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Carbo animalis Fever Symptoms

Allen gives the therapeutic indications of the remedy Carbo Animalis in different kinds of fevers like: Continued, Bilious, Intermittent, Malarial, Remittent, Pernicious, Typhoid, Typhus, Septic fever, etc…


Characteristic – Adapted to scrofulous subjects, especially the young, or the venous plethora of elderly persons, with blue cheeks, blue lips and great debility, circulation feeble, stagnated, and vital heat sinks to a minimum.

Glands indurated, swollen, painful, in neck, axillae, inguinal region, mammae, pains lancinating, cutting, burning (Conium).

Easily strained from lifting even small weights, straining and overlifting easily produce great debility.

Joints weak, easily turned or sprained (Ledum, Psorinum).

Headache at night, has to sit and hold head with both hands to prevent it from falling to pieces.

Aversion to open, dry, cold air.

After appearance of menses, so weak she can hardly speak (can hardly stand, Alumina, Cocculus indicus), menses flow only in morning.

A stitching pain remains in chest after recovery from pleurisy (Ran-b.).

Menstruation, leucorrhea, diarrhea are all exhausting (Arsenicum are all offensive, Psorinum).

Aggravation: After shaving (Amelioration after shaving, Bromium), slightest touch, after midnight.

Amelioration: From warmth, eating.

Type: Periodicity not marked.

Time: Evening paroxysm 5 to 8, and 11 P.M.

Chill: Without thirst. Great chilliness during the day. Chill after eating ( Belladonna – after drinking, Caps. – after eating and drinking, Asarum europaeum ). Internal chill on beginning to eat, chill awoke her at night, commencing in the chest ( Apis ), with shivering down the back, with ice cold feet, chilly when a little air entered the room ( Camph., Cantharis ). Could not bear being uncovered because she immediately became chilly ( Aconite, Nux ). Chill with goose – flesh, from 5 till 8 in the evening, afterwards at 11 P.M., waking with profuse sweat lasting till 2 o’clock, during which she could not tolerate the bed – clothes. Great chilliness during day.

Heat: Without thirst, with redness and burning of the cheeks in the evening, frequent flushes of heat in the cheeks, with redness. Heat always after a chill, mostly at night in bed. Head and upper part of the body were hot, with cold limbs, which only gradually became warm towards morning. Averse to uncovering during heat.

Sweat: Offensive night-sweat, stains the linen yellow (flies trouble him very much on account of the perspiration, Caladium ). At night or towards morning. Fetid, debilitating, exhausting, profuse sweat (Psorinum), when walking, slightest exertion even when eating. Sweat in hollows of knees (Bufo), profuse of the feet and thighs.

Symptoms of this stage always guiding and predominant. (Bryonia and Cinchona have profuse, debilitating sweat, but lack the offensiveness of Carbo a.).

Relations – Complementary: Calcarea phos.

Tongue: Blisters on the tongue and sides of the tongue ( Cantharis ), which pain as if burnt. Burning on tip of the tongue and rawness of the mouth, relieved by eating. Ravenous hunger (Cina, Phosphorus).

Apyrexia: Never clear. All the constitutional troubles are aroused, and every disease is extremely prostrating. Leucorrhea stains linen yellow.

Analysis: The profuse, debilitating, offensive, exhausting sweat, is characteristic.

Carbo an will rarely be indicated, unless the fever be developed after or upon some constitutional trouble. The sweating stage is very exhausting, and out of all proportion to the chill and heat.

The fever generally accompanies some dyscrasia, with glandular swellings or where benign tend to malignant diseases.

Compare: Caps. and Carbo vegetabilis

H. C. Allen
Dr. Henry C. Allen, M. D. - Born in Middlesex county, Ont., Oct. 2, 1836. He was Professor of Materia Medica and the Institutes of Medicine and Dean of the faculty of Hahnemann Medical College. He served as editor and publisher of the Medical Advance. He also authored Keynotes of Leading Remedies, Materia Medica of the Nosodes, Therapeutics of Fevers and Therapeutics of Intermittent Fever.