Tuberculinum – Medicine

Unable to pass urine no matter how hard he strains or how full the bladder until after spasm of anus; then it flows and stops and flows again for several times.

Diminished quantity of urine.

Is obliged to urinate very often, esp. during changes of weather.

One-tenth albumin in height of reaction; disappeared afterwards.

Specific gravity of urine increases from 1016 to 1023, with an excess of urates and ropy mucus.

Peptonuria in man, 33 (Maregliano).

Hematuria with renal pain.

Excess of urates.

Abundant viscid mucous discharge.

Urine frequent, copious; deposits yellow, reddish cloud on standing, loaded with urates.

Urine: odor of boiling beans.

Male Genitalia

      Pains in testicles, and cord of left side.

Female Genitalia

      Severe pains in breast in evening at beginning of menstruation.

Menstruation with pains in lumbosacral and ovarian region.

Sticking pain in lower abdomen; pains in lumbosacral region agg. when walking.

Weakness in genital region; painful menstruation.

Blood lumpy, menstruation lasting more days than usual; menstruation ante pones eight days.

Burning pains in external genitals; sharp leucorrhea; pains in sacral and ovarian region to hip-joints.

Sensation of heat in genitalia externa, with increased leucorrhea.

Cramps in uterine region with pains in sacral and ovarian region.

Burning pain in ovarian region.

Menstruation returns fourteen days after parturition.

Menses five days early, offensive, scanty, dark flow only two days; ceased one day, returned on the fourth. The function was wholly unnatural in appearance.

Menses usually one or two days late and four days in duration.

Severe pains in breast in evening at beginning of menstruation.

Menstruation with pains in lumbosacral and ovarian region.

Sticking pain in lower abdomen; pains in lumbosacral region agg. when walking.

Weakness in genital region; painful menstruation.

Blood lumpy, menstruation lasting more days than usual; menstruation ante pones eight days.

Burning pains in external genitals; sharp leucorrhea; pains in sacral and ovarian region to hip-joints.

Sensation of heat in genitalia externa, with increased leucorrhea.

Cramps in uterine region with pains in sacral and ovarian region.

Burning pain in ovarian region.

Menstruation returns fourteen days after parturition.

Menses five days early, offensive, scanty, dark flow only two days; ceased one day, returned on the fourth. The function was wholly unnatural in appearance.

Menses usually one or two days late and four days in duration.

Respiratory organs

      Decided effect in laryngeal cases, mostly beneficial.

After ten injections, larynx markedly affected, inflammatory swelling and ulceration.

Central infiltration of mucous membrane of larynx, high red color, brighter than normal.

Enormous swelling of arytenoids appeared.

Tuberculous outgrowth.

Exfoliation at right vocal cord, appearance extravasated below its posterior part.

Hyperemia of cords intensified and covered with minute ulcerating points.

Cough and expectorating lasting four months, from a wetting (removed, no bacilli found).

Sensation of pressure on chest.

Cough and sputa.

Irritating cough, agg. in night.

Little cough in night with aching in side and blood-tinged sputa.

Severe cough in evening with pains below mamma on right side.

Inclination to cough.

Severe cough with mucopurulent secretion in morning.

Cough prevents him sleeping in evening.

Cough, secretion of phlegm, esp. by walking, with sticking pains in lungs and palpitation.

A sort of whooping-cough.

Dry cough; in night.

Cough with viscid mucus.

After much cough sensation of mucus in pharynx, mucous secretion being easily ejected.

Expectoration diminished. – Heron.

Palpitation and pains in back with cough.

Crackling rales at right shoulder, behind.

Copious watery expectoration usually seen during the reaction.


With every increase of dose he suffered with asthmatic fits, lasting from three to seven hours.

Extreme rapidity of respirations, without dyspnoea, 60 to 90 in the minute; if the patient is spoken to, the rapid breathing ceases at once (as with a dog panting in the sun). – Heron.

Is obliged to take deep inspirations; dyspnoea.

Difficulty in breathing speedily increased.

Marked feeling of suffocation.

Slight tedious hacking cough, which had lasted for months in a girl of a distinctly phthisic habit. – Burnett.

Hard, dry cough, sometimes slight, but generally no expectoration, slightly feverish. – Boardman.

Hard, dry cough, shaking patient, more during sleep, but did not waken him. – Boardman.

Expectoration of non-viscid, very easily detached, thick phlegm from air passages, followed after a day or two by very clear ring of voice. – Burnett.


      Sensation of pressure in chest.

Heat in chest.

Sticking pain in chest, especially at the apex of left lung.

