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MOSCHUS symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy MOSCHUS…


MOSC. Musk. See Hahnemann;’s Mat. Medorrhinum,” III.


Asa-f., Belladonna, Camph., China, Cocc., Coffea, Conium, Croc., Hyoscyamus, Ignatia, Lauroc., Nux-mos., Nux-v., Opium, Phosph., Platina, Pulsatilla, Stramonium


Camph., Coffea


Nervous affections and paroxysms. Hysteric paroxysms, even in males. Hypochondriac affections. Prickling in all muscles. Painful numbness in the articulations. Of the lower limbs, with extreme absence of mind. Feeling of pain in the whole body, with a sort of shuddering. Darting pain in every part of the body, particularly at night. Pain as if bruised in all the coldness of the skin all over. Hysteric paroxysms of weakness. Fainting turns, also succeeded by headache, or particularly at night, or in the evening, or in the open air. Convulsions of the skin all over. Hysteric paroxysms of weakness. Fainting turns, also succeeded by headache, or particularly at night, or in the evening, or in the open air. Convulsions of the most violent, in men and women. Eclampsia. Tetanic spasms. Stiffness of the hands and feet. Spasmodic tossing about of the hands and feet, with severed pain afterwards. Catalepsy. Attacks which cease in the open air: 1. Determination of blood to the head with staring eyes and spasm in the mouth, followed by quick, confused speech, afterwards deadly paleness, face and hairy scalp being drenched with seat; 2. The eye stares, with paleness of face, heaviness of the head, pressure in the nape of the neck, coldness of the body, nausea, afterwards obscuration of sight, contraction of the pupils, loss of equilibrium, stiffness and stretching of the right hand and fingers; 3. The eyes are staring and protruded, the muscles of the face are distorted, the mouth is half open, afterwards delirium with low whispering (psh! psh!), lastly, deep moaning, and playing with the buttons of his waistcoat. Haemorrhages.


Aggravation of the pains when the body becomes cold. Great sensitiveness to the open air.


Itching. Pimples, with violent griping in various parts.


Great drowsiness. Sopor. Coma. Sleeplessness, from nervous irritation. Sleeplessness, the whole night, with momentary compare loss of consciousness and great exhaustion on waking. Restless sleep. Continued dreams.


Feeling of coldness, particularly in. he spine, with drawing pain. External coldness, with internal burning of he affected parts. alternate shuddering and heat, with languor. Shuddering with mounting of heat. Increase of warmth of the whole body, with copious exhalation and increased animation. Burning heat over the whole body. Excessive orgasm of the circulation. Seething. Slight sweat every morning.


Great anxiety, with palpitation of the heart. Anxiety with starting, as in affright, and trembling. Great anguish as if he had to die. ILL-humor.


Paroxysms of absence of mind. Sudden failing of the senses Absorbed in thought, talks loudly to himself. Dullness of sense, with diminution of memory. Sudden loss of memory, with pressure on the vertex. Dullness of the head as if from intoxication. Dullness of the head, with considerable pressure in the brain. Vertigo, and dimness of sight. Vertigo with stupefaction. Vertigo, with violent rush of blood to the head, relieved in the open air. Vertigo, with nausea.


Pain in the head, deep in the brain. Dull pain in the whole head, particularly in the evening. Headache, with nausea and vomiting. Stupefying headache. General stupefying oppression of the brain as if compressed. Feeling of heaviness in the head. Aching pain, as if compressed. Feeling of heaviness in the head. Aching pain in the head, with coldness. Pressure as from a heavy load on the top of the head, worse during motion. Tensive pressure, with sensation as if something were moving in the brain. Drawing pain in the head. Rush of blood to the head also with heaviