ZINCUM signs and symptoms from the Characteristic Materia Medica by William Burt of the homeopathic medicine ZINCUM …


This is a cerebro-spinal remedy, affecting more especially the peripheral extremities of the motor and sentient nerves.

The depression of nutrition is sympathetic, and not from its direct action up on the ganglionic nervous system.

Through the cerebro-spinal system, it produces a state of the blood which in qualities analysis, approaches chlorosis.

This is the greatest tonic we have to build up the nervous system, the same as Iron does to diseases of the blood.


Impending paralysis of the brain. (Hydrocephaloid.-F).

Child cries out during sleep; when awakened expresses fear, and rolls its head from side to side.

Is only indicated in cerebral affections connected with exanthemata, where the vis medicatrix nature is too weak to throw the poison to the surface.-S.L.

Cerebral exhaustion, with mental and physical depression from anaemia of the brain.

Chronic sick headache; great weakness of sight; sticking in the right eye.


Alternate redness and paleness of the face.

Spasms, where old ulcers have disappeared; infantile convulsions.

Frequent jerking of the body during sleep-G.

Digestive Organs.-Sudden oppression of the stomach; she has to loosen her clothes.

Great greediness when eating; cannot eat fast enough from canine hunger.

Terrible heartburn after taking sweet things; much nausea; vomiting and fidgety feet.

Taste of blood in the mouth, and sweetish rising from the stomach.

Distended abdomen, with dry, hard, insufficient stools.

Great difficulty in expelling the stools, which are insufficient.

Flatulent colic; worse towards evening, and from wine.

Generative Organs of Women.-The flow of the menses always relieves all her sufferings, but they return again soon after the cessation of the menses.

During the menses, heaviness of the limbs, with violent drawing around the knees, as if they could be twisted off.

Menses too early; too profuse; lumps of coagulated blood pass away, mostly when walking.

A constant distressing boring pain in the left ovarian region, only partially relieved by pressure, or during menstruation, but returns again soon after the flow.

Sexual desire several times through the night; irresistible desire for onanism.

Heartburn; swollen feet; and varicose veins during pregnancy.

Uterine ulcers, have a bloody acrid discharge; but is of itself rather destitute of feeling; an exceptionally violent and obstinate pain in the brain sometimes accompanies this ulcer.

This pain may even assume the form of an intermittent.

Chest.-Cough worse after sweet things.

Spasmodic cough, when children put their hands to the genitals, as soon as they cough.-B.

Spinal irritation, with great prostration of strength; it is one of our most useful remedies.

Incessant and powerful fidgety feeling in the feet, or lower extremities; must move them constantly. This is one of the most characteristic symptoms of Zincum met.

William Burt
William H. Burt, MD
Characteristic materia medica Published 1873
Physiological materia medica, containing all that is known of the physiological action of our remedies; together with their characteristic indications and pharmacology. Published 1881