Soft stool in small thin pieces. [Stf.]

Diarrhoea, day and night. [Fr. H-n.]

Moderate diarrhoea. [BARTON, 1. c.-GREDING, 1. c., p. 76.]

255. Slimy diarrhoea. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 84.]

Slimy debilitating diarrhoea.( During resolution of pulmonary consumption : stools compared to sputa, which they possibly were.) [STORECK, 1.c ]

Watery diarrhoea. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 94.]

Frequent discharge of thread-worms. [GREDING. 1. c., p. 97.]

Costiveness, hard stool covered with mucus, and during its evacuation pain in the anus, for five successive days. [Fr. H-n.]

260. One very firm stool, some hours after the usual time (aft. 6 h.). (Fz.]

Constipation for four days, and frequent pressure in the umbilical region, as from fulness of the abdomen, during which he ha;, often call to afoot, without tenesmus in the rectum and anus.

The bowels are confined and the discharge of urine stopped, with pressing to urinate.

Constipation.( Merely a statement that no stool had passed from the ingestion of the POISON AT 4.30 p m. till night. )[HAMILTON, 1. c.]

Sluggish action of the bowels. [STOERCK, 1. c.]

265. Haemorrhoidal discharge for eight days. [ J. A. PH. GESNER,( Observation made after removal of a colic by H..) Samml. von Beobacht., i, p. 165.]

Yellow urine, clouded at the time of discharge, afterwards with whitish-grey sediment. [Fg.]

(The first two days, frequent ursine with scanty discharge of urine; the third and following days, copious flow of urine.) [Lr.]

Copious flow of urine. [GREDING. 1. c., pp 74, 76, 80.]

Very frequent urination, with rumbling in the abdomen. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 83.]

270. Frequent discharge of urine as clear as water; he must pass urine several times at night, contrary to custom. [Stf.]

Copious discharge of urine, sleep, transpiration, diarrhoea, followed by cheerfulness of mind.( Curative effect.) [GREDING, 1, c., p. 81.]

Diuresis. [STEDMAN, 1. C.]

Dysuria. [SAUVAGES, 1. C]

Difficult micturition, performed not without pressing. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 79.]

275. Suppressed discharge of urine with vesicle tenesmus.( The excitation of the bladder to urinate and its loss of irritability-the scanty flow of urine and the copious diuresis are in henbane alternating actions, so that much urging to urinate with scanty, and copious flow of urine-as also inactivity of the bladder with scanty and very copious secretion of urine may be present at the same time; but much urging to urinate with scanty flow of urine seems to be the principa, more frequent primary action.)

Retention of urine. [COSTA, 1. c.]

Paralysis of the bladder.

Feeling of excoriation and burning at the entrance of the vagina (aft. 1 h.).

Profuse discharge of menses.( The haemorrhages of henbane seem all to be primary actions. hence its utility in metrorrhagia when the other symptoms of the disease correspond in similarity to those of henbane.[GREDING, 1. c., p. 81.]

280. Profuse discharge of menses, with delirious chattering.[GREDING, 1. c., P. 81.]

Catamenia delayed some days.

Suppressed catamenia.

Retardation of the menstrual period. [GREDING, in several places.]

Before the occurrence of the menses, labour-like pains, as in child birth, in the womb, with drawing in the loins and sacrum.

285. The catamenia appear on the fourteenth day.

Hands and feet tremble violently, almost convulsively, and she is as if maniacal during the catamenial period. [GREDING. l.c., p. 83.]

Diuresis during the catamenia. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 83.]

Diuresis and perspiration during the catamenia. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 84.]

Perspiration during the catamenia [GREDING, 1, c., p. 86.]

290. Before the appearance of the catamenia hysterical pains. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 106.]

Almost incessant loud laughter before the appearance of the catamenia. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 106.]

The catamenia came on with profuse perspiration, headache and nausea. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 98.]

Excitation of the sexual organs and erection of the penis, without excitement of the imagination (aft. 1/2 h.). [Fz.]

Sexual desire.(See 293.)

295. Impotence in the male.( For two months.)[DE RUEF,( Effect of inhaling vapour for toothache.) in Nova Acta Natur. Cur., t. iv, obs.59.]

Foetid breath and exhalation from the mouth, which he himself perceives, on rising in the morning (aft. 24 h.). [Fg.]

Frequent sneezing, without coryza (aft. 1.1/2 h.). [Lr.]

Sensation as if something were sticking in the wind-pipe and could not be dislodged by coughing.

Much mucus in the trachea and larynx, which makes the voice and speech not clear (aft. 1/2 h.). [Fz.l

300. Tightness of the chest. [ HUNERWOLF, 1. c.]

A squeezing in the upper part of the chest, tiresome and yet not painful, not increased either by walking or by speaking (aft. 6 h.). [Stf.]

Dyspnoea. [HUNERWOLF, 1. c.-GREDIN, 1. c., p. 90.]

