LEPTANDRA VIRGINICA symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy LEPTANDRA VIRGINICA…


(Black Root).


Arsenicum, Baptisia, Iris-versicolor, Mercurius,



We prepare a tincture of the fresh root, triturations of the dry root, and we likewise use the Leptandrin and its triturations.

Dr. Burt has furnished some most valuable provings of this drug which have led homoeopathic physicians to use it in several disorders of the hepatic and gastro-intestinal systems.

Considering the symptoms which Dr. Burt has obtained, in their complex, Leptandra seems to act as a great and specific disturber of the functions of the liver. From this fountain-head of morbid action most, and perhaps all, the other symptoms elicited by our provings seem to emanate, as so many dependent or consensual abnormal sensations and fundamental derangements.

In liver-complaint, characterized by sharp, cutting pains in the epigastrium, a burning distress in the region of the liver and chilly creepings down the spine, attended with black discharges from the bowels, which are followed by great distress in the liver, the toxical action of Aconite develops an analogous group of symptoms, and competes with Leptandra in this respect. In dyspeptic conditions of the stomach, or in gastralgia, characterized by similar symptoms, sharp, cutting pains, burning distress, jaundiced complexion, constipation, reasonably small doses of Leptandrin have acted very beneficially.

In umbilical colic Leptandra competes with Aconite and Dioscorea, except that in the case of the two last-mentioned agents, the pain is spasmodic, whereas, in the case of Leptandra, the pain is described by Dr. Burt as a “constant, dull, aching distress in the umbilical region, with occasional sharp, cutting pains in the same region.”

In both the acute and chronic forms of bilious diarrhoea Leptandra has rendered great service. The discharges are sometimes preceded and very generally followed by sharp, cutting pains in the bowels, are of a watery or tarry consistence, black, fetid, sometimes mixed with mucus, and often so urgent that they cannot be retained. In chronic diarrhoea, or in the camp- diarrhoea of our soldiers, the Leptandra has been given with excellent effect. We have used this drug very satisfactorily to ourselves in attacks of bilious diarrhoea. We have likewise used the fluid extract, prepared of both the root and leaves of Aconite, with remarkable success. Happening to be acquainted with leading officers and quarter-masters in Sherman’s army, whom we had treated before the war, we had frequent demands addressed to us of sending medicine for chronic diarrhoea to the army, and we have been informed that the fluid-extract of Aconite proved one of the best agents in arresting the diarrhoea. The toxical effects of this agent and the splendid provings which we possess of it, satisfactorily account for the curative virtues of this

drug in acute and chronic bilious diarrhoea.

In dysentery, where the best medical treatment will sometimes prove unable to prevent a fatal termination, Leptandra has been administered with the best results. In inflammatory dysentery it seems only indicated when the discharges assume a muco-purulent character, and tenesmus and the severe cutting pains still continue.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.