MUR.AC. Acidum Hydrochloricum. See Hahnemann’s “Chronic Diseases, ” VI. Duration of action: five weeks and upwards.
Arsenicum, Aurum, Belladonna, Bay.,Calcarea, China, Lycopodium, Natr. mur.,, Nux-v., Phos-ac., Rhus., Rhus., Squilla. Viol-od.
Of large doses: magnesia-calcinata, Sapo-medicus. Of mall doses: Bryonia Camph.
Drawing, lacerating and cutting in the limbs, during rest, relieved by motion. Twitching in all the limbs. Pain as if bruised in every joint. Pain of the periosteum of every bone, as if fever and ague. Vacillating gait, owing to weakness of the thighs. Great weakness of the legs. Lassitude, early in the morning especially of the lower limbs. Great weariness in the evening, after a walk. Great weariness and drowsiness, with dim- sightedness. Restlessness. Scrofulous affections.
Stinging -itching. Painful ulcers on the akin. Fetid odor of the ulcers, although they are covered with scurf. Block pocks. Boils, with stinging pain when touched.
Drowsy, in the afternoon. Sleeplessness. Restlessness nights. Empty eructations and colic at night. He slips down in his bed, and moans and groans in his sleep. Feeling of weakness at night, when in bed, and difficulty of uniting one idea with another. Starting after falling asleep, owing to restlessness in the body, and especially the lower limbs. Frequent waking at night. Frequent waking, with tossing about. Restless, frequently -disturbed sleep, with vivid, anxious dreams, and profuse sweat all over while asleep, except the head.
Coldness to the touch. Chilliness with thirst, also without subsequent heat. Chilliness with goose-flesh, without shaking or thirst. Chilliness, in the evening, with icy-coldness in the back Chilliness in the evening, with burning face and dry mouth. Feverish shuddering over the whole body, with shaking chills, yawning, and stretching of the limbs, but without thirst or subsequent heat. Typhoid fevers, with torpid character. Putrid fevers. Every third pulsation in missing. Violent sweat about the head and back. Seat before midnight, with dry dough. Night- sweat.
Sad, taciturn. Anxious apprehensiveness. Out of humor. Irritable.
Dullness in the forehead. Vertigo in the open air, and unsteady gait. Vertigo in the head especially in the room, with dim- sightedness.
Headache in the forehead and occiput. Headache in the whole head, as if the brain were torn and dashed to pieces, as is the case in putrid fevers. Heaviness in the forehead, pressing downwards the eyes, with obtusion of the head. Oppressive heaviness in the head. Aching in the fore part of the brain, increased by moving the eyes. Tensive aching from the occipital bone through feeling in the head, especially in the occipital bone through one brain into the forehead. Boring pain in the vertex. Burning feeling in the head, especially in the forehead. Whizzing in the head. Ulcerative pain. Externally, in both temples and on the forehead. Violent itching on the hairy scalp. Pustules on the forehead and temples.
Fine laceratings in the margin of the orbits. Itching in the eyes. Burning of the eyes, with pressure. Slight inflammation of the eyes. Swelling and redness of the upper and lower eye- lid, without pain. Twinkling before the eyes and half- sightedness.
Otalgia of the right ear. Lacerating in the left ear, like Otalgia. Throbbing in there. Dull cutting, with pressure, in the region of the mastoid process, with pain, when touching the apart, as from subcutaneous ulceration. Insensibility in the meatus-auditorious. Hard hearing and deafness. Very sensitive to noise. Frequent tingling, humming, and whizzing in the ear.
Continued bleeding from the nose. Stitching pain in the nostrils, as if they would ulcerate. Coryza-feeling with troublesome dryness of the nose with acrid, corrosive discharge. Obstruction of the nose, like dry coryza.
Lacerating in the left upper jaw, apparently in the bone close below the orbit. Pimples in the face. Freckles. Vesicles on the lips with burning tensive pain.
Toothache, with pain in the malar bones, ears, and temples, relieved by warmth. Frequent dartings in the teeth with burning in the gums. Throbbing toothache, made worse by cold drink. Slight inflammation of the gums. Swelling of the gums. Scorbutic gums.
