MERCURIUS symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy MERCURIUS…


MERC. Duration of Action: In regard to this subject Noack and Trinks offer the following remarks: The effects of this metal, when given in large and frequently repeated doses, develop themselves more or less slowly, sometimes reappear after long intervals, and frequently last days, weeks, months, years and even through life. The intensity of its action upon the animal organism may be inferred from the fact that this agent, no matter in what form it is administered, is discovered in the solids and fluids of the organism in the original form of Mercury, provided its use is continued long and frequently. It has been found in the blood (Shubarth), in the urine, (Cantu), in the bile (of those animals to which Quicksilver was given, Autenrieth), in the sweat (Brinkmann, Cruikshank),.,.,. Small doses of this drug and its oxydes (except the Sublimate) act slowly; it is therefore necessary, even according to Hahnemann’s own opinion, that the doses should be frequently repeated in urgent cases, such as syphilis, combined with scrofulosis and tuberculosis.


Aconite, Am., Am.-mur., Ant., Argentum, Arnica, Arsenicum, Asa.-f., Arum., Baryta, Belladonna, Bovista, Bryonia, Calcarea, Caladium, Carb.-a., Carb.-v., Causticum, Chamomilla, China, Cicut., Clem., Cocc., Coffea, Colchicum, Conium, Cuprum, Digitalis, Dulcamara, Euphor., Euphr., Ferrum, Graphites, Guai., Hepar, Jod., Lachesis, Lauroc., Ledum, Lycopodium, Mez., Magn., Natr., Nitr.-ac., Nux.-v., Opium, Phosph., Phosph.-ac., Pulsatilla, Rhus., Sarsap., Sepia, Silicea, Staphys., spongia, Stramonium, Stron., Sulphur, Sabina, Selenium, Thuja, Veler., Veratrum, Viol.-tar. Mercurius is frequently suitable after: Belladonna, Hepar-s., Lachesis. After Mercurius, are frequently indicated; Belladonna, China, Dulcamara, Hepar, Sulphur


