Pale face. Yellowness, particularly around the eyes, with red cheeks. Feeling of great internal heat in the face, especially the eyes. The bones of the face are painful. Lacerating in the malar bones. Violent pain in the malar bones, as if they would be torn to pieces. Prickings in the face. Erysipelatous inflammation and swelling of the cheek, stinging, painful, with nausea and chilliness. Black pores of the face. Small pimples in the face, especially on the forehead. Pimples on the hairy border of the temple. Pustules with red broad borders and becoming scurfy. Both lips are chapped. Ulcerated scurfy corners of the mouth. Pain in the jaws as if from Mercurius Continuous stitch in the region of the articulation of the jaw. Pain of the submaxillary glands. Swelling of the submaxillary glands.


Drawing pain in the teeth, extending to the larynx Drawing and grumbling in the teeth and jaws, at night. Lacerating in the teeth. Stitching toothache, with swelling of the cheeks. Throbbing toothache, worst in the evening when in bed. Looseness of the teeth, with pain when chewing. Sensation as if the teeth were soft and spongy. The teeth feel elongated. Itching of the gums White, swollen gums. Swelling of the gums. Bleeding of the gums.


The inner parts of the mouth feel stiff and swollen. Contractive sensation in the mouth. Ulcers in the mouth and fauces. Dry mouth, no thirst, swollen, hot lips. Ptyalism without affection of the gums. Ptyalism and ulcers of the fauces. Bloody saliva in the morning. Putrid smell from the mouth. Vesicles on the tongue and its edge, with burning pain when touched. Coated tongue.


Pressure in the throat, as from a tumor, with sore pain. Sore throat, when swallowing, as if the throat were swollen, raw, and ulcerated. Stinging-burning sore throat. Soreness of the pharynx. Swelling of the tonsils. Ulcers in the throat, particularly from abuse of Mercury. Heat and dryness of the throat. Scraping sensation in the throat, as if speech were impeded.


Sour taste in the mouth. Bitter taste in the mouth, particularly after eating. Sweetish taste in the mouth. Great thirst continually. Thirst attending suppuration of the lungs. Want of appetite, especially in the morning. Aversion to everything. Inclination to eat earth, chalk, lime,. Violent hunger. Canine hunger. Nausea, particularly in the throat. Qualmishness in the abdomen. Vomiting, and headache above the eyes and in the parietal bones, as if the head would burst. Eructations, with bitter and sour vomiting. Heartburn with eructations. Repletion of the stomach. Feeling of coldness and pressure in the stomach. Excessive languor, especially in the knees and elbows. Much yawning. Chilliness, paleness, and coated tongue. Anxiousness.


Eructations tasting of the ingesta. Sour eructations. Bilious eructations, during a meal. Eructations, accompanied by heartburn. Burning in the oesophagus, down to the pit of the stomach. Nausea, as from excessive heat. Nausea, with anxiety and trembling. Constant nausea and inclination to vomit, with heat from the pit of the stomach to the pit of the throat. Bitter and sour vomiting.


Pressure in the stomach, increased by pressing on the part with the hand. Pressure in the pit of the stomach, and sudden burning, as if he would vomit blood. Cramp-like contractive pain in the stomach. Stitch below the pit of the stomach. Gnawing in the region of the stomach. Pulsations in the pit of the stomach. Burning sensation in the stomach. Coldness in the stomach.


Pressure and tension in the region of the liver Stitches in the region of the liver, Jaundice, yellowness of the skin, with costiveness. Pressure, also with tension in the left hypochondrium. Sensation as if the spleen were swollen. Stitches in the region of the spleen, at every movement.


Aching pain in the abdomen. Contractive pain in the umbilical region. Cramp-like contraction of the abdomen. Drawing pain in the abdomen, with shuddering. Drawing and griping in the umbilical region, especially when moving or bending the body. Frequent pinching in the abdomen, without diarrhoea. Cutting pain in the abdomen, in the morning when in bed, and after rising. Cutting colic, with diarrhoea. Stitching colic, especially when pressing on the abdomen. Colic as from cold. Ulcerative pain in the hypogastrium. Excessive flatulence. Uneasiness and rumbling in the abdomen, with diarrhoea. Violent flatulent colic, early in the morning, after rising. Excessive sensitiveness of the abdomen. Liability of the abdomen to take cold. Inguinal hernia of children. Swelling of the inguinal glands. Suppurating swelling of the inguinal glands, painful walking; the whole limb feels paralyzed.


Painless constipation. Costiveness, the abdomen became distended. Hard, scanty stool. Dry stool. Difficult, irregular stool. Long pressing, when going to stool. Constant unsuccessful desire for stool. Too frequent stool. Papescent stool. Sensation as if diarrhoea would come on. Diarrhoea, with nausea after dinner. Diarrhoea every other day. Mucous diarrhoea, sometimes with colic and violent desire. Smarting acrid stool. Bloody, dysenteric stool, with tenesmus, fever, and headache. Colic, sometimes drawing, previous to stool. Stitches, cutting, and pressing in the rectum and anus, during stool. Profuse discharge of blood during stool. Stitches in the anus and cramp-like contraction. Unsuccessful desire, after stool. Complete exhaustion, after stool. Excessive irritation, anxiety, and general uneasiness after stool. The rectum is inactive. Pressure in the rectum. Itching in the rectum as from ascarides. Burning and pinching in the rectum. Varices and prickling at the anus. Swelling and burning of the varices of the anus. Bleeding of the varices of the anus, during stool Itching of the anus. Soreness, smarting of the anus.


Painless suppression of urine. Painful urination. Pressure on the bladder. Nightly desire to urinate, with cutting pain in the abdomen. Scanty, turbid, badly-smelling urine. Enuresis. Inability to retain the urine, also in children. Red sediment in the urine. Whitish sediment and ammoniacal odor of the urine. Fetid, sourish urine, like the urine of horses. Burning in the urethra, during micturition. Smarting pain in the urethra, when urinating. Violent burning after micturition. Cramp-like, contractive pain from the kidneys towards the bladder. Pressure in the region of the kidneys. The orifice of the urethra is dark- red, swollen, like a pad. Ulcer in the urethra. Yellowish matter comes out of the urethra. Discharge of bloody mucus from the urethra.


Frequent Itching of the glands. Red spots in the glands, becoming covered with scabs. Sycotic condylomata on the glands and prepuce. Deep ulcer on the glans, with elevated, lead- coloured, extremely sensitive edges. Balanorrhoea. Throbbing and pressure about the glans. Inflammation and swelling of the prepuce, without much redness; on its internal surface and border, and in the orifice of the urethra, chancre-like, suppurating ulcers, with flat edges, without inflammation, but with violent lancinations, increasing, towards evening. Small itching vesicles on the prepuce. Violent itching if the scrotum. Drawing pain in the testicle. Swelling of the testicle, painful when touched. Hanging down of the scrotum. Lacerating in the spermatic cords, the testes being painful to the touch. Deficient sexual desire. Erections, with burning and stitches in the urethra. Violent erections and pollutions. Too frequent nocturnal emissions.


Irritation and inflammation of the labia-majora and vagina. Itching of pudendum, when walking, with soreness. Dry burning of the genital organs. Ulcer in the vagina, looking as if covered with yellow pus, with burning itching pain. The menses delay. Menses too early. Menses too profuse. Suppression of the menses. During the menses; toothache. Swelling of the gums. Violent pressing in the region of the liver. Pressure in the abdomen, and pains in the small of the back. violent pains, first labor-like; afterwards more like a pressing in the hypogastrium extending into the vagina. LEUCORRHOEA, consisting of mucus, flesh- coloured. leucorrhoea, of greenish mucus, immediately after the menses. Fetid leucorrhoea. Cherry-brown, and fetid leucorrhoea. Hard knots in the mammae. Vanishing of the mammae.


Stinging pain in the larynx. Sharp scratching sensation in the larynx. Roughness of the chest. Hoarseness. Tracheal phthisis? Much cough. Titillation, with cough, and soreness in the throat. Cough only in the daytime. Dry cough, as after a cold. Barking cough, particularly in the evening. Cough with vomiting, Mucous discharge, with cough. Yellow, bitterish expectoration. Purulent expectoration. Ulcerative phthisis (using first Kali). Cough, with bloody expectoration. Expectoration of black, coagulated blood, with cough, with discharge of similar blood from the nose. Soreness in the chest, as if it were ulcerated.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.