Tuberculinum – Medicine

Lame feet for three weeks, would walk or stand on sides of feet to rest them.

Cramps in calves.

Tubercular swelling of knee; intermittent attacks of pain in it; has expectorated clots of blood and suffered from exhausting sweats; family history of phthisis. – Burnett.

Tuberculous disease of left knee; for eleven months had been limping; knee much enlarged and very tender; teeth dirty and carious; strawberry tongue.


      Great desire for sleep; drowsiness during day; after dinner.

Inclination to sleep in morning.

Shivering when beginning to sleep.

Cold feet in bed.

Troubled sleep; sleeplessness.

Sleep disturbed from 3 A.M.

Sleeplessness on account of constant coughing.

Many dreams: disturbed sleep, interrupted by fearful dreams; gloomy dreams; dreams of shame; cries out in dreams.

Intense restlessness, worse from 3 A.M. until morning.

Great restlessness every night, with distressing frightful dreams, worse towards morning.

Sleepy in the day-time; can sleep all day, but it is unrefreshing.

Waken from 3 to 4 A.M. with terrible dreams; of snakes crawling upon my sister from the back; of dark-green snakes three and four feet long, two inches in circumference, they seem like the snakes in my own country, Colombia.

Awake weeping with fear.

Restless and wakeful after 3 A.M.

Awake with sensation of fear that some evil is impending to my family.

Disturbed distressful sleep. – Burnett.


      Shivering, when beginning to sleep; cold feet in bed.

Freezing and heat alternately; cold and heat for months.


Violent attack of ague, lasting almost an hour.

Freezing on the back in evening.

Sensation of heat in evening in bed.

Flush of heat from back to head.

Feverish, nausea, thirsty, with headache, no vomiting (Heron).

Flushes of heat after eating.

High temperature, abating in twelve hours.

Lowering of temperature after each injection (Heron).

Lowering of temperature after a rise ( Heron).

Temperature seven hours after injection, 103.8 degrees accompanied by thirst, rigor, increased cough, headache, and pains in joints (Heron).

Sweat in the night.

Much sweat, esp. on head in night.

Profuse sweat after light exertion.

A little walk and slight efforts produce sweats.

Short sweats in morning, while walking.

Profuse sweats during slight exertion.

Chilly all day, most severe up and down the spine, followed in the afternoon and evening by fever; pulse 104, temperature 102, with thirst and intense restlessness.

Great coldness of hands and feet with general chilliness; compelled to retire in haste.

Wanted much covering with hot applications to feet, hands are cold to waist, as if plunged into ice water; cold sweat on palms of hands.

Fever all afternoon and evening; temperature, 99 4-10; pulse, 86.

Nervous system

      Suddenly became unconscious while sewing or talking, began screaming, tearing her hair, beating her head with her fists, or trying to dash it against the wall or floor; attacks daily for a month, then spasms set in, with rolling of head from side to side and moaning; continuing five weeks, followed by a recurrence of fainting fits, at least twice a week; a few hours before an attack of fainting, a shuddering like a chill seemed to go from brain down spine; when questioned about an attack, she said head would suddenly seem to swell over eyes and pain became “horrid” and she knew no more; between attacks she was free from all complaints except fatigue and an ever-present frontal headache. – Swan.


      Erythematous eruption like measles or scarlatina.

Erythema with subcutaneous indurated nodules.

Great bronze patches on the forehead and temples.

Bronze finger-points.

Finger-points as if touched by Argentum nitricum.

Itching all over the body in the evening in bed; changing place after rubbing. “Rash on chest and abdomen similar, patient say, to what came out when disease first appeared.”

Rash on abdomen and back, commencing very red; speedily becoming brownish, resembling ordinary skin eruption of secondary syphilis.

Edematous condition of upper lip.

Edematous condition of eyelids.

Nose swollen, tense, erysipelatous-looking epidermis in lupus patch raised by yellow fluid.

In two cases, at least during the febrile action, old chilblains became again inflamed.

Slight attack of jaundice (several cases).

Site of injection slightly painful and red (2nd d.).

Erythematous blush confined to lupus parts, which were the seat of throbbing pain.

It has repeatedly caused general erythematous eruption on the skin, and in some, nodular effusions in the cellular tissue.

Boil on right hand near base of little finger; whole hand intensely swollen. Boil opened in about a week, discharging large quantities of green pus.

Eczema: itching, burning, smarting; in patches two or three inches in diameter on lower legs from knees to ankle. Agg. by heat, touch amel. by cold water; patches elevated, oozing, watery fluid which forms dry scabs; red, so sensitive cannot be rubbed or scratched; agg. by thinking of it.

Eruption eczematous; itching radiating from patch to patch; burning, stinging, creeping; red, hot, swollen, with nerve shocks all over body; severe stinging sensation over whole body where there is no irritation; amel. by cold bath or ice bags.

The itching irritation runs over the limbs and through the body, terminating in involuntary shudders that creep over the body continuously; at times limbs burn and throb; there are intervals of a few hours, sometimes a day or two, when hostilities cease only to be renewed with increased vigor without intervals.

At night about 10 o’clock or later, after drinking cold water, there is an acid sensation in stomach like heartburn; limbs are swollen from knees down; look as if the skin had dried; severe reflex irritation over whole body; cannot bear the least heat, this sensitiveness to heat seems to be increasing. Since the skin symptoms became so intensely irritating the normal secretions of the vagina have been greatly lessened.

A fine, red, scaly eruption in patches about an inch in diameter over the entire body, itching intensely when skin was exposed to the air. Rubbing or scratching gave relief, but was followed by soreness.

A rash-like eruption on neck, both sides, for several days.

A fine, red eruption on right wrist extending up the arm in spots, with great itching.

Very bad tempered; very much pigmented where sun’s rays impinged upon him; teeth dirty, greenish. – Burnett.

Eruption of itching blotches all over body, with exception of face and hands.


H. C. Allen
Dr. Henry C. Allen, M. D. - Born in Middlesex county, Ont., Oct. 2, 1836. He was Professor of Materia Medica and the Institutes of Medicine and Dean of the faculty of Hahnemann Medical College. He served as editor and publisher of the Medical Advance. He also authored Keynotes of Leading Remedies, Materia Medica of the Nosodes, Therapeutics of Fevers and Therapeutics of Intermittent Fever.