Disagreeable itching on the right side of the prepuce at its anterior border, more internally, but pleasant during and after scratching. [Fr. H-n.]

An itching under the prepuce and at the frenum, with some redness and moisture behind the corona glandis. [Hl.]

180. Eroding burning and shooting in the external parts of the prepuce, and in the urethra at the corona glandis. [Fz.]

The whole of the prepuce is dark red, hot, and inflamed. [Fr. H-n.]

Soreness on the border and on the inside of the prepuce. [Fr. H-n.]

Constant burning on the whole of the prepuce and glans, for four days; on applying cold water there occurred soreness. [Fr. H-n.]

The border of the prepuce is excoriated. [Fr. H-n.]

185. The glans itself is dark red, as dark red as the prepuce itself. [Fr. H-n.]

The skin of the glans is covered with lentil-sized, bright-red spots, brighter than the glans itself. [Fr. H-n.]

The whole penis pains when walking as if excoriated and as if scalded (he must tie it up in an upright position). [Fr. H-n.]

Round about the back of the corona glandis an exudation and moisture like gonorrhoea preputialis. [Fr. H-n.]

On the right near the penis pain like penetrating blows, when at rest and when moving.[Gss.]

190. When standing, a tensive pain in the spermatic cord, and contraction of the scrotum, with a contractive feeling in it.

When standing a pressive feeling in the testicles, a tugging in them.

Swelling of the prostate gland.

The sexual desire is much excited, but sterility is caused. [OLEARIUS, (General statement of effects; but C. Indica is probably intended.) Oriental. Reisebechrieb., p. 529.]

Excited the sexual desire in human beings and in animals. [HALLER, in Vicat, (General statement of effects.) Mat. Medorrhinum]

  1. Profuse menstrual flux (from external application). [NEUHOLD, l. c.]

Premature labour (in the eighth month) accompanied by frightful convulsions. (From lying all day on fresh hemp. Preceded by S. 18.) [NEUHOLD, l. c.]

Dryness and dry feeling in the nose (aft. 5 d.).

Dry feeling and heat in the nose (aft. 5 d.).

Sneezing and feeling of stuffed coryza, and yet he can breathe through the nose. [We.]

200. In the morning, viscid mucus sticks in the lower part of the wind-pipe; coughing and hacking cannot reach it, and he strains too much to detach a little, which, however, does not comeinto the mouth, and which he must swallow; after the coughing and hacking there remains a scraping feeling down along the wind-pipe, as if it was raw and excoriated there; at length the mucus detaches itself spontaneously and he must repeated hawk it up. [Gss.]

In the morning she has scraping in the hest as from salt; she must hack and swallow what she hawks up because it will not come into the mouth. [Gss.]

About the seventh day the previously viscid phlegm detaches itself easily in the morning, and the previous difficulty of breathing (as in weight lay on the chest) was immediately relieved. [Gss.]

Oppression of the breathing from a tensive aching pain in the middle of the sternum, which is also painful to the touch; at the same time sleepiness.

Inspiration is difficult; it is as if a weight lay on her chest. [Gss.]

205. She is oppressed on the chest and has a feeling of anxiety in the thorat; she must breathe deeply. [Gss.]

Violent pinching together under the sternum, in the lower part of the chest, whereby the breathing is not impeded; on bending back it goes off, and is worst when stooping forwards and then worse when inspiring. [Gss.]

In the left side of the chest, without oppression of the breathing, a pushing with intermittent obtuse stitches- a kind of pressing inwards. [Gss.]

In both sides of the chest blows or knoks, which recur frequently and at the sae time impede respiration, but are most painful in the region of the heart.

On corporeal exertion and stooping, a couple of violent blows at the heart, as if it would fall out; at the same time a warmth about the heart (aft. 48 h.).

210. A beating in her left side of the ribs. [Gss.]

An out-hammering under the costal cartilage near the sternum. [Gss.]

Digging under the top of the sternum, without oppression of the breathing. [Gss.]

Drawing pain at the left last rib. [Fz.]

Shooting in the external toracic integuments. [Fz.]

215. Cutting over the external thoracic integuments. [Fz.]

Tensive oppression of the left half of the chest, with slight jerking, palpitation of the heart and anxiety. [Gss.]

At the xiphoid cartilage an elevation and a node, which grew for two years painlessly and then caused difficulty of breathing. (See note to S. 118.) [MORGAGNI, Epist. x, art. 13.]

Beating in the cardiac region. [MORGAGNI, l. c.]