Dryness of the mouth. Copious saliva in the mouth. The tongue becomes sore and bluish. Red burning vesicle on the tip of the tongue. Painful burning blister on the tongue. Deep ulcer on the tongue, with black base and inverted edges. Wasting away of the tongue. Sore burning of the palate.
Rawness and smarting of the fauces, night and morning. Acrid scraping in the fauces. Dry throat, with burning in the chest. Roughness and burning of the throat, as in heartburn, with coughing.
Acrid and putrid taste in the mouth, like rotten eggs, with ptyalism. Aversion to all food. Bulimy. Craving for drink. Continual eructations. Nausea and qualmishness in the region of the stomach. Inclination to vomit. Vomiting of the ingesta.
Contractive pain in the stomach. Empty feeling in the region of the stomach, especially the esophagus. Heat and burning in the stomach.
Burning and bruised pain in the right hypochondrium. Crampy tension under the short ribs.
Colic, early in the morning when in bed. Contractive sensation in the intestines, with dull pain. Colicky pinching in the abdomen. Violent cutting, with pinching, in the abdomen, when standing or walking, going off when sitting, walking, or standing. Violent cutting in the abdomen, when sitting, walking, or standing. Abdominal spasms. Distended abdomen. Feeling of repletion in the abdomen, after a moderate meal. Rumbling and grumbling in the abdomen. Continual fermentation in the abdomen.
Inactivity of the rectum. Violent desire for stool, early in the morning, nevertheless difficulty of passing the faeces. Soft stool. Diarrhoea, with violent burning along the anus. Diarrhoea, with smarting as from excoriation in the rectum. Diarrhoeic stools, with tenesmus, rumbling and grumbling in the abdomen. Faecal diarrhoea. Itching of the anus, with sore pain and tingling stinging. Violent itching of the rectum, as from ascarides. Burning stitches in the anus. Swelling of the varices of the rectum, with burning sore pain. Swollen blue varices of the rectum, with pain when pressing on them. Profuse haemorrhage from the rectum, with stool.
Frequent desire to urinate, with emission of but a small quantity of urine, and tenesmus of bladder afterwards. Diminished urine with burning. Diabetes. Weakness of the bladder. Frequent involuntary discharge of urine.
Slight inflammation of the prepuce. Itching of the scrotum. Feeling of weakness in the genital organs.
The menses appear too soon. leucorrhoea.
Roughness and hoarseness of the throat, with sore feeling in the chest. Tickling in the throat or chest, exciting a short, dry, hacking cough, with burning in the throat. Dry cough, day and night, fatiguing. Haemoptoe.
Deep breathing, with moaning. Asthmatic pressure on the chest in paroxysms. Aching and bruised pain in the chest. Sticking pain in the chest, during violent motion, and during an inspiration. Stitches in the region of the heat, with arrest of breathing, going off by friction. Tensive boring in the chest, continuing during an inspiration and expiration. Soreness and cutting in the chest, with desire to cough. The beats of the heart, during the nightly fever, are violent.
Drawing burning along the back. Aching pain in the small of the back, when standing or sitting. Small boils on the back, with sticking pain during motion. Stitches in the scapula. Swelling of the cervical glands, with tensive pain when turning the head.
Pressure on the shoulder. Lacerating in the shoulder with pain when touching the part. Throbbing in the shoulder, with paralytic pain in the part. Cramp in the upper arm. Drawing in the upper arm. Lacerating in both upper arms and calves. Drawing tension in the elbow-joint. Cramp-like, heavy feeling in the fore-arm, close to the wrist-joint. Blotches on the fore- arms and elbows, with violent itching and burning. Tingling of the fingers of the hand, as if they had, gone to sleep. Swelling and redness of the tips of the fingers, with burning pain.
Pain of the muscles of the thighs. Weakness of the thighs and wavering gait. Lacerating in the bend of the knee and calf more at night and when sitting. Pain, as if bruised, in the right knee, only when walking. Burning itching of the knees. Swelling of the knees. Coldness of the feet. Swelling and redness of the tips of the toes, with burning pain.