. 294.]

Headache. [STEDMAN, 1. C: GREDING, 1. C., pp. 73. 76. 86. SAUVAGES,(From root, in several persons.) a Nosol., ii, p. 242.]

(Fine shooting pain in the head.]

(Shooting tearing headache) (aft. 2 h.).

35. Obtuse headache in the base of the brain.

In the room he gets headache, after having felt.nothing of it in the open air (aft. 2 h.). [Fz.]

Obtuse pain in the forehead, especially in the membranes of the brain.

Aching stupefying pain in the brain, especially in the forehead, with needle-pricks, especially on the left side, recurring alternately (aft. 4 h.). [Lr.]

Aching stupefying pain, especially in the whole forehead, that at length changed into an intermittent tearing (aft. 101 h.). [Lr.]

40. Shooting in the head over the tight eye, on coughing.

By fits, sometimes constrictive, dazing headache on the top of the forehead and general discomfort, sometimes freedom from all sufferings and comfort with exalted imagination, the latter continuing much longer (aft. 1 h.). [Fz.]

(Tearing headache in the occiput.)

Headache as if the brain shook and, splashed when walking (aft. 5 h.).

An undulation in the brain as from violent beating of the arteries, with aching in the forehead; worst after stooping (aft. 1/2 h.). [Ws.]

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.