Cutting colic and nausea, early in the morning, followed by diarrhoea. Colic, with Diarrhoeic stool, the last portion of which is mere mucus. Diarrhoea and flatulence. Dysenteric stools, with tenesmus and cutting. Costiveness. Hard, scanty stool, with a burning-cutting pain in the anus. Loose, but difficult stool, owing to a constriction of the anus, as in haemorrhoids. Frequent desire for stool, without colic. Cutting in the abdomen, with violent desire for stool. Continuous aching pain in the rectum, when sitting.


Copious red urine. Frequent emission of a watery urine at first. Frequent desire to urinate, passing a small quantity of dark-coloured urine. Painful micturition. Smarting and burning tingling at the orifice of the urethra. Burning deep in the urethra.


Nocturnal emissions, accompanied with lascivious dreams. Drawing (lacerating) with pressure in the testicle.


Spasmodic pains in the pudendum and the vagina. Stinging itching of the pudendum. Ovaritis. Cancer of the womb.?.


Pressure and contraction in the pit of the throat. Roughness of the larynx, after much talking. Tenacious mucus in the chest. Cough, with titillation. Cough, with expectoration mixed with drops of blood, preceded by a scraping sensation in the chest. Cough, with yellow expectoration like pus. Ulcerative pain behind the sternum, when coughing. Dry and hollow cough. Sharp irritation in the larynx, with desire to cough.


Contractive oppression of the chest, causing slow and difficult inspirations. Pressure above the pit of the stomach, like soreness, with nausea in that region. Oppression of the chest and feeling of uneasiness. Spasm of the diaphragm after chagrin. Dull stitches in the intercostal muscles. Soreness behind the sternum. Palpitation of the heart. Tremulous palpitation of the heart during slight exercise. Violent palpitation of the heart. Constant pain in the muscles of the chest. Pain of the outer parts of the chest to the touch. Rash on the chest. Herpetic eruption in the region of the lower ribs.


Stitches and pain as if sprained in the small of the back, during rest. Drawing-down pain in the small of the back, more when stooping than when standing erect. Pressing in the small of the back the whole night, as if bruised. Violent burning in the lower and outer parts of os-sacrum. Drawing pressure in the first dorsal vertebrae, accompanied with a smarting sensation. Abscess in the psoas muscle. Curative of the spine.? Pressure and tension in the muscles of the nape of the neck and shoulder. Early in the morning, rheumatic pain in the nape of the neck. Glandular swellings.? Heaviness of the head and weakness of the cervical muscles. Tensive pressure in the side of the neck. Drawing-aching rheumatic pain in the side of the neck.


Dull aching pain in the axilla. Slight pressure on the shoulder, painful to the touch. Dull sticking pain in the region of the shoulder-joint, more violent when touching for moving the joint. Violent aching pain in the shoulder-joint. Drawing, with pressure, in the shoulder-joints. Lacerating pain in the upper arm. Paralytic pain in the outer parts of the upper arm, more violent during motion and contact. Drawing, with pressure, here and there, in the upper limbs, more violent when touched. Pain in the region of the bones of the arm, only during motion. Drawing. lacerating pain in the fore-arm. Paralytic weakness around the elbow-joint. Drawing, with pressure, in the wrist, especially during motion. Drawing pain through the metacarpal bones in the dorsum of hand, especially during motion. Paralytic drawing-pain in the phalangeal joints, more violent during motion. Arthritic nodosities of the finger-joints? Cramp in the fingers and in several parts of the limbs.


Stinging itching of the glutei muscles and several parts of the body. Aching pain around the hip-joint when talking and sitting. Coxagra with threatening suppuration.? Sore pain in the upper and internal surface of the thigh. Herpes on the thighs and legs. Paralytic pain, like drawing, in the middle of the thigh. Itching stinging in the internal sides of the thighs. Weakness of the thighs and legs. Pain in the thighs when walking. Dull stitches in the region of the knee-joints, near the patella. Burning itching pimples on the leg. Boring stitch in right tibia, during rest. Drawing, with pressure, in the outer part of the tibia, when sitting. Painless swelling of the dorsa of both feet. Burning painful itching in the toes, as if frozen.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.