Ac.-nitr. against violent pains of the bones, ulcers of the mucous membrane, hydrargyrosis combined with congestive symptoms and inveterate syphilis. Stomacace-mercurialis; scorbutic haemorrhage, ulcers in the mucous membrane of the mouth and fauces, affections of the periosteum and bones. Ac.-phosph. for periostitis. Am. carb. has been recommended as an antidote by Hahnemann, without indicating the special symptoms. Arnica against pulmonary haemorrhage occasioned by the abuse of Mercury. Arsenicum Art. of for hydrargyrosis combined with rheumatism and gout. Asa.-f., for caries mercurialis. ozaena-mercurialis. Aurum, this antidote was knows already to Dioscorides and Paracelsus. Aurum- mur for hydrargyrosis with cachectic symptoms and scrofulous; hypochondria and ozaena-mercurialis; mercurial induration and swelling of the testicles.? Belladonna, against the congestions to the head brought on by Mercury; periostitis and ostitis; phlegmonous inflammation of the glands. Camph. has been recommended and employed as an antidote by Hahnemann, without indicating the special forms. Carb-veg., in acute poisoning with the Corrosive Sublimate, and hen gangrene is to be apprehended; ulcers in the mucous membrane of the intestines; stomacace-mercurialis; gangrene resulting from mercurial ptyalism; mercurial ulcers having a scorbutic and gangrenous character, with burning nightly pains,. China, against excessive weakness consequent upon the loss of strength, and humors occasioned by Mercury; excessive irritation of the nervous system, lentescent fever, excessive sweats excessive sensitiveness of the skin to changes of temperature, great liability to taking cold, affections to the periosteum and bones, mercurial caries, Conium for cold glandular swellings, from abuse of Mercury. Cuprum for mercurial ulcers.? Dulcamara, for mercurial rheumatism, great liability to cold, mercurial herpes and impetigo. Elec., for mercurial trembling of the limbs, mercurial neuralgia and paralysis; hydrargyrosis combined with rheumatic and arthritic affections; affections of the bones; hydrargyrosis with syphilis Ferrum et aquae martiales, for mercurial cachexia, mercurial ulcers, periostitis (Ferrum-phosphoricum); hydrargyrosis combined with torpid scrofula (Ferrum-iodatum); mercurial trembling of the limbs and mercurial neuralgia; mercurial ulcers. Guai., for mercurial rheumatism and gout; hydrargyrosis combined with rheumatism and gout. Jod. and Kal-hydr.: these are the chief and mercurial affection, assuming the form of secondary or tertiary syphilis, and consisting in affections of the inner mucous membranes, the outer skin, of the periosteum and bones, hypertrophy, and abnormal growths of the aforesaid tissues. Iodium ought therefore to be chiefly employed in indurations and hypertrophy of glandular organs of the testicles, liver, glands, mesenteric glands, parotid, cervical, axillary, nd inguinal glands, ptyalism, gangrene from mercurial, ptyalism; cutaneous diseases; cutaneous tubercles; cutaneous ulcers; inflammation of the periosteum and bones; caries, tophi, gummata; when the organism has been saturated with mercurial preparations in the treatment of secondary or tertiary syphilis, and has lost its susceptibility to mercurial action; in such a case Iodium neutralizes the effects of the Mercury, and restores the susceptibility of the organism to the action of that drug. Kreas., for scorbutic symptoms; mercurial stomacace; mercurial ulcers of the mucous membrane of the mouth and fauces. cutaneous ulcers; mercurial ptyalism. Lach, for mercurial ulcers of the fauces.? Gangrene from mercurial ptyalism. Lactucarium, for nervous and vascular irritation, especially in persona with a rigid fibre and cholerico-sanguine temperament Lycopodium, for mercurial ulcers in the throat fauces; affections of the bones.? Mang-acet., for mercurial periostitis and ostitis; mercurial acute rheumatism of the joints, and gout.? Mez., m for mercurial periostitis and ostitis chronic inflammation and induration of the tonsils nd testicles; mercurial impetigo and herpes.? Natr-chlor. for ptyalism. Natr-mur. for mercurial scorbutic diathesis. Nux-v., for mercurial trembling of the limbs; paralysis of the optic and limbs. Opium, for excessive nervous irritability; neuralgia;? painful ptyalism; hydrargyrosis combined with rheumatism; adynamic fever with congestion to the brain; mercurial ulcers, characterized by great pain; mercurial morbid sensibility and hydrargyrosis, with decomposition of the blood, softening and puffiness of the solids and solid tissues, and colliquative phenomena, Phosph., for mercurial amaurosis; neuralgia;? mercurial periostitis and ostitis; paralysis.? Plumb-acet. for abdominal ptyalism. Sas., mercurial cutaneous eruptions. Silicea, mercurial cares;? mercurial ulcers.? Staphysagria, mercurial hypochondria;? mercurial periostitis and ostitis.? Sulph., and especially the Hepar sulph. of hot spring, in the lower forms of hydrargyrosis, but no longer applicable in a perfectly-develop scorbutic mercurial cachexia; useful in mercurial iritis, mercurial cutaneous eruptions and ulcers; the steam of sulphur has been recommended against affections of the bones and mercurial asthma Sulphate of Zinc, for mercurial neuralgia in plethoric individuals suffering with congestion, and sensitive individuals disposed to spasms. Mercurial ptyalism. internal, and external, has sometimes been cured by the administration of another mercurial preparation. The poisonous effects of large doses of Corrosive Sublimate are antidoted by the white of an egg.


(Cracking in all the joints.) Rigidity of all the limbs, making it impossible for him to move them in the least. Violent pain, as if bruised, in the whole body, especially the things. All the limbs are painful, as if dislocated, move when sitting. Arthritic pain in the joints with swelling of the same. Rheumatic or arthritic pains in the joints and limbs, particularly at night, or with copious sweats which do not afford any relief. Laceration in the hands, back, chest, with headache. Drawing and lacerating in the limbs, particularly at night. Drawing pain in the affected parts. All his bones, when sitting. lying, walking, and standing. Constant uneasiness in all the limbs in the evening. Restlessness towards evening. Almost uninterrupted pain in the joints, as if sprained, compressed, and broken, at the same time. Heaviness of the limbs, with paleness, coldness, laziness, and drowsiness. Languor, especially when sitting, as if his limbs would drop off. Paroxysm of internal mental and bodily sinking. Weakness, Less when walking then when standing. Excessive weakness and sudden giving way of the knees. Qualmishness in the morning with heaviness of the lower limbs, languor, and drowsiness. Languor with melancholy. Sinking with an indescribable malaise of body and soul, obliging him to down. Paroxysms of spasmodic contraction of the upper and lower limbs. Local or general catalepsy. General cataleptic immobility. Rigidity and immobility of all the limbs, although they can be easily moved by others. Stiffness and stretching of the upper and lower limbs with clenched thumbs, preceded by yawning and pain in the small of the back, and succeeded by languor. Epileptic attack

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.