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Hahnemann’s proving symptoms of homeopathy remedy Hepar Sulphuris Calacreum from Materia Medica Pura, which Samuel Hahnemann wrote between 1811 to 1821 …

(From vol. iv, 2nd edit., 1825.)

(A mixture of equal parts of finely powdered oyster shells and quite pure flowers of sulphur, kept for ten minutes at a white heat, and stored up in well-corked bottles. I have found a very small portion of a grain of the million-fold attenuation (by means of sugar) quite sufficient, often too large, for a dose.)

[HAHNEMANN was assisted in this proving by FRIEDRICH HAHNEMANN and STAPF]

Two symptoms are taken from

HINZE, A. H., in Hufel. Journ. d. pr. A., Sept., 1815.

In the 1st edit the number of symptoms of hepar is 206; in this 2nd edit 298; in the Chr. Kr. there are 661.]

When driving in a carriage such great vertigo that on getting out she could not stand alone.

Faint vertigo and a staring of the eyes, as if he sat wrapped in thoughts, but without seeing anything.

On shaking the head vertigo and headache.

In the morning on awaking aching pain in the head.

5. In the morning in bed dull headache, which diminished after rising. [Stf.]

Drawing and aching in the temples by day.

In the right half of the brain a sharp pressure, varying in intensity.

Tensive headache above the nose.

In one half of the brain a continued pain as from a peg or blunt nail driven into the brain.

10. On rising up again after stooping and on every movement stitches in the head, especially after walking in the open air.

A boring pain on a small spot in the side of the head.

Boring pain in the right temple extending into the upper part of the head.

The hair falls out very much (aft. 5 d.).

The hair on several parts of the head falls out, and bald spots are formed.

15. Eruption of pimples, like wheals, on the hairy scalp and nape, which feel sore when touched, but not when let alone.

Eruption of many pimples on the side of the forehead, worst in the room, but which soon get better in the open air.

Two painless, swollen elevations on the forehead.

At night violent headache, as if the forehead would be torn out, with general heat without thirst.

In the morning as soon as he wakes until some time after rising, pain in the forehead, as if sore, almost as if bruised, increased by moving the eyes; at the same time a similar, slight, but very disagreeable pain in the abdomen.

20. Internal pain in the forehead, like needle-pricks.

From midnight onwards (in bed) until noon, pain like a boil in the forehead, and when stooping and coughing like needle-pricks; externally when touched the forehead was also painful like a boil and needle-pricks, several mornings.

On lying down in the afternoon, as spasmodic twitching in the frontal muscles, which only went off on getting up.

Boring pain in the bones of the upper part of the orbit.

(In the outer canthus of the eye a cutting pain.)

25. Eruption of pimples on the upper eyelids and below the eyes.

Inflammation, redness and swelling of the upper eyelid, with pain more aching than shooting.

On waking the eyelids are closed, so that he is unable to open them for a long time.

The eyes get sore, they become gummed up in the night; in the evening he cannot see the candle-light well, the eyes become dim and matter is secreted in them.

One eye sore, inflamed and swollen; redness of the white.

30. The eyes are red and have aching pain, especially on moving.

Aching pain in the eyeballs and bruised feeling when touched.

Yellowness of the face, with blue rings round the eyes.

Yellowish skin and complexion.

All day sensible and visible redness of the cheeks, without thirst or shivering, for several days.

35. In the evening (about 7 o’clock) heat in the face.

Heat in the face in the night and on waking in the morning.

In the morning erysipelatous swelling of the cheeks (aft. 48 h.).

Swelling of the left cheek, for two days. [Fr.H-n.]

Heat, redness and itching of the outer ears, for six days.

On blowing the nose violent stitches in the ear.

40. In the evening on going to sleep, until he falls asleep, roaring and beating before the ears.

Drawing pain in the nose, which then goes into the eyes and becomes a smarting (in the morning.)

Pain on the back of the nose on touching it, as if sore.

Bruised pain on the tip of the nose.

45. Feeling of ulcerated nostrils.

He blows coagulated blood from the nose.

Every morning some drops of blood come out of the nose.

Epistaxis, repeated two days.

Loss of the smell.

50. Very acute smell. (Seems to be curative action.)

In the middle of the upper lip a tensive pain.

Great swelling of the upper lip, which is very painful when grasped, but at other times is only tense, for three days. [Fr.H-n.]