Difficult breathing, with occasional rattling. [CAMERARIUS, 1 c.]

A tight feeling across the chest as from too great exertion by speaking of running. [Stf.]

305. Oppression of the chest, like shortness of breath, and at the same time strong cardiac impulse (aft. 3 h.). [Ws.]

During an oppressive aching in the chest, at the same time internal shooting, worst during inspiration (aft. 3/4 h.). [Fz.]

Aching inferiorly in the right side of the chest, which when going upstairs is accompanied by great anxiety and dyspnoea (aft. 6 h.). [Fz.]

Pressure on the right side of the chest, near the ensiform cartilage and the last true rib, with great anxiety and oppression of the breath. (aft. 6/5 h.). [Fz.]

Hard pressure with stitches on the chest (aft. 3 h.). [Fz.]

310. (A burning pain in the left side, in the evening.)

Shooting in the side of the chest. [STEDMAN, 1, c.]

Shooting in the tight side. [Fr. H-n.]

A dry tickling short cough, which seems to come from the trachea. [Stf.]

Short dry cough.

315. Dry, spasmodic, continued cough. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 96. ]

At night, dry cough.

Nocturnal cough.

He coughs often at night, and wakes up every time and then goes to sleep again (aft. 30 h.).

Whilst lying almost incessant cough, which goes off on sitting up.

320. Greenish expectoration with the cough.

Cough, which is worst at night.( After a cold) [GREDING, 1. c., p. 109. ]

Shooting in the scapulae.

(A warm feeling in the back, immediately.) [Stf.]

(Tearing pain in the back.)

325. Tension of the pectoral and dorsal muscles at the shoulder-joint, especially when raising up the arm, as if they were too short (aft. 6 h.). [ Ws.]

Backache..[GREDING, 1. c., p. 99.]

Fixed pains in the loins.

Repeated pains in the loins. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 106.]

Pain in the loins and swelling about the ankles. [GREDING, 1. C., p.108. ]

330. Shooting pain in the loins and side. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 108.]

(In the evening after bodily exercise, trembling of the arm.)

Externally on the elbow a couple of pimples with some pain when touched (aft. 9 h.). [Ws.]

Aching in the bend of the elbow when he holds the arm still in a bent position (aft. 3/4 h.). [Fz.]

A dull pain in the wrist and elbow-joints, which extended farther, and was alleviated by movement. [Stf.]

335. Itching pricks on the flexor side of the forearm (aft. 1 h.). [Ws.]

Continued prick as with a needle on the flexor side of the forearm (aft. 5 h.). [Ws.]

Painful numbness (stupor) of the hands. [G. CLAUDER.( From preparing a fomentation of H., therefore local effect.) in Misc. Nat. Cur., Dec. v, Ann. 6,

Obs. 178.]

Numbness of the hands.( This and S. 341 occurred in one woman only. Qy. did she prepare the leave for the broth? ) [STEDMAN, 1. c.]

A formication in the left hand, as if gone to sleep. [Stf.]

340. Drawing aching pain about the wrist-joint and knuckles of the hand (aft. 1/4 h.). [Fz.]

Swelling of hands. (See note to S. 338.) [STEDMAN, 1. c,]

An aching drawing on the inner borders of the fingers on movement (aft 1.5 h.). [Fz.]

In the left gluteus muscle, sharp stitches with cramp-pain (aft. 5 h.). [Ws.]

Redness of the nates and feet. [HAMBERGER, 1. c.]

345. A boil on the left thigh.[ GREDING 1 c., p. 106]

A tensive pain across the middle of the thighs, as if they were too short, on going up-stairs.

Shooting drawing in the thighs; worse when at rest (aft. 1 h.) [ Ws. ]

A paralytic drawing in the thighs, especially when walking.

Gangrenous spots and blisters break out, chiefly on the lower limbs (aft. 24 h.). [BLOM, 1. c.]

350. While walking in the open air, stiffness and weariness in the knee -joints (aft. 3 h.). [Fz.]

Weariness and weakness of the feet. (“Feet and legs” in original.) [GREDING, 1. c., p.76.STEDMAN, 1. C.]

Swelling of the foot. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 82.]

On moving pain in the calves, like cramp, in the afternoon.

Pinching in the calves (aft. 1 h.). [Ws.]

355. (When walking, pain in the left tibia, as if bruised, especially in the evening, whilst the side of the calf is hot, swollen, and covered with red, miliary rash, but without pain and without itching (aft. 72 h.).

Shooting pinching on the tibia (aft. 5 h.). [Ws.]

In the ankle-joint a cutting pain when walking.

The ankle-joint is painful as if bruised, in the afternoon.

When walking and advancing the feet and when ascending the toes are spasmodically flexed, as if from cramp.

360. He cries out from (pinching) twitching pains in the feet. [GREDING, 1. c. p. 106.]

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.