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Pressure on the gastric region on inspiring. [L. Rkt.]

Feeling of constriction in the region of the diaphragm. [L. Rkt.]

From time to time sharp cutting round about in the epigastrium, which is always relieved by the discharge of some flatulence. [L. Rkt.]

130. Cutting in the epigastrium (aft. 2 h.). [L. Rkt.]

Horrible colic and vomiting. [COSTE and WILLEMET, in Samml. br. Abh. f. pr. A., iv, 2. (General statement.) ]

Fulness in the abdomen, and yet at the same time appetite and hunger. [Fz.]

Qualmishness in the abdomen, with repeated aching pain along the coronal suture (aft. 8 h.). [Stf.]

A painless and gentle working abou in the abdomen. [Stf.]

135. Explosion of flatulence in the abdomen which is not discharged. [Fz.]

Pressure in the abdomen. [L. Rkt.]

Feeling of aching and painful pressing on the left side of the abdomen, observed when moving. [L. Rkt.]

Single painful sensations in the left side of the abdomen, obliquely below the navel. [Stf.]

Before the stool cutting in the abdomen and sharp stitches in the rectum from above downwards (in the morning). [L. Rkt.]

140. He has hurried urging to stool (1.1/2 hour after the first stool) with cutting in the abdomen and rectum before and during the (looser) stool. [L. Rkt.]

Stool in hard small pieces. [L. Rkt.]

The usual morning stool was delayed for some hours, and then it was scanty, yellow like an egg (slimy) and of slender form. [Stf.]

Diarrhoea. [COSTE and WILLEMET, l. c.]

Diarrhoeic, viscid silmy, as it were resinous stool; ascarides pass in shaggy masses of mucus, for six day. [Stf.]

145. Stool whitish-grey and ash coloured, with bloody mucus on the top.

Pressure on the bladder, during and after urinating. [Fz.]

Constant urging to urinate. [Fz.]

(A drawing in the urethra.)

A wild, acute pain in the left groin, which darted quickly through the urethra into the glans penis, and there a smarting, contractive, violent internal pain remained for a long time. [Stf.]

150. Premature birth, explusion of the foetus. [RAY, Hist. univ. Plant., i.]

(Stuffed coryza; the left nostril is stopped up). [Stf.]

(Violent sneezing.)

A tickling runs through the nose (as from the positiv galvanic pole), which, after ineffectual urging, causes sneezing and a flow of clear fluid. [Stf.]

Sensation as if the breath and saliva were hot, but without dry feeling in the mouth. [L. Rkt.]

155. Repeated coughing on account of mucus in the chest, which first rises up into the throat and causes difficulty of breath, and at breath, and at length cough, with expectoration. [Fz.]

Inspiration causes an irritation in the throat, which excites cough. [L. Rkt.]

Very short breath (at night).

(Angry and cross before the cough.)

Great expectoration of mucus by hawking and coughing.

160. (At the commencement of the cough the respiration is whistling.)

Short breath; the throat is constricted and this causes hacking cough. [L. Rkt.]

Obtuse stitch, impeding respiration, quite low down, as if in the left lung, at every inspiration (aft. 15 h.). [L. Rkt.]

He can only breathe short and by jerks on account of stitches and constriction in the larynx; short coughing relieved the constriction for a little time. [L. Rkt.]

Obtuse stitch on the left near the scrobiculus cordis (aft. 9 h.). [L. Rkt.]

165. In the right lobe of the lung stitches when inspiring (aft. 12 h.). [L. Rkt.]

Frequent. Obtuse stitches in both lungs, during inspiration, for eight days. [L. Rkt.]

Stitches in the chest during respiration (aft. 24 h.) [L. Rkt.].

When he takes a rather deep breath immediately obtuse stitches in both lungs. [L. Rkt.]

Sensation of pressure on the whole of the chest. [L. Rkt.]

170. In the region of the last ribs a sharp pressure as if with the back of a knife. [Hbg.]

In the right side of the chest a severe, forcible pressing at regular intervals(aft. 1.1/2 h.).[Hbg.]

Visible twitching and palpitation in the muscles of the region of the clavicle. [Hbg.]

Stretching pain in the left side (aft. ¾ h.). [Fz.]

Sensation as if the left lung were constricted or cut into by a string or wire. [L. Rkt.]

175. Pain round about in both lungs, as if they were constricted by a sharp wire. [L. Rkt.]

In the right side of the chest a burning sensation, more externally than internally. [Hbg.]

Burning pain with shooting in the sacrum, while sitting. [Fz.]

From one crista ilii to the other over the spine, pain if the flesh of the muscles were rent outwards, in tearing jerks, when walking. [L. Rkt.]

Paralytic pain, as if bruised, in the back, as long as he remains erect, stands or sits, but does not lie. [L. Rkt.]

