Almost complete immobility of the jaw, or with inflammatory swelling of the lower jaw. Pain under the lower jaw. Caries of the jaw. Swelling of the submaxillary glands, also inflammatory, with stinging and throbbing, or cold, painless. Terrible lacerating in the teeth, especially increased by eating. Pain in the teeth, especially after eating, as if corroded. The teeth become black-gray, black. Sensation when moving the mouth as if the teeth were loose. Looseness of the teeth, they were painful when touched by the tongue. Weakness in the teeth. Pain in the front teeth. Toothache aggravated by cold. Toothache as if the teeth were on edge. Violent toothache in the night. Toothache in the evening. The toothache becomes intolerable by the warmth of the bed. Lacerating in the roots of the teeth. Lacerating toothache after midnight, and especially early in the morning. Lacerating in decayed teeth, with painful swelling of the cheeks, or of the submaxillary glands, accompanied by chilliness and saliva. Drawing toothache, also in the front teeth, early in the morning. Violent stitches in the teeth. The gums are painful when touched or when chewing. The gums recede from the teeth; they are sore and swollen. Ulcerated gums. Painful, swollen gums. Burning pain in the gums, in the night. Burning-bating pain in the gums, increasing after noon, bathing on lying down, and disappearing in the night. Bleeding of the gums when touching them. Scorbutic affections.


Fetid smell from the mouth. Nightly burning in the mouth. Soreness and constant dryness of the mouth. Inflammator swelling in the mouth. Aphthae. Ulcers and sores, with burning and smarting, particularly in the evening. Stomacace. Constant spitting. Ptyalism. Pain and swelling of the salivary glands Accumulation of tenacious saliva in the mouth. The tongue is coated as with fur, particularly early in the morning, sometimes accompanied with whitish swelling and ready bleeding of the gums. Brown or blackish tongue. Painful tongue as if chapped, with burning. Dry, hard, and cracked tongue. Swelling of the tongue Inflammatory, herd swelling of the tongue, or with ulcerated edges. Hollow, ulcerated tongue, with swelling. The tongue feels as if burnt. Ranula, quick and stuttering speech. Complete loss of speech and voice.


Sore throat; sensation as if something had lodged in the throat. Difficult deglutition. Constant desire to swallow. Spasmodic difficulty of swallowing, with danger of suffocation. Pain in the throat when swallowing, and hoarseness. Heat ascends in her throat. Pain in the throat as if too dry. Constant dryness of the throat; it felt sore, as if were narrower behind than in front. Stinging sore throat. Stitches in the back of the throat when swallowing. Stitching pain in the tonsils when swallowing. Elongation and swelling of the uvula. Continuous aching pain in the oesophagus, in the region of the larynx, more violent when eating. Ulceration of the tonsils, with sharp stinging pains in the fauces when swallowing. Inflammatory swelling of the tonsils. Catarrhal sore throat. Rheumatic sore throat.? Phlegmonous sore throat.? Syphilitic ulcers in the throat. The soreness frequent extends to the ears, or the parotid, submaxillary, and cervical glands. Aggravation during empty deglutition, at night, in the cool air, and when talking. Ptyalism attending the sore throat.


Metallic taste in the mouth, causing almost vomiting. Bitter taste in the mouth, especially between meals. Putrid taste in the mouth, especially in the morning. Saltish taste in the mouth. Sweet taste in the mouth. Slimy or sourish taste in the mouth. Excessive appetite and hunger, but is unable to eat from want of relish. Ravenous canine hunger. No appetite for dry food, likes liquid food. Complete loss of appetite. A good deal of thirst. Violent burning thirst, day and night.


Violent eructations. Constant risings of air. Rising of bitter water. Bilious eructations. Regurgitation of the ingesta. Heartburn. Violent hiccough. He feels a nausea in the chest, with cutting pressure. Continued inclination to vomit with pressure and cutting in the chest, and here and there dull stitches in the direction of the sides of the chest, cutting in the abdomen, and cutting, with pressure in the pit of the stomach. Nausea and shuddering the whole day. Headache at every attack of nausea. Empty retching. Violent vomiting of bitter mucus Bilious vomiting.


