PLATINA symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy PLATINA…


PLAT. See Hahnemann’s “Chronic Disease,” V.


Agn., Angust., Asa-f., Aurum, Belladonna, Cantharis, Carb-a., Croc., Ferrum, Hyoscyamus, Magn., Mang., Natr., Natr-mur., Nitr-ac., Plumb., Rhus-tox., Sabad., Stron., Verb., Valer., Viol-od. Is frequently suitable after Belladonna


Spir-nitr-dulc. Pulsatilla Platina antidotes plumb.


Platina is particularly suitable to female of an irritable disposition, with copious menstruation and sexual excitement. Chronic ailments from abuse of Lead. Ailments from chagrin, anger, mortification. Neuralgia and neurosis. Spasmodic affections, particularly of females and hysteric individuals. Pressing pains from without inwards, pushing pains, constrictive pains, crampy pains from without pressure. Cramp-like drawing or jerking in the limbs and joints. Tension in the limbs, as if bandaged too tightly. Pains as if from blows and contusions, particularly when pressing on the affected part. Paralytic feeling of numbness and rigidity here and three, also with trembling and palpitation of the heart. Spasmodic affections. Paroxysms. Burning in the limbs, heart. Spasmodic affections. Paroxysms. Burning in the limbs, here and there. Drawing in various parts of the body. Darting through the whole body. Painful tremulousness of the whole body with throbbing in the arteries. Excessive languor and drowsiness immediately after a meal.


Many symptoms are worse during rest, and relieved by motion. Many symptoms are worse in the evening. The symptoms which abate in the open air are worse in the room.


Itching, gnawing, stinging prickling and burning tickling in various parts. Ulcers on the fingers and toes.


Great inclination to violent, almost spasmodic yawning. Uneasiness in the abdomen, as from cold. Incoherent dreams. Anxious dreams, generally of a painful character. Wakes in the morning with a peevish and anxious mood.


Chilly creeping over the back. Constant shuddering through the body, particularly the limbs. Chilly feeling, with shuddering of the lower limbs from above downwards.


Low-spirited, taciturn. Anxiety with palpitation of the heart. Anguish as of death, with trembling of all the limbs. Oppression of breathing, and palpitation of the heart. Excessive anguish about the heart, with excessive fear of death. Fear, with trembling of the hands and feet, and illusion of the fancy. Loud cries for help. Hysteric mood, with great lowness of spirits, nervous weakness, and vascular excitement. Great uneasiness of the mind. Sensitive. Taciturn, drowsy, sad, peevish, weeps when addressed. Proud feeling, with over estimation of one’s self. Vacillating mood.


Great absence of mind. Loss of consciousness. Delirium. Mental derangement after fright and chagrin. Dullness of the forehead. Violent vertigo, generally attended with palpitation of the heart.


Headache. Cramp-like drawing constriction in the head from time to time, especially around the forehead. Cramp-like pressing in the temples from without inwards, also with heat and redness of the face, vexed mood, and weeping. Violent pressing in the forehead. Roaring in the head. Painful drawing in different parts of the head.


Sore and gnawing sensation in the upper border of the orbits, as if excoriated. Tensive pain in the upper borders of the orbits, and in the eye-balls, which feel compressed. Burning sensation in the eyes, with drowsiness. Distortion of the eyes. Twitching of the eye-lids.


Sore and gnawing sensation in the upper border of the orbits, as if excoriated. Tensive pain in the upper borders of the orbits, and in the eye-balls, which feel compressed. Burning sensation in the eyes, with drowsiness. Distortion of the eyes. Twitching of the eye-lids.


Gnawing in the outer parts of the nose, as from something acrid. Dry coryza, only in one nostril.


Face pale and sunken. Burning heat in the face, with glowing redness, accompanied with great dryness of the mouth, violent thirst, headache, and vibrations before the eyes causing giddiness, with lachrymation. Feeling of coldness, creeping and numbness in the whole right side of the face. Tensive feeling of numbness in the malar bones and mastoid processes. Pulsative digging in the jaws. Vesicles on the border of the lips, smarting. Great dryness and roughness of the lips. Tensive feeling of numbness in the chin.


Lock-jaw. Cramp-pain in the lower jaw. Throbbing digging in the teeth.


