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ASARUM EUROPAEUM symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy ASARUM EUROPAEUM…


ASAR. Asaret of Europe. Hahnemann’s “Mat. Med Pur.,” Vol. I. Duration of Action: from 8 days to a fortnight.


Aconite, Hepar, Stramonium, Pulsatilla, Sepia


Camph., Vinegar, vegetable acids.


Excessive sensibility of all the nerves. Great lassitude after dinner. General weary feeling, sometimes as if bruised all over. Lacerating or darting in the limbs. Lightness of all the limbs. When walking in the open air the headache disappeared, together with the hot feeling in the cheek, the drowsiness, and ill-humor.


Languor and nausea towards evening. Drowsy, out of humor. Nightly vexing dreams.


Slight shuddering over the body. The hands are icy cold, the rest of the body warm. Shaking chills in the evening, with extreme languor; without thirst. Sensitive to the cold. Chilliness when drinking. Cold feeling over the body, as if a cold wind blew upon him. Fever the whole day; chilliness in the afternoon. Feeling of heat externally, with internal chills and thirst after dinner. Profuse night-sweat. Sour-smelling sweat. Gastric fevers. Intermittent fevers. Slow typhus.


Sadness, with weeping mood and anxious feeling. Great cheerfulness.

Great nervous irritation.


Dullness of the mind. Inability to do any kind of work. Sensation of vertigo. Dullness, and stupid condition of the whole head, with tension in the region of the ears. Early in the morning when rising, dizziness and drowsiness of the head, with headache in the left side of the forehead. Nausea and pain in the head from the least mental exertion. Aching pain in the forehead, with muddled state of the mind.


Dull headache. Painful tightness and dullness of the head.

Pressure in the brain. Intense compressive headache, more violent when walking or shaking the head. Violent pressure in the forehead, downwards upon the eyes. Aching in the temples especially the left. Sharp aching above the root of the nose. Violent drawing pressure in the brain, under the forehead. Drawing headache, as if it would extent into the temples. (Stupefying) drawing pain here and there in the brain, in the ear, and nape of the neck. Lacerating, pulsative pain in the forehead. Throbbing pain in the forehead, early in the morning, when rising. Tension of the scalp, which makes the hair feel painful.


Dry burning in the eye-lids and the inner canthi, especially in the left eye, as if occasioned by brandy, with continual lachrymation. The eyes are inflamed; blear-eyedness. Redness of the conjunctiva, with stinging and burning in the canthi; cold is pleasant to the eyes; sunshine, light, and wind are intolerable. Obscuration of vision. The eyes stare.


Dull roaring in the ear. Dragging pain in the ear. Continued pain, owing to pressure, with tension in the region of the orifice of the meatus-auditorius. Diminished hearing. Ears feel stopped up in front.


Warm feeling in the cheeks. When washing the face with cold water, the vertigo, headache, burning in the upper part of the tongue and in the mouth, contraction of the left cervical muscles, and the languid feeling in the knees disappear, but all those symptoms return when wiping the parts with a towel. Cutting cramp-pain in the region of the articulation of the lower jaw.


Discharge of bloody mucus from the nose. Dry coryza.


Biting in the gums. Frequent contractive sensation in the interior of the mouth, producing an accumulation of watery saliva. Tongue coated white. Smarting sensation on the tongue and the gums. Burning sensation across the middle of the tongue, afterwards burning and dryness in the whole mouth.


Taste in the mouth as if the stomach had been deranged. Food tastes bitter.


Dryness of the throat, with stinging. Raw throat. Difficult deglutition, as if the cervical glands were swollen.


Hiccough. Frequent, empty eructations, putrid, sour, setting the teeth on edge, with heartburn. General uneasy feeling and nausea. Nausea and loathing, with shuddering. Continued nausea and inclination to vomit, in the fauces. Nausea and inclination to vomit, with pressure in the forehead, and a quantity of water accumulating in the mouth. Vomiting, with great anguish. Vomiting, diarrhoea. Vomiting, with great exertions and violent pressure in the stomach; a quantity of sourish water only is thrown up. Vomiting, with violent compression in the epigastrium, a similar sensation being felt in the head. (Vomiting is followed by a diminution of the pains in the head). Asiatic cholera and cholerine.


Fullness in the stomach, with hunger. Pinching in the stomach. Cardialgia; excess of mucus in the stomach.


Soreness and pain as from excoriation in the spleen. Inguinal hernia. Constrictive sensation in the region of the diaphragm. Cutting in the epigastric region. Excessive colic and vomiting. Fullness in the abdomen, with appetite and hunger. Qualmishness in the abdomen, with repeated attacks of oppressive headache. Pressure in the abdomen. Cutting in the abdomen, and sharp stitches in the rectum from above downwards previous to stool.


Stool, consisting of hard, small pieces. Scanty, yellow, mucous stool. Diarrhoea, like resin, and consisting of tenacious mucus; mucus with ascarides. Lienteria. Diarrhoea from debility, with hectic fever. Before stool: discharge of thick, black blood; prolapsus-recti. After stool: pressing, with discharge of white bloody mucus.


Pressure upon the bladder, during and after the emission of urine. Constant desire to urinate. Raging, intense pain in the left groin, darting through the urethra into the glans, and causing a sore, smarting, contractive, violent pain in the same, for a long time.


Miscarriage, abortion. Menses too soon and too long, with black blood. Violent pain in the lumbar vertebrae, at the appearance of the menses, which scarcely permits her to breathe.


Inspiration irritates the throat, and excites a cough. Short breathing; the throat feels constricted, and he is attacked with a short and hacking cough. Whooping cough. Angina-membranacea? Tabes-pituitosa.


Frequent dull stitches in both lungs, during an inspiration. Feeling of pressure in the whole chest. Sharp pressure in the region of the last ribs, as with the back of a knife. Pain round about both lungs, as if constricted with a sharp wire. Chronic pneumonia. Pituitous and spasmodic asthma of full-grown people.


Burning pain, with stitches, in the small of the back, while sitting. Painful lameness in the back, as if bruised, disappearing when lying down. Pain as from bruises, in the back. Violent lacerating stitches in the shoulders.


Sudden dull pain in the axillary glands. Pain as from a sprain in the shoulder, when moving the arm. Lameness in the arm. Drawing, with painful lameness in the wrist-joint. Occasional darting and lacerating pains in the upper and lower limbs.


Bruised feeling, and sometimes a painful lacerating in the upper and lower limbs. Painful feeling in the hip. Drawing pain, with pressure, in the hips. Dull pain in the hip-joint, and in the middle of the thigh, when touching the parts. Pain in the hip- joint in walking. Violent lancinations in the knees, during motion and when at rest. Lassitude of the lower limbs, when going up-stairs. Lassitude in the knees, with staggering when walking. Languor and weariness of the lower limbs and knees, with sensation as if bruised. Uneasiness in the left knee-joint, including one to move about. The toes of both feet are painful, as if frozen.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.