Sensation of constriction in the precordial region.

Pains in both sides of chest going to back.

Pains in left side.

Sticking in side.

Nightly pain on chest.

Sticking pains: in lungs; in left side, pains between scapulae.

Aching in side in night.

Sticking pain in chest on right and left side.

Sticking pain in left side in morning and afternoon.

Sticking pain in lungs when laughing.

Pain in axilla, esp. when elevating arm.

Sticking pain: in lungs with cough and palpitation.

Pressure in chest, sticking pain on both sides of chest, in back.

Palpitation caused by deep inspirations, aching in back with pains under ribs.

Pains in sub clavicular region with cough.

Sticking pain in left lung.

Pain from clavicles to throat.

Pain in apex pulmonis radiating to axilla and arm.

Sticking pain in chest and in back agg. from every movement.

Pain in left lung to axilla.

Pain on left side going back.

Pain in left apex and in region of spleen.

Severe pain in back, in axilla and arms.

Pains in left side, must take deep inspiration.

Bronchitic sounds in both lungs.

Dulness right apex.

Sudden, profuse hemoptysis, ends fatally.

Developed a cavity on side opposite to that first affected.

New deposits of tubercles on pleura.

Surface of old pulmonary cavities showed unusually intense redness of granulation layers.

Hemorrhagic infiltration of walls.

Recent hemorrhage observed in the cavities.

In fatal cases of ulcerative phthisis the lungs esp., and also the pleura, showed extensive and severe recent changes – pleurisy, for the most part very severe, simple and tuberculous, frequently hemorrhagic, and not infrequently bilateral.

Caseous pneumonia or caseous hepatization – the lung appearing like blood-pudding studded with pieces of lard (the patient an architect, 33, had six injections, the last four weeks before death. At the beginning he had induration of one apex only. The treatment was suspended because of persistent fever and infiltration of lower lobe.).

Catarrhal pneumonia was found, but it differed from ordinary catarrhal pneumonia (in which he alveoli when squeezed out have a gelatinous appearance) in that the contents of the alveoli were very watery and turbid – a turbid infiltration; it resembles a phlegmonous condition.

Soft hepatization, which differs from ordinary catarrhal hepatization, in that in the midst of the patches foci of softening become developed, leading to rapid breaking down and excavation.

Development of fresh tubercles; small tubercles giving rise to new ulcers have suddenly appeared, esp. in pleura, pericardium, and peritoneum.

Metastasis bacilli mobilized.

Abscesses in the lungs.

Perforating abscesses in respiratory organs.

Burning sensation in both lungs, better in the open air.

Severe burning sensation in apex of right lung, under second rib.Dry, hacking cough and expectoration of yellow, bloody, streaked mucus.

Chest sore, first in one place then in another.

Early morning cough, sputa streaked with blood.

Hard, dry cough for several days, resulting in the expectoration of yellow mucus mixed with white lumps or a quantity of white, stringy substance looking like thick milk, with soreness of one or both lungs when coughing or taking a deep inspiration.

Sensation of intense anxiety in the region of the heart, especially worse on waking.

Pulsation synchronous with the heart-beat felt in all parts of the body.

Slight hacking cough, continuing all day, agg. at bedtime and on rising; emaciation; dulness on percussion at apex of right lung. – Burnett.

Girl, aged 15, tall for her age; tonsils enlarged; chronic discharge from nose, agg. early morning on rising; speech thick; thorax of pigeon-breast type; perspires much across nose; very bad perspiration of chest, armpits, palms, nose, and feet; feels very chilly; spleen swollen; distinct dulness on percussion at apex or right lung; suffered badly from vaccination; gets chilblains.-Burnett.

Hectic flush of cheeks; shortness of breath; slight hacking cough; several strumous scars on neck; dusky skin; large, moist rales in both lungs; increased vocal resonance of right lung; amphoric sounds in right lung; large, soft-feeling gland in left side of neck; very pronounced endocardial bruit, best heard at apex beat. Iodoformum 3X in four grain doses for two months, with improvement, followed by Tuberculinum c. in very infrequent doses. – Burnett.

H. C. Allen
Dr. Henry C. Allen, M. D. - Born in Middlesex county, Ont., Oct. 2, 1836. He was Professor of Materia Medica and the Institutes of Medicine and Dean of the faculty of Hahnemann Medical College. He served as editor and publisher of the Medical Advance. He also authored Keynotes of Leading Remedies, Materia Medica of the Nosodes, Therapeutics of Fevers and Therapeutics of Intermittent Fever.