Constrictive laceration in the pit of the stomach, afterward this pain is felt in the chest. Burning pain in the pit of the stomach. Ulcerative pain in the stomach and abdomen. Great painfulness of the pit and region of the stomach, particularly to the touch. Intensely painful aching in the stomach, especially during a deep inspiration and when touching the parts. When sitting the food weighs like a stone in the pit of the stomach. Pressure in the pit of the stomach after a meal, accompanied with nausea.


The region of the liver is painfully sensitive to contact. Stitch in the region of the liver, preventing inspirations and eructations. Burning in the region of the liver. Swelling and hardness of thE liver. Acute hepatitis. Complete jaundice.


Colic, as from a cold, particularly when walking in the open air. Colic occasioned by the cool evening air, with diarrhoea. Inexpressible colic, which only passes off in a lying posture. Violent pressure in the right side of the abdomen, as if the bowels were twisted out of the body. Pressure in the abdomen as from stone. Tensive pain over the umbilicus, deep seated, relieved by eating. Painful contraction in the abdomen. Pinching in the abdomen about midnight. Pinching in the abdomen. Redness and heat in the cheeks, followed by burning-pinching pain in the epigastrium. During the pinching in the abdomen he is attacked with chilliness and shuddering. Cutting, with writhing pain and qualmish feeling. Stabbings in the abdomen. Chilliness in the abdomen. Burning in the abdomen, particularly in the umbilical region. During the pain the abdomen is painful to contact or pressure. Enteritis.? Peritonitis.? Ascites.? Scrofulous enlargement of the abdomen, from swelling of the mesenteric glands.? Distention of the abdomen. Distended hard abdomen, also with painfulness to contact. Small buboes in the left groin, and burning during micturition. Pain as if the inguinal glands were swollen. Swelling of an inguinal gland. Ulceration and suppuration of the inguinal glands. Syphilitic and scrofulous buboes.


Desire for stool every moment, with tenesmus, without being able to accomplish anything. Constant desire for stool, passing but little every time, with pinching in the abdomen. Constipation for several days. with catarrhal fever. Anxious desire for stool, accompanied and preceded by great by nausea and pressing in the temples. A good deal of pressing stool, and little discharge. Violent urging, sometimes compelling him to go to stool suddenly Tenacious stool. Hard stool, large, and passed after much pressing and pains at the anus. Every stool is preceded by chilliness or shuddering. The diarrhoeic stool is preceded by chilliness and urging, and the chilliness is mingled with flushes of heat. Chilliness between the diarrhea stools. He feels nauseated during a diarrhoea stool. Discharges of bloody mucus, accompanied with colic and tenesmus. Dysenteric stools. Fall dysentery. Loose faces lined with mucus and blood. Papescent stool, with mucus. Stool of the color of sulphur. Yellowish diarrhoeic stool, without sensation. White-gray stool. Mucous discharge from the rectum, with scanty discharge of faces. Stool only at night. Diarrhoea in the evening and at night. Diarrhoeia stool streaked with blood. Bloody stools, with painful acrid sensation at the anus. Discharge of dark-green mucus, preceded by pressure in the abdomen as of a ball. Dark-green, bilious, frothy stools. Green, slimy, acrid stools, corroding the anus. Discharge of green mucus, with burning at the anus, and protrusion of the anus. Chopped-like stool. Sour-smelling stools. Undigested stools. Black, tenacious, pith-like stools. Diarrhoea, with cutting and pressing in the rectum. Burning diarrhoea. Bloody diarrhoea for several days, followed by and cutting. Burning pain at the anus with the loose stools. Burning at the anus after every stool. Discharge of blood before, during, or after the evacuation of faces, even when hard. Itching of the anus, as fro ascarides. Soreness of the anus. Ascarides creep out the rectum. Discharge of several large lumbrici. Falling of the rectum, which is black and discharges blood.


Constant desire to urinate, but no urine is passed. Dark, red and brown urine. Urine with whitish flocks. The urine is extremely turbid, even while leaving the urethra, and deposits a sediment. Turbid and fetid urine. Acrid urine. Whole pieces of white filaments and flocks are emitted after the urine, without pain. The urine smells sour. Scanty, fiery-red urine. Dark-red urine, as if mixed with blood. The urine looks as if mixed with the urine. Nauseous qualmishness during micturition. Burning in the urethra between the acts of contraction in the region of the kidneys at night. Cutting in the urethra. Greenish gonorrhoea particularly at night.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.