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STAPHYSAGRIA symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy STAPHYSAGRIA…


STAPH. Delphinium Staphisagria, L. See Hahnemann’s ” Materia Medica Pura,” Vol.IV.


Ambr., Arnica, Conium, Ignatia, Lycopodium, Mercurius, Nux-v., Phosph-ac., Phosph., Pulsatilla, Ruta, Thuja, Veratrum


Camph. It is used as an antidote against Mercurius and Thuja


Scorbutic affections. Scrofulous and rickety affections. Arthritic nodosities of joints. Chronic mercurial ailments. Ailments from chagrin, with indignation, also from care and grief. Hysteric and hypochondriac ailments. Onanism. Hemiplegia, after chagrin. Drawing lacerating pain here and there in the muscles of the whole body, when sitting. Pain in the joints when moving. Paralytic drawing in different parts of the body, especially the joints. All his limbs ache. Pain in all the bones. The whole body feels painful, as if bruised, with feeling of lassitude, worse during motion. Debilitated all over, especially in the joints, when walking.


Itching, sharp stitches in different parts of the body. Prickings, resembling flea-bites, in the lower limbs. Stinging burning here and there in the skin. Chronic rash, or with nocturnal convulsions. Itch-like eruptions. Herpetic eruptions. Dry crusty herpes. Cut wounds. Frequent boils. Mercurial ulcers. Carious and scorbutic ulcers. Indurated glandular swellings. Affection of bones. Swelling. Inflammations. Caries.


Violent yawning. Great drowsiness. Wakefulness early in the morning, followed by drowsiness and a chilly shuddering over the back. Tossing about during sleep. Vivid, disagreeable dreams. Restless dreams. Amorous dreams and emissions of semen.


Coldness in the evening. Shuddering the whole night, without thirst and without subsequent heat. Internal shuddering, with violent thirst. Shuddering, with drowsiness and dryness of the mouth. Chill, shaking the whole body, with warm forehead, hot cheeks, and cold hands, without subsequent heat and thirst. Evening-fever, consisting of the cold stage merely. Tertian, with scorbutic symptoms. Inability to sweat, even when taking the most violent exercise, with pale face and headache. Cold sweat on the forehead, hands and feet. Profuse night-sweat. Putrid-smelling night-sweats.


Sadness, with ill-humor. Great desire to weep. Great indifference. Indifference, with phlegmatic mood and mental relaxation. Great anxiety, with fearfulness. Ill-humor. Great sensitiveness. Quarrelsome.


Dullness of the mind. Vanishing of the idea. Great weakness of memory. Dullness of the head, alternating with great clearness. Constant dullness of the head, with oppression of the mind. Vertigo, only in the room, as if stupefied. Vertigo on stooping and turning the head rapidly.


Heaviness of the head. Alternation of stupefying and boring headache. Lacerating in the outer parts of the head and in the teeth. Itching of the hairy scalp. Itching crusty eruption of the hairy scalp. Itching pimples in the nape of the neck. Pain in the vertex, a sort of contraction and compression from all sides. Oppressive, stupefying headache. Pain in the head when stooping. Headache, as if the brain were compressed. Hard pressure in the head, in the region of the temporal bone, and of the vertex. Aching pain in the left temple. Drawing pressure in the forehead. Dull, painful sometimes sticking pressure from within outward. Sharp pressure on the top of the head Lacerating in the forehead. Sticking headache, the whole day. Dull pinching headache in the forehead, with stitches in the region of the temples. Pulsative. Headache during motion. Drawing-cutting lacerating in the side of the forehead. Corrosive itching of the whole of the occiput. Itching gnawing of the hairy scalp. Fine burning pricking of the scalp. Rheumatic drawing, with pressure. Painful drawing in several outer parts of the head, more violent when touched. A number of itching scabs on the hairy scalp. Scabs on the hairy scalp, itching violent. Humid scabs, also with bad smell.


Pressure in the eye. Contractive sensation in the upper eye-lid. Aching pain in the upper part of the eye-ball. Dim-sightedness, as if the eyes were full of water, with itching and stinging in the inner canthus. Smarting pain in the inner canthi. Dry gum in the inner canthus, constantly. Sensation in the eyes as if sleepy. Itching of the eye-lids. Inflammation of the white of the eye, with pain. Pimples around the inflamed eye. Inflammation of the lids. Spasmodic closing of the lids. Contraction of the pupils. Dilatation of the pupils. Dull stitches in the eyes, when exerting them. Sticking shocks in the eye-ball, as if it would burst deep, hollow eyes, with blue elevated margins Illusion of sight.


