ZINCUM Medicine

The restlessness of the feet (71), under Zincum met., that we have so often referred to, may be your chief symptom in the selection of the remedy in many a condition of nervous restlessness and found especially in women, who refer to it as “the fidgets.” It is worse in the evening, so that they are afraid to go to any entertainment, where they must sit still, keep their shoes buttoned, etc., and it is also very pronounced at night in bed, even when asleep.

Zinc is of value for varicose veins (205) especially of the lower extremities; “varices extending to the labiae,” as one symptom reads. It is especially useful in chronic conditions after Pulsatilla has relieved the acute symptoms.

It has formication of the feet and legs (82), as if bugs were crawling over the skin and preventing sleep.

It has a restless sleep, with anxious dreams and perhaps nightmare. It has been recommended for somnambulism.

Chamomilla, Nux vomica and wine are incompatible with Zincum met. I use Zincum met. 3rd.

Willard Ide Pierce
Willard Ide Pierce, author of Plain Talks on Materia Medica (1911) and Repertory of Cough, Better and Worse (1907). Dr. Willard Ide Pierce was a Director and Professor of Clinical Medicine at Kent's post-graduate school in Philadelphia.