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When walking in the open air the headache, heat of the cheeks nad sleepy crossness go off. [Stf.]

235. When walking in the open air he seems to be floating like a disembodied spirit. [Fz.]

Frequent yawning. [L. Rkt.]

Towards evening he becomes so weak, with sick feeling, that when he sits upright he feels as if he would every moment succumb and die, he must lie down in be. [L. Rkt.]

Very great drowsiness by day 9aft. 12, 13, 14 d.) [L. Rkt.]

Drowsiness, crossness. [Stf.]

240. (On alternate nights restless sleep; he cannot readily fall asleep.)

During sleep such a violent shooting in the dorsum of the left foot, that he dreamt he got a stab during the application of a blister; on awaking he felt nothing. [Hbg.]

At night vexatious and annoying dreams of being put to shame, &c. [Fz.]

In the evening, in bed, an ebullition in the blood that prevented him going to sleep, for two hours.

Shaking all over the body (immediately). [Fz.]

245. Slight shiver over the body (aft. ½, 1.1/2 h.). [L. Rkt.]

Shiver (with loathing and nausea) (immeiately). [Fz.]

A rigor in the back (which came on suddenly on biting a hard crust. [Stf.]

Rigor and chilliness, without thirst. [L. Rkt.]

Uninterrupted chilliness, goose-skin; hands and face cold, blueness of complexion. [L. Rkt.]

250. The hands are icy cold, but the arms and the rest of the body warm, yet covered with goose-skin, and he is very chilly. [L. Rkt.]

In the evening rigor with extreme weakness, especially in the knees and sacrum, without thirst; the hands are cold, but the rest of the body as warm as usual, the forehead, however, hot. [L. Rkt.]

Shivering with heat in the face. [L. Rkt.]

All day long chilliness; when he sits still or lies and keeps himself covered, he feels nothing (except a pain in the eyes, pressure in the forehead and on the scrobiculus cordis, and sometimes external heat); but when he moves about in the room ever so little, os sits out in the open air without moving, he is excessively chilly, almost entirely without thirst; but when he walks quickly out of doors ot comes from the open air into the warm room, or when he becomes heated by animated conversation in the room, or after dinneras also when lying in the warm bed, he feels well and warm enough, he has, indeed, some heat with thirst for beer. [L. Rkt.]

Chill when drinking. [L. Rkt.]

255. Cold sensation on the body, as if a cold wind blew on him; at the same time he felt cold to the touch, almost always with goose-skin; after a few hours warmth returned somewhat increased (in the afternoon), with slimy mouth, dryness in the mouth, dryness in the throat and thirst; hereafter a similar coldness, and in the evening (an hour before bed-time) again increased warmth, which lasted in bed, during which he must put the hands outside the bed-clothes, also with great dryness on the palate. [Fz.]

All day long fever; in the forenoon chilliness, which does not go off either by moving in the open air or by external warmth; after the midday siesta external feeling of heat, with internal rigor and thirst. [L. Rkt.]

When seated and not well covered up, or when he moves, immediately chilliness, but when he covers himself up he instantly becomes hot, though sometimes with rigor. [L. Rkt.]

After the cessation of the hot feeling, while heat of the head and face remains, chilliness comes on, so that he shivers on the slightest movement. [L. Rkt.]

Heat of the forehead and scalp, the rest of the body of normal temperature, with shivering and chilliness wihtout thirst, and strong and quick pulse. [L. Rkt.]

260. After the chilliness feeling of heat and actual heat, especially of the face and palms, whereupon the pains in the ear return. [L. Rkt.]

Feeling of warmth, as if sweat would break out (aft. 4 h.). [L. Rkt.]

Unusual warmth of the body all day (aft. 24 h.). [Fz.]

Slight sweat only on the upper part of the body and the upper extremities. [Hbg.]

In the evening in bed, immediately after lying down, perspiration.

265. Profuse night sweat. [L. Rkt.]

Warm perpiration, even when sitting still. [L. Rkt.]

He perspires very readily from a slight cause. [L. Rkt.]

Melancholy peevishness.

Lachrymose sadness and anxiety. [Stf.]

270. Great gaiety (aft. 6 to 12 h.), alternating with calmness or even sadness for some moments. [L. Rkt.]

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.