Twisting sensation above the navel.

110. Spasms in the abdomen (aft. 3 d.).

Pinching in the abdomen, as from a chill.

Violent stitches in the left side of the abdomen, just under the ribs.

A very disagreeable though slight pain in the abdomen, almost as from a bruise, from the early waking until some time after getting up, accompanied by a similar pain in the forehead.

(He feels much emptiness in the bowels.)

115. For several days, towards evening, cutting in the abdomen, without diarrhoea.

Cutting in the abdomen.

Every morning a wandering about of flatulence in the abdomen, accompanied by disagreeable feeling, especially in the sides of the abdomen; a kind of colic.

Rumbling in the abdomen.

Discharge of flatus at night.

120. The glands in the groin become painful per se, and still more when touched, they are painful as if they were swollen.

Buboes, abscesses of the inguinal glands.

With much urging very difficult evacuation of scanty, not hard faeces.

Frequent stools, also at night; very little is evacuated, and yet it is with pressing and tenesmus and exhaustion.

Diarrhoea of bloody mucus, with rumbling as if behind in the back (without pain in the abdomen).

125. Three diarrhoeic stools, and at the same time a qualmish feeling of nausea in the abdomen, with rumbling in it.

Every day a couple of slightly loose stools, preceded by some pinching; there then comes some flatus before the loose stool and some more flatus afterwards.

For several days clay-coloured stool.

Greenish stool.

A pimple above the anus, and feeling of swelling there.

130. (Burning at the anus.)

Even when first passed the urine is cloudy like whey, and deposits a white sediment (aft. 12 h.).

Urine when first passed quite pale and clear, on standing cloudy, thick, and depositing a white sediment.

Dark yellow urine; it scalds when passing.

When urinating the last drops of urine are bloody.

135. Great discharge of urine (aft. 4 d.).

He dare not urinate any more at night, at least he wakes up for it. (Curative reaction of the organism.)(The meaning of this symptom is obscure; it is omitted in the Chr. Kr.)

Impeded micturition: he must wait some time before the urine comes, and then it flows out slowly, for many days.

The urine scalds on the external parts of the genitals, and erodes the inner surface of the prepuce and makes it ulcerated.

The orifice of the urethra looks red and inflamed.

140. Itching externally on the penis and on the frenulum of the glans.

A stitch in the region of the frenulum glandis.

Shooting pain in the prepuce.

Externally on the prepuce ulcers appear resembling chancres.

Frequent sneezing (immediately).

145. Without having a cold the child blows much from its nose, of an evil odour.

Coryza and spitting of much saliva.

Coryza and scraping in the throat.

Like catarrhal fever; internally chilly and cross.

Tickle in the throat and suffocation making him cough.

150. Scrapy, scratchy cough.

When the smallest member becomes cool, there immediately occurs a cough, as from a chill and oversensitiveness of the nervous system.

(The cough is particularly troublesome when walking.)

Cough day and night.

Cough ending in sneezing.

155. Cough evening and morning.

Dry, deep cough, from tightness of the breath (suffocation) when breathing; with this deep cough there is pain in the upper part of the chest as if sore.

Suffocative cough; cough not excited by a tickling but by tightness of breath.

Cough, and on breathing deeply the most severe cough, which makes him vomit.

Dry cough on going to bed, in the evening (aft. 4 d.).

160. In the evening impulses of dry cough.

In the evening the cough teases her much.

Dry, almost uninterrupted cough from an irritation in the upper part of the left side of the throat, which is worst when talking and stooping; late in the evening it always increases and then suddenly ceases (aft. 2 h.).

After going to bed at night from 11 till 12 o’clock, violent cough (with expectoration of mucus).

Cough with expectoration of mucus, all day; a scraping irritation in the wind-pipe, but especially in the throat, excites it. [Fr.H-n.]

165. Cough frequently wakes her early from sleep.

From time to time violent fits of coughing, almost causing suffocation or vomiting.

Cough which excites vomiting.

Violent, deep cough of several impulses, which strikes painfully on the larynx and causes retching.

First in the scrobiculus cordis a feeling as of a hard body, then coughing of blood, the foetid perspiration, then weakness in the head (aft. 48 h.).