Dull, but deep stitches in the interior ear. Tensive stitch in the left ear. Hard hearing, from swelling of the tonsils.


Smarting and soreness in the nostril, as if ulcerated. Soreness of the inner nose, with scurf in the lower part. Frequent sneezing, with or without catarrh. Stoppage of the nose. Obstruction of the posterior nares, with nasal twang. Coryza with cough. Coryza, with ulcerated nostrils. Fluent coryza, with alternate discharge of watery fluid and thick mucus, with titillation in the nose. Sudden coryza, with catarrhal speech.


Hollow eyes, with weary-looking, pointed countenance Blue margins around the deeply-sunken eyes, as after excesses. The face becomes brown and blue, from indignation and chagrin. Nervous prosopalgia. Pressure and beating, extending from the teeth to the eyes Ulcerative pain of the left cheek, when yawning Drawing in the malar bones. Lacerating and pulling through the cheek, from the head to the teeth. Inflammatory pains of the malar bones. Itching of the cheeks. Burning prickings in the face and the rest of the body. Pimples on the cheeks, forehead, and in the corners of the mouth. Tensive pain of the facial eruption. Sensation in the lip as from fine cuts, as if it had become cracked.


The submaxillary glands are painful, as if swollen and contused. Swellings of the tonsils and submaxillary glands. The toothache is excited by drawing air into the mouth. Painful traction in the teeth, from time to time, followed by beating in the gums. Drawing toothache, with pressure in the anterior teeth. Violent drawing toothache, with swelling of the cheeks. Violent lacerating in the roots of the teeth. Painful drawing in the gums of the molar teeth and in their roots. When eating he feels a lacerating in the gums and in the roots of the lower molar teeth. Toothache when eating. Lacerating toothache, immediately after eating and chewing, and after taking a cold drink. When drinking anything cold her teeth become painfully affected, like hollow teeth. The teeth begin to grumble, even when chewing. Burning swelling of the gums, with heat in the cheek. The gums are painful to the touch. The gums become pale and white. The teeth blacken rapidly. The gums become corroded.


Vesicles in the mouth. Ulcers. Painful adventitious growths on the inner cheek. Ptyalism. Bloody saliva. Mouth constantly filed with water. Tongue coated white. Sticking pain in the border of the tongue. Dry feeling on the tongue, accumulation of sourish water in the mouth. Rough throat, as if sore. Dry feeling of the throat, especially in the evening. Swelling of the sublingual gland. Burning scraping in the palate, between and during deglutition. Swelling of the tonsils from abuse of Mercury.


Flat, qualmish taste in the mouth. Nasty, bitter taste in the mouth. Extreme canine hunger, even when the stomach was full of food. Canine hunger with water-brash. Desire only liquid things. Great desire for wine; for tobacco. Scraping eructations, affecting the larynx. Hiccough after every meal. Nausea, with desire to vomit, every morning. Desire to vomit. Sensation as if one would vomit, in the morning. Tasteless eructations. Frequent hiccough accompanied with nausea and stupefaction of the head.


Pressure in the stomach, early in the morning. Pressure in the stomach, with tension, excited and aggravated by eating. Pressure in the pit of the stomach, with fullness and sticking. Digging-up pain in the stomach.


Tension across the epigastrium and in the hypochondria. Crampy pressure below the sternum. Fleeting painful pressure under the last ribs. Contraction in the hypochondriac region, oppressing the chest and breathing. The abdomen feels compressed, which oppresses the breathing. Drawing pain through the abdomen. Rumbling and cutting in the abdomen. Continued sticking pain in the abdomen. Cutting in the bowels, especially after a meal, with nausea. Spasmodic cutting in the abdomen, with trembling of the knees. Cutting in the abdomen, before stool. Hard painful pressure below the umbilicus. Continuous dull stitch in the region around the navel. Bruising pain above the hips, in the loins, extending below the umbilicus. Bruised pain in the abdomen. Itching prickings in the umbilical region. Rumbling in the abdomen, and drawing in the intestinal canal. Violent screwing-pinching pain in the whole of the abdomen. Tremulous sensation in the abdomen, and indication for diarrhoea. Pot- belliedness of children. Swelling of the inguinal glands. Inguinal hernia from mechanical causes.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.