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NITRIC ACID symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy NITRIC ACID…


NITR. AC. See Hahnemann’s “Chronic Diseases,” IV. Duration of Action, several weeks.


Aconite, Arnica, Aurum, Belladonna, Bryonia, Calcarea, Conium, Hepars., Jod., Kali- carb, Kali-nitr., Lycopodium, Mercurius, Mez., Murex-ac., Natr.-carb., Natr.mur., Opium, Petrol., Phosph., Phosph-ac., Pulsatilla, Rhus, Sepia, Sulph-ac., Thuja. Nitric-ac is frequent suitable after: Belladonna, Calcarea, Hepars., Kali, Natr.carb. and mur., puls., sulph., Thuja. After Nitric-ac. are frequently suitable: Calcarea, Petrol., Pulsatilla, Sulphur


Of large does: alkalis, a saturated solution of Soap; pure Magnesia stirred in water; of small doses: Calcarea carb., Camph., Conium, Hepar-s., Mercurius, Mez., petrol., Phosph., Phosph.-ac., Sulphur


Pain in all the limbs, apparently in the bones. Cramp-like stiffness of the back and whole body. Tension in the head and whole body. General tension of the nerves, with much thirst. Drawing pain in the periosteum of all the bones, as is felt

previous to fever and ague. Drawing and tearing in the whole body. Drawing and burning in the limbs. Frequent drawing pains in almost every part of the body. Aching and drawing pain around the knee-joints. Lacerating in the upper and lower limbs. Twitchings in every part of the body. Burning of the joints. After walking the joints are painful, as if luxated. Great sensitiveness in the joints. Stitches in all the parts of the body. Seething of the blood and languor in all the limbs. A slight motion causes palpitation of the heart and sweat. He takes cold easily. The whole body is sensitive to the open air. Pain in the back from taking cold. Pinching and cutting in the abdomen from taking cold. Short, but violent headache. Violent pressure above the stomach and pit of the stomach. Pain in the left scapula and the region of the kidneys. Pains when the weather changes. Excessive thinness. Emaciation of the whole body, especially of the upper arms and thighs. Sick feeling in the whole body, with weakness of the joints and heat in the head. Feeling of great faintness the whole day. Frequent subdued trembling through the whole body. Trembling all over. Great weariness and indolence, as if exhausted and bruised. Heaviness. The joints feel weak and bruised, as after long fatigue. The limbs feel paralyzed. Want of energy of both mind and body. Epileptic fit.


The symptoms increase towards evening, especially the drawing pain, which is felt here and there. Pains, even slight ones, affect him violently.


Dryness of the skin. Itching over the whole body. Pimples. Dark freckles. Swelling of the hands and feet.


Drowsiness in the daytime. Frequent waking in the night. Sleeplessness and restlessness. Unrefreshing, restless sleep Waking in a state of restlessness, with anguish. Violent eructations and spasm of the stomach. Violent pressure at the stomach. Restlessness and anguish in the abdomen, with heat, in the head and hands. Sleep interrupted by oppressed breathing. Wakes with a palpitation of the heart, and pulsations below the clavicle, without anguish. Stitches in the region of the heart, heat, and thirst. Lacerating in the lower limbs. Weariness of the feet. Congestion of blood to the chest and heart. Anguish, resembling palpitation of the heart, with nausea, without inclination to vomit. The head feels heavy and pressed. Oppressive anxiety, a sort of nightmare. Starting and jerking of the limbs. Anxious sleep, with moaning. Anxious dreams, with screams during sleep. Lascivious dreams, also strange dreams with nightmare and sweat. Difficult anxious waking from a heavy, unrefreshing sleep. Great drowsiness after rising.


Cold skin over the whole body, at night. Chilliness, especially in the evening. Shudderings, even in a warm room. Violent fever with chilliness, especially in the back. Quotidian fever. Afternoon-fever, heat, and chilliness. Feverish heat with quick pulse. Great heat in the face, in the evening, with icy-cold hands without thirst. Internal, dry heat, with thirst and feverish weakness. Great heat and no sleep, in the night. Heat, with thirst and dryness of the throat, in the night. Unequal pulse. Night-sweat, every other night, profuse. Night-sweat, every night. Fetid sweat.


