230. The nail of the right big toe pains violently (simple or ulcerative pains) on slight pressure.

On the toe a burning itching.

Formication in the toes and tips of the fingers (aft. 24 h.).

Stitches in the joints when at rest and when moving.

Drawing and paralytic pain in the limbs, namely, in the fleshly parts of the arms, but especially of the thighs and legs.

235. Cracked lines and chaps in the hands and feet.

Even small wounds and slight injuries on the body suppurate, will not heal, and become ulcers (unwholsome, festering skin).

The ulcer bleeds on being merely gently wiped.

The affected part becomes inflamed (aft. 3 h.).

Burning and throbbing in the ulcer at night.

240. The wart inflames: stitches in it as if it would ulcerate.

Single severe stitches in the ulcer (on laughing) (aft. 4 h.).

(Fine prickly itching).

Burning itching on the body, especially in the morning on rising; after scratching white blisters appear which exude white drops and soon afterwards disappear.

Eruption of pimples the size of a pea here and there on the body.

245. Nettle rash, e.g. on the wrist.

Eroding pain in the ulcer.

An itching erosion in the ulcer.

While walking in the open air a trembling in the knees, anxiety and heat in the whole body, the soles of the feet burned.

After dinner he was weak when walking in the open air; all the limbs were fatigued and there was a stretching in them, as if he were about to have ague; on continuing to walk a cold sweat came over him; thereafter in the evening in bed he could not go to sleep on account of hot feeling; he did not fall asleep until 2 a.m.

250. Excessive excitability and sensitiveness of the nerves, e.g. on the septum of the nose.

Towards evening, from a slight pain, suddenly severe syncope.

Towards evening great drowsy weariness, with frequent, violent, almost convulsive yawning; he can hardly keep from lying down.

In the evening so weary that he fell asleep while sitting.

In the morning very tired on rising from bed, after good sleep; everything feels very heavy to her.

255. Restless sleep; he cannot go to sleep.

Sleeplessness after midnight.

An excess of thoughts will not allow him to sleep after midnight (from 1 to 3 a.m.)

After a meal when slumbering, violent starting up in affright.

Before midnight he sprang up out of sleep, full of anxiety, called for help, and he felt as if he could not get his breath.

260. At night the pains are worst.

In the nocturnal fever, especially during the chill, the pains are worst.

The side of the body on which he lies at night becomes gradually insufferably painful; he must turn round.

Dreams full of quarrels.

Dreams of fire; he feels trembling, &c.

265. He dreamt immediately on going to sleep, and dreamt much and anxiously, without waking.

Chilliness; she sought the heat of the stove. [Stf.]


Frequent shivering, up to the hairy scalp, where the hairs felt painful.

Rigor for an hour (aft. 10 m.).

270. In the open air she is quite depressed by a painful sensation, like a shiver; on account of chilliness she must walk all bent together. [Stf.]

Every evening (about 6 or 7 o’clock) severe chill not followed by heat.

In the evening (8 o’clock) severe chill with chattering of the teeth, for a quarter of an hour, with coldness of the hands and feet, then heat with sweat, especially on the chest and forehead, with slight thirst.

In the morning very bitter taste in the mouth, then after some hours fever first of chill with thirst, and after an hour much heat with disturbed sleep; this fever recurred twice during the day.

Nocturnal dry warmth (Heat) of the body, with perspiration only in the hands, which do not bear to be uncovered.

275. Fever: burning heat with almost unquenchable thirst, tiresome headache and slight wandering, from 4 p.m. onwards through the night, for three successive evening. [A. H. HINZE, (Effects of large doses of hepar given for whooping-cough. – These two symptoms occurred together.) in Hufel. Journ. d. pr. A., 1815, Sept., pp.77, 79.]

Fever with severe oft-repeated vomiting of a green, excessively acrid water and viscid mucus, with constant nausea. (Effects of large doses of hepar given for whooping-cough. – These two symptoms occurred together.) [HINZE, l. c.]

Perspiration in bed from midnight onwards, then she was chilly in bed, and also after rising every morning.

Perspiration about midnight, especially on the back.

Night sweat.

280. Perspiration, from the the evening onwards in bed, especially on the head, so that beads of sweat stood on the face.

Profuse, sour smelling perspiration a night.

Before midnight in bed perspiration.

Profuse clammy night-sweat.

Night-sweat all over the body when awake.

285. In the morning profuse sweat all over the body.

In the morning profuse, continued sweat only no the head.

He perspires very readily during every, even slight, movement.

Profuse sweat day and night. [Fr.H-n.]

The slightest thing put him into a violent passion, he could have murdered any one without hesitation.

290. He was cross, and had such weakness of memory that he could have murdered anyone without hesitation.

290. He was cross, and had such weakness of memory that he required three or four minutes to remember anything, and when at his work the thoughts often left him all at once.

Very cross; every trifle annoyed him (aft. some h.)

Cross about trifles.

Extremely fretful and wayward.

Disposition sad, for many hours; she must weep violently.

295. Sad, dejected anxious.

In the evening a frightful anxiety for two hours; he thought he must be ruined, and was sad to that degree that he could have killed himself.

Very hypochondriacal.

In tmorning in bed after waking, when conscious, he had the visionary appearance of a deceased person, which frightened him, and he also imagined he saw a neighbouring house in flames, which terrified him.


Violent ophthalmia.(A lad of 15, subject to scrofulous ophthalmia, got a very severe attack of ophthalmia whilst taking the bath.) [WALZ, Hufel. Journ, xvi, ii, p. 63.(From Nenndorf water.) ]

Black, pitch-like stools. (In a rheumatic patient while taking the baths and the water internally, the stools said also to be mixed with green mucus.) [WALTZ, l. c., p. 80. (From Nenndorf water.) ]

Flying tearing pains in the feet. (In a man disposed to rheumatism taking the baths for vertigo and noises in the ears; “flying” should be “wandering”

Pulse at first slower. (Statement of effects observed from baths.) [KORTUM. L. c.. iv, p. 24. (From Aix la Chapelle water.) ]

5. Pulse at first about eight or ten beats slower. (Statement of effects observed from baths.) [WALTZ, l. c., xviii. I, p. 88..(From Nenndorf water.)]

Acute fever. (General statement of effects of staying in bath longer than an hour; “fever” simply, not “acute fever,”) (aft. 1 h.). [KORTUM, l. c., p. 25. (From Aix la Chapelle water.) ]

Fever with ophthalmia. (A child of eight, subject to scrofulus ophthalmia, had an attack after the first baths.) [WALTZ, l. c., xvi, p. 62. ]

Fever with erysipelatous skin eruption all over the body. (Sixth day after commencing baths in a syphilitic subject who had been previously treated with mercurials) [WALTZ, l. c., xvi, p. 34.]

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.