An ulcer on the commissures of the lips. (Which bellabonna removes, as it does also many other of the sufferings caused by hepar, where the symptoms correspond together in similarity.)

Eruption on the commissure of the lips, with hot feeling there.

55. On the right side of the chin, towards the under lip, vesicles and ulcers with burning sensation.

Eruption of pimples on the chin, above and below the lips and on the neck, like wheals, which are painful as if excoriated only when touched, not when let alone.

Swelling of the gums at the back molars, with some out-pressing pain, as if a new tooth were about to come there; the pain is worst when he touches or bites on the teeth.

Twitching in the gums.

In the evening drawing toothache in a hollow tooth, as if too much blood were forced upon the nerves.

60. Toothache (aft. 1 h.). [Fr.H-n.]

Toothache, especially when eating.

Toothache (aft. 6 p.m.): the tooth commences to be loose and has drawing pain, a pain that is worse in the warm room and better in the open air, neither aggravated nor ameliorated by cold water, nor yet by applying the warm hand; not aggravated by speaking, but only by biting the teeth together, and then there is twitching in it.

A hollow tooth becomes loose and painful when biting on it (aft. 3 h.).

In the throat when swallowing and yawning, shooting pain, as if a splinter were sticking in it; on yawning the shooting goes to the ear.

65. On breathing deeply there is shooting in the throat.

On turning the head there is shooting in the throat extending to the ear.

Single fine pricks on the external parts of the neck and behind the ears, like flea-bites.

Many small papules in the nape and on both sides of the neck, but not painful. [fr.H-n.]

Bruised pain of the external cervical muscles, with sore throat; there is pain on swallowing as from a swelling in the throat (aft. 24 h.).

70. In the morning, sensation in the throat as from a lug of mucus, which will not come away – a kind if internal swelling at the commencement of the oesophagus.

Immediately after supper a pressure under the larynx, as if something were sticking in the throat.

On swallowing, a feeling as if there were a swelling in the throat, over which he must swallow.

Scraping in the throat, for three days. [Fr.H-n.]

Rough and scrapy in the throat, even per se, but it feels most sore on swallowing solid food.

75. A choking and scraping feeling in the throat, as from burnt lard, in the morning.

Scraping in the throat; it is always so full of water, that she must be constantly spitting.

In the evening after a meal he must hawk up much mucus from the throat.

She always felt as if water rose up in the oesophagus, as when one has partaken of something acid.

Flow of watery saliva from the mouth, like water-brash, which recurs next day at the same hour.

80. Flow of saliva from the mouth, with inclination to vomit.

In the morning bitter slimy taste in the mouth.

A bitter taste in the mouth; the food also tastes bitter.

Bitterness at the back of the throat, but food tastes all right.

She has an earthy taste in the throat, although food tastes tolerably natural.

85. (Loss of the sense of taste.)

(He loathes everything, especially fat.)

(He has sometimes an appetite for something, but when he gets it, he does not like it.)

He has appetite only for sour and strong tasting (piquant) things.

More thirst than hunger.

90. Intolerable thirst for wine (which she usually disliked); this thirst was only allayed for a short time by wine and water (aft. 1 h.). [Stf.]

Uncommonly great thirst from morning till evening. [Fr.H-n.]


Burning in the throat during eructation.

Nausea, frequently during the day.

95. Qualmish, inclined to vomit. [Stf.]

In the morning nausea and inclination to vomit, when sitting and standing, which ceases on lying down.

Vomiting in the morning.

Sour vomiting in the afternoon.

Aching in the stomach, after eating but little.

100. Tension in the scrobiculus cordis; he must unbutton his clothes and cannot bear to sit.

A hard pressure rising up out of the abdomen, which remains fixed in the scrobiculus cordis, and is only relieved by the discharge of flatus.

His abdomen is as hard as a stone, and there is pressure under the scrobiculus cordis.

Abdomen distented by flatulence, tightness of abdomen.

Distented, swollen abdomen, without flatulence.

105. Drawing pain in the epigastrium and at the same time over the sacrum (immediately).

Bellyache, like drawing pain.

Contractive pain in the abdomen.

Clawing in the umbilical region from both sides of the abdomen towards the middle, which sometimes rises up to the scrobiculus cordis, and causes nausea and anxious heat in the cheeks, in fits – almost as if from a chill or from the approach of the menstrual period (aft. 3 h.).

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.