180. Bruised pain in the back. [L. Rkt.]

Obtuse stitches under the scapulae. [L. Rkt.]

At the inner border of the right scapula a pain as from a knock or blow, especially felt on touching the scapula or drawing it inwards (aft. 25 h.). [Stf.]

Pain in the nape on the left side as if by over-exertion a bundle of muscular fibres had got out of their place, the pain then spreads over the head and shoulders (aft. 6 h.). [Stf.]

Paralytic pain in one of the muscles of the nape, as if it were bruised, on moving the neck. [L. Rkt.]

185. On the muscles of the nape a sensation as from a too tight neck cloth, and as if a blunt knife were pressed on it. [Fz.]

Feeling of weight on the neck and sensation as if the muscles were compressed by bandages. [Hbg.]

Spasmodic contraction of the left cervical muscles, with perceptible bending of the head to that side. [Stf.]

Violent tearing stitches in both shoulders during motion and rest. [L. Rkt.]

In the axilla, as if in the axillary glands, a rapidlyoccuring obtuse pain. [Stf.]

190. A pressure in the left axilla, as with a rough piece of wood. [Hbg.]

Under the right axilla towards the front an itching, as from a flea-bite. [Fz.]

Pain in the shoulder, as if dislocated, on moving the arm. [Fz.]

On the deltoid muscle of the upper arm a contractive tensive pain, on lying the hand on the table, and also when it is left lying there. [Fz.]

Paralytic weakness in the arm. [L. Rkt.]

195. He cannot keep the arm lying on the table without discomfort and feelingof exhaustion; but when he allows the to hang down he feels nothing. [L. Rkt.]

Aching tearing in the left arm in all positions. [L. Rkt.]

Drawing paralytic pain in the left wrist-joint. [Stf.]

Quick. Drawing burning pain from the wrist through the thumb and index finger (aft. 3 h.) [Hbg.]

A drawing in the fingers, in the evening, while lying in bed.

200. Occasional twitching tearing pains in the upper and lower extremities. [L. Rkt.]

Bruised feeling and sometimes transient painful tearing in the upper and lower extremities. [L. Rkt.]

Painful sensation on the hip. [Fz.]

In the right hip an obtuse aching. [Hbg.]

In the head of the left thigh and beyond, especially when walking, a (drawing tensive) pain. [Stf.]

205. In the hips a drawing aching pain (when walking). [Hbg.]

When walking or moving after sitting, as also when touching, a dull pain in the hip-joint and in the middle of the thigh. [Stf.]

Sensation from the right hip-joint to the knee, as if the limb were going to sleep. [Stf.]

When he treads he has a violent pain in the hip-joint and in the middle of the thigh, and the limb is as if paralysed by it; he cannot tread properly. [Stf.]

Sudden, digging in the upper muscles of the left thigh. [Fz.]

210. Tearing, shooting pain in the left thigh. [L. Rkt.]

Spasmodic contraction of the muscles of the right thigh, near the knee, which goes off on stretching out the leg. [Fz.]

A drawing in the knee.

A drawing in the tendons of the hough, in the evening while lying in bed.

(Clucking in the hough.)

215. Violent tearing stitches in the knees, on moving and when at rest. [L. Rkt.]

Fatigue of the thighs on going upstairs, for many days. [L. Rkt.]

Exhausted feeling in the thighs as if he had not obtained rest by sleep. [L. Rkt.]

Feeling of weakness in the knees with visible staggering when walking, when he does not take great care (aft. 15 m.). [Stf.]

Exhaustion and bruised feeling of the thighs and knees, as in a fit of ague. [L. Rkt.]

220. Restlessness in the left knee-joint, which forces him to move (aft. ½ h.). [Fz.]

Above the right hough a pressure as with some hard blunt substance. [Hbg.]

The left leg is as if asleep, and the foot, as when very cold, insensible and as if dead. [Fz.]

Visible twitching and palpitation in the muscles of the calf. [Hbg.]

In the left tibia sensation as if bruised. [Hbg.]

225. In the sole of the foot quick shooting pains (aft. 3.1/2 h.). [Hbg.]

A drawing in the toes, in the evening when lying in bed.

(On both feet the little toes are painful as if frozen.) [Stf.]

Over-sensitiveness of all the nerves; when he thinks (which he cannot help diong constantly) of someone scratching similar, a very disagreeable sensation runs through him, which for an instant stops all his thoughts and actions (aft. 11 h.). [L. Rkt.]

After dinner great fatigue. [Stf.]

230. Every afternoon great exhaustion and constant yawning. [L. Rkt.]

Laziness, slowness, and dislike to all work. [L. Rkt.]

General feeling of exhaustion and sometimes bruised feeling. [L. Rkt.]

Agility in all the limbs; he does not know that he has a body. [Fz.]

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.