Viscid and slimy mouth. Creeping on the tongue. Scraping sensation in the throat, as if raw. Painful feeling of rawness in the throat, as in incipient catarrh. Painful swelling of the tonsil.


No appetite. Thirst. Continual hunger. pinching in the umbilical region after a meal, as if diarrhoea would come on.


Empty eructations, in the morning. Pressure at the stomach, after eating. Sudden gulping up of a bitter sour fluid, inducing cough and a scraping sensation in the throat. Qualmishness in the region of the stomach, in the morning. Continual nausea, with great languor, anxiousness, and a trembling sensation through the whole body, in the forenoon. Desire to vomit, without vomiting, coming and going with increasing violence, accompanied with great qualmishness, and uneasiness in the limbs.


Pressure in the pit of the stomach, also when touching it. Drawing pain, with pressure, under the pit of the stomach, as if occasioned by a strain. Contractive pain around the pit of the stomach. Fermenting sensation in the region of the stomach. Dull shocks in the pit of the stomach. Gnawing and writhing sensation in the stomach, early in the morning.


Constrictive sensation in the abdomen. Colica-plumbea. Drawing through the abdomen, from the chest towards both groins, terminating in the genital organs. A writhing sensation around the umbilicus, with oppressed breathing and a tremulous sensation through the whole body. Dull stitches in the middle of the umbilicus. Anxiety in the whole abdomen, succeeded by a pains, as after fright; accompanied with urging to diarrhoea. Slight burning around the umbilicus.


Constipation, also from position by Load or when traveling. Difficult stool, with cutting, burning and protrusion of the varices. Papescent stool in the morning, half digested, and somewhat bloody. Papescent stool in the evening with discharge of ascarides. stool rather thin, with slight tenesmus in the anus. Blood with stool. Creeping tenesmus in the anus, as if diarrhoea would set in.


Red urine, with white clouds.


Corrosion near the genital organs, as if sore and excoriated. Excessive sexual desire. Discharge of prostatic.


Cutting in the hypogastrium, as if the menses would appear, with drawing headache. Painful pressing towards the genital organs. Congestion of blood to the uterus. Induration of the womb. Amenorrhoea. Menses too early, with diarrhoea or profuse menses. or too long, also with drawing in the abdomen. Before the menses cutting and labor-like pains in the abdomen. At the appearance of the menses, cramps. Great sensitiveness of the parts, with pressing from above downwards. Pressing in the hypogastrium, with ill-humor and menorrhagia. Head ache, restlessness, and weeping. After the menses debility. Metrorrhagia. Leucorrhoea, like albumen, only in the daytime.


Loss of voice. Short, dry cough.


Short, difficult, anxious breathing. Impeded respiration, from weakness of the chest. Dyspnoea, with heavy slow breathing. Aching in the chest, as if strained. Tension, pressure, and sticking in the sides.


Pain in the small of the back, as if broken. Weakness of the nape of the neck. Tensive numb feeling in the nape of the neck.


Cramp-pain near the shoulder and chest, as if constricted. Great weakness in the shoulder. Sharp stitches in the shoulder, causing the arm to start. Relaxed feeling in both arms. Pain in the arms, as if beaten to pieces. Sudden lameness, as after an apoplectic fit. Paralytic feeling in the left arm. Dull pain in the upper arm as from a blow, most violent when moving or stretching it. Burning in the elbow. Undulating beating pain above the elbow-joints, as if bruised or contused. Undulating beating pain in some parts of the bones of the fore-arms and legs. Cramp-pain of the hands and fingers, especially the joints.


Crampy tensive pain in the hips, close above the joints. Feeling of weakness, with tremulous uneasiness in the thighs. Pain of the thighs, as if bruised. Drawing in the knee, afterwards burning and pain as if sprained, when stepping. Tremulous feeling of numbness in the knees. Feeling of great weakness in and around the knee-joints. Painful wearing below the knee, when stepping or sitting. Cramp-like sensation in the legs, in paroxysms, from above downwards, accompanied with a feeling of rigidity. Languor of the legs, with oppressed breathing. Weariness of the feet, with a feeling of swelling around the ankles. Pain in the tarsal- joints, as if sprained. Tensive pain in the bend of the foot. Corrosion and smarting around the ankles, as if excoriated. Cold feet.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.