220. Tightness of chest. [RAMAZZINI, (See note to 100.) diatribe de morb. Artif,., Cap. 26.]

Difficult breathing, without expectoration. (Subject of S. 225. Being tired with carrying a burden, had S. 309 and 228, and came into hospital with this dyspnoea. Died of phrtenitis. See Hahnemann’s note to S. 330.) [MORGAGNI, l. c., Epist. vii, art. 18.]

Very much impeded respiration. [MORGAGNI, l. c., Epist. xv, art. 6.]

Orthopnoea; he could only breathe with his neck stretched upwards, with whistling in the windpipe, and great distension of the abdomen. (A man convalescing from acute fever,” after irregularities in food and drink and continual handling of hemp.”had this symtpom with S. 222, 74, 79, 119, 229.) . [MORGAGNI, l. c.]

On lying down, difficult respiration. (See note to S. 100.) [MORGAGNI, l. c., Epist. x, art. 13.]

225. Six or seven times inflammation of the chest and lungs. (Local effect.) [MORGAGNI, Epist. vii, art. 13.]

Inflammation of the lungs with vomiting of a green bilious matter, (Local effect.) [MORGAGNI, l. c.]

Inflammation of the lungs with incoherent talking, (Local effect.) [MORGAGNI, l. c.]

Pain like needle-pricks on the left nipple. (See note to S. 221.) [MORGAGNI, l. c.]

Expiration caused him to cough. (See note to S. 223.) [MORGAGNI. Epist. xv, art. 6.]

230. Sometimes tussiculation proceeding from the pit of the throat when a cool, salt fluid is felt deep bback in the throat. [Stf.]

Constant cough. [RAMMAZINI, l. c.]

Dry, very violent cough. [NEUHOLD, l. c.]

On the coccyx, pressure as with a blunt point. [Gss.]

On the left ear near the coccyx in the bone, a pain as if this part was forcibly pressed against a hard body. [Gss.]

235. On the lower dorsal vertebrae of the thorax a heavy pressive and fine shooting pain (for 50 days), which sometimes extended to the loins or to the scapulae. (See note to 118.). [MORGAGNI, Epist. x, art. 13.]

Slowly intermitting obtuse stitches on the left side of th back, under the last rib. [Gss.]

Pain in the middle of the back as if pinched with forceps, which extended forwards towards the abdomen. [Fz.]

The pain in the back often takes away his breath. [Fz.]

On the right near the scapula, itching fine stitches, that go off after scratching. [Gss.]

240. Burning under the right scapula. [Fz.]

On the lowest part of the nape, stabbing as with a knife. [Fz.]

Drawing upwards in the nape on the cervical vertebrae. [Fz.]

Drawing from the nape to the ear, rather cramp-like and external. [Gss.]

Tearing pressure on the top of the shoulder in fits. [Gss.]

245. In pressing between the head of the clavicle and the head of the humeurs a severe pain, that radiated down into the fingers. [Gss.]

On extending the arm, sensatoin in the shoulder, as if it was bruised. [Fz.]

Cramp-like, intermitting contraction of the right hand. [Gss.]

(Wrist-joint as if dead; he could not move it.)

Cramp-like contraction of the metacarpal bones. [Gss.]

250. Obtuse stitch inferiorly in the palm over the bones of the wrist. [Gss.]

Coldness and cold feeling of the hands. [Ho.]

Cramp in the joint of the thumb when writing. [Fz.]

Formication as if asleep in the tips of the fingers, and as if they were numb (immediately after taking the drug.) [Hl.]

A sudden paresis of the hand; when eating he could not hold the fork with the fingers; the whole hand trembled on taking hold of anything; there was a kind of helplessness and painful powerlessness in it. [Stf.]

255. Eruption of pimples on the buttock and thigh; small white vesicles with large, red, smooth areola, which burn like fire, especially when lying on them or touching them; they leave brownish-red spots after two days, which are very painful when touched. [Fz.]

On the right hip a cramp-like, twitching, strangling pain, almost making him cry out.

In the flesh of the upper part of the thigh, near the groin, acute sharp needle-pricks. [Gss.]

A shudder passes over the thighs (immediately). [Gss.]

Shudder on the right thigh, like goose-skin. [Fz.]

260. Painless cramp-sensation at the back of the right thigh, as if a muscles were beginning to twitch. [Fz.]

Constant aching anteriorly in the middle of the thigh, when sitting. [Gss.]

A shudder often runs over the legs from below upwards. [Gss.]

Prickling burning on the left knee in fits. [Gss.]

Cramp in the calf when walking.

265. When walking a drawing like cramp in the popliteal space, which spreads up along the inner muscles of the thigh. [Fz.]

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.