During the stool tearing from the pudendum internally up into the abdomen (aft. 22 d.).

(During the evacuation of the stool pains like needle-pricks in the anus.).[Ad.]

After the second stool on the same day a great weakness and pain in the bowels, as if they were screwed together.

110. Painful contraction of the anus (aft. 27 d.).

After the stool she had urging to pass urinate (which smelt strongly), thereafter she became quite weak and early drowsy, but after lying down she could not sleep; she jumped up again immediately, and after waking she had ringing in the ears as though she should faint; thereafter rigor.

A sticky, odourless moisture passes out of the rectum.

A sticky, odourless moisture exudes in great quantity behind the scrotum from the perinaeum.

(He excoriates the nates readily when riding; large blisters appear.)

115. A boil appears in the anus (aft. 16 d.).

Great swelling of the haemorrhoidal vessels, which are the seat of burning pains when walking.

Tearing transversely across the os pubis and then through the pudendum to the anus (aft. 14 d.).

Pressure on the bladder at night.

Sudden call to urinate.

120. The discharge of urine becomes much more copious.

In the morning after waking very profuse discharge of urine(aft. 13 d.).

On slightly pressing, the urine is discharged almost against his will (aft. 16 d.).

Nocturnal seminal emission – for the first time for a long period – with lecherous dreams, without stiffness of penis, and after waking a spasmodic pain along the urethra, especially at its back part.[Ad.]

Leucorrhoea (aft. 14 d.).

125. Leucorrhoea which stains the linen yellow(aft. 21 d.).

Fluent coryza (aft. 10 d.).

Stuffed coryza; he cannot get air through the nose.

Above the nose sensation as at the beginning of a cold in the head – after eating; in the evening this sensation increased.[Ad.]

In the wind pipe pain as after much coughing.

130. In the morning, dryness of the throat and coughing therefrom; as soon as mucus is expectorated the cough is gone.

Cough with expectoration.

(Cough which takes away the breath, as if the breath would remain away.)

In the evening, hacking cough, especially in the evening in bed.

In the morning, anxiety on the chest.

135. After a meal, tightness of the chest.

When sitting and writing she gets shooting under the right breast so that she cannot sit quietly on account of it; after rising up it goes off.

In the evening in bed for an hour rattling and wheezing in the chest.

Painful nodes in the breasts. [Rust’s Magazin, l. c.]

Feeling of coldness in the chest (aft. 7 d.).

140. In the evening, palpitation of the heart without anxiety (aft. 24 d.).

On the coccyx pain, and on touching the part there occurs a burning pain.

In the sacrum a severe stitch.

On breathing deeply, shooting above the sacrum.

Low down in the back, pain.

145. Tension in the nape.

Stiffness in the nape.

Both axillae secrete very much moisture (aft. 22 d.).

Severe itching in the right axilla.

(A digging down in the arm, as if it worked about in the boen; when she lies on this arm she feels less of it.)

150. Drawing pain in the arms and hands.

The wrist-joint is as if dislocated.

Pain in the wrist-joints, like stiffness, on moving them.

Every day, the hand goes to sleep.

The left hand is numb in the morning in bed, this goes off after rising.

155. First the fingers, then the whole hand also, go to sleep.

Tearing in the hands (aft. 10 d.).

The middle joints of the fingers are painful on bending them.

On the proximal joint of the middle finger, a stiffness, on moving.

Itching on a wart on the finger.

160. (In the muscles of the thigh, drawing and tearing.)

When walking some painful stitches in the left hough. [Ad.]

At night a painless drawing up the leg.

Jerking drawing on the tibia. [Ad.]

Painful tension in the calves, when walking.

165. For several days, in the morning, cramp in the calves.

One leg bends under him when walking, as from weakness of the joint.

In the morning prickling formication, as if asleep, in the feet.

Inflammatory swelling on the foot which breaks out on one toe.

In the morning the ball of the big toe is swollen; there is much heat in it, and it is painful as if it had been frost-bitten, and as if ulcerated.

170. Great itching of the toes that had once been frost-bitten(aft. 24 d.).

Cramp very often in the toes, bu day; on walking on an uneven road they seemed as if they bent under him.

All her limbs are as if numb, especially also the head.

Aching pains in the joints and muscles.

Itching spreads over the whole body, especially in the evening in bed.

175. (At night much pain in the joints) (aft. 20 h.).

At night very vivid dreams.[Ad.]

Vivid dreams about scientific subjects; straining of the thinking faculty when dreaming; he composed literary essays in thought and spoke aloud.[Ad.]

Sleep full of vivid fancies.

Sleep very restless with frequent waking.]

180. Very restless night; about 2.30 a.m. no more sleep on account of internal restlessness.

Sleep very restless; he was very much excited, and could not get to sleep before 2 a.m.

In the morning he can scarcely get warm.

From 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. very cold feet.

185. In the evening very cold feet, when she went to bed(aft. 10 h.).

In the evening, in bed, chilly; then sweat during sleep.

At night heat and moisture on the skin(aft. 18 d.).

Profuse night-sweat (aft. 6 d.).

At first indifferent, afterwards increased excitability of the disposition for emotional impressions.[Ad.]

190. Takes things in bad part.[Ad.]

Extraordinary gay. [Ad.]

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.