170. Bloody expectoration, with cross humour and exhaustion.

Every three or four hours a severe fit of coughing with much expectoration; but the cough does not wake him out of sleep at night.

Cough with expectoration.

Viscid mucus in the chest (aft. 5 d.).

Shortness of breath.

175. Frequent deep breathing and walking.

In the sternum shooting when breathing and walking.

In the side of the chest, towards the back, shooting pain.

Eruption of two pimples on the sternum, which are acutely painful, like wounds, and have pus in their apices.

A boil on the last right rib, which has stitches in it per se, and is very painful when touched.

180. Abscess of the axillary glands.

Frequently recurring pain in the sacrum.

In the sacrum a pain drawing hither and hither, worst when walking. [Fr.H-n.]

Severe pain in the sacrum, like a cutting through; she could neither stand, lie, nor walk, during movement and when at rest (aft. 14 d.).

In the morning in bed drawing in the sacrum and on the whole back; after rising the whole of the back was painful on moving, she could hardly move; at the same time weakness in the limbs disinclination for eating and work, with shivering, chilliness, and adipsia.

185. A pain compounded of bruised sensation and sharp pressure in the sacrum and lumbar vertebrae, but especially in the junction of the sacrum with the pelvic bones, which causes a sort of limping when walking; there is also pain when standing, sitting, and lying, which extends down into the lower extremities.

In the loins and ossa ischii pain as if dislocated, when sitting and turning the body when walking.

At night tensive pain in the back, worst when turning the body.

Some violent stitches in the back.

Pain between the scapulae.

190. Fine tearing in the left shoulder.

Some twitching here and there in the left arm.

(At night the arm on which he has lain goes to sleep.)

Bruised pain in the shafts of the humeri.

In the point of the elbow pain as if contused or aching only on moving after a long walk; it went off in the open air.

195. Drawing pain in the flexor tendons of the forearm (not in the joints).

Drawing tearing pain in the extensor tendons of the fingers and in the muscles belonging to them in the forearm.

After midnight pain in the inner side of the forearm, and over the back of thand, aching, boring, and as if excoriated, more painful when touched, less by day.

Pain in the wrist.

On the hand and wrist a small gritty eruption with itching.

200. Swelling of the right hand.

Hot swelling and redness of one hand, which causes an intolerable sprained pain when moved, that extends into the arm.

On pressing the spread-out fingers against something they knuckle up; a sort of tendency to dislocate readily.

The finger-joints are swollen and the seat of gouty pains.

Needle-pricks in one finger.

205. Two boils on one of the nates.

A red itching lump on the upper part of the left nates.

Excoriation in the fold between the scrotum and thigh.

A formicating pain in the inferior extremity which drew it quite crooked; most pain when walking and standing.

Bruised pain in the anterior muscles of the thigh.

210. All night long painful tension in the thighs and legs that prevents sleep.

Sudden pain of exhaustion in the thigh whilst walking, so that he is unable to walk further.

In the right thigh tearing pain (immediately).

On the outer side of the knee-joint and in the thigh and legs tearing pain, even when at rest, as from excessive fatigue and over exertion.

Swelling of the knee.

215. Aching pain in the hough on moving.

Great weariness in the feet, especially on ascending.

Stiff feeling in the ankle-joint, with a sensation of numbness and stiffness there.

In the evening, after having slept rather restlessly and tossed about on bed, there came on the outer side of the foot, on which he had lain without feeling pain, a pain for half an hour that made him cry out as from a violent knock or blow; the pain was allayed only by grasping the foot and stroking it with the fingers, but not by moving (aft. 36 h.).

Pain in the foot, especially in the ankle-joint, as if gathering.

220. A tearing pain in the foot at night.

Drawing burning pain in the feet to the ankles, in the evening in bed.

Burning pain in the feet, especially on their dorsum, in the morning in bed.

Swelling of the feet about the ankles, with dyspnoea.

When walking, stitch in the tendo Achillis, and when lying in bed tearing in it.

225. Some stitches on the instep.

Formication in the sole of the fott.

Tearing in the big toe, worse when walking than when standing.

A severe stitch through the big toe.

A corn that had hitherto been free from pain commences to have burning pain when pressed slightly, mingled with a stitch-like sensation.

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.