Sadness, and as if oppressed with grief Weeping mood. Excessive melancholy and anguish. Affright. Anxieties, the whole day. Fits of anguish, with palpitation of the heart, arresting the breathing. Anguish, with stitches above the heart, and a sort of raving as if delirious, with coldness of the body and inclination to fall. Excessive nervousness. Timid, with tendency to start. Hopelessness, despair. Tired of life. Indifferent joyless. Taciturn. Irritable disposition. Indisposition to work. Changeable mood.


Great weakness of memory. Diminished power of thinking. Dullness of the head, which is sometimes like loss of consciousness. Cloudiness and dizziness of the head. Vertigo. Vertigo, when walking and sitting. Vertigo with nausea, early in the morning; with pulsation in the head, and pressure in the middle of the brain in the evening.


Headache, with nausea. Headache, early in the morning when waking. Heaviness and dullness of the head, with nausea. Heaviness in the temples, with frequent chilliness. Feeling of fullness in the head. Headache, with tension in the eyes, when moving them. Painful tension in the interior of the head and in the eye-lids. Headache, as if the head were surrounded with a tight bandage. Pain, as from bruises, in the occiput. Pressure in the upper part of the head. Pressure in the head and heaviness of the limbs. Compressive pain in the forehead. Drawing headache. Drawing pain in the right temple. Dull. Lacerating in the forehead, vertex, and sinciput. Cutting headache. Stitches in almost every part of the head. Stitches in the temples, particularly the right. Shocks in the head, when stooping or lying down. Jerks in the head, in the evening. Throbbing headache in the left side of the head. Throbbing pain in the temples. Beating headache, with nausea. Intolerably painful hammering in the head. Congestion of blood to the head. Pain in the head, as from congestion of blood. Heat in the head. Constant groaning sensation in the head. Pain, as from subcutaneous ulceration, of the outer parts of the head, on touching them. Tension of the scalp. Drawing and stinging in the scalp. Numbness of the head. Sensation about the head as of burning points or sparks. Itching of the scalp. Scurfy, humid, itching eruption. Falling off of the hair. Ulcerated spots on the head, humid and burning.


The eyes are weak and sore. Pressure in the eyes, as if pressing on an ulcer. Pressure and smarting sensation in the eye. Pinching pain in the eyes. Drawing pain in the eyes. Stitches in the eyes. Itching and pressure of the eyes. Smarting sensation in the eyes. Burning in the eyes and left temple. Inflammation of the conjunctiva, or of the eyes, from abuse of Mercurius or from syphilis Swelling of the eye-lids. Suppuration of the eyes. Dark spots on the cornea. Sensation as if the eyes were full of tears. Frequent lachrymation. Lachrymation and itching of the eyes. Acrid human in the eyes. Paralysis of the upper lid. Dilatation of the pupils Difficulty of contracting the pupils. Photophobia. Obscuration of the eyes, when reading. The sight becomes dim; objects appear dark In the open air he suddenly became as if blind and deranged. Mistiness before the eyes, when looking at a thing. Short- sighted, objects at a moderate distance appeared indistinct. Gray spots before the eyes. Muscae-volitantes. Sparks before the eyes; obscuration of sight.


Pain in the ears, as if something would burst. Dragging pain in the ears. Stitches in the right ear, with pressure in the forehead. Itching heat of the ears. Feeling of dryness in the ears, they are swollen. Redness, suppuration, and violent itching behind the ear. Steatoma at the lobule. Caries of the mastoid

process. Glandular swelling behind and below the ear. Difficulty of hearing from enlargement of the tonsils, particularly after abuse of Mercurius Dull hearing. Sound in the ear as if water were in it. Humming in the ears and hardness of hearing. Roaring, throbbing, cracking in the ears.


Violent itching in the nose. Smarting pain in the nose. Burning in the nose. Soreness and bleeding of the inside of the nose, with violent coryza. Soreness and scurf in the nose. Ulcerated nostril. Itching herpes on the wings of the nose. Redness of the tip of the nose, and scurfy blisters on it. Fig-like excrescence in the nose. Violent bleeding of the nose. Disagreeable smell in the nose, on inspiring air. Fetid smell from the nose. Obstruction of the nose. Dryness of the nose. Violent dry coryza, in the night. Yellow fetid discharge from the nose. Coryza with sore feeling of the nostrils. Coryza with dry cough and headache. Coryza with water-brash. Violent coryza with swelling of the nose. Violent fluent coryza, with lacerating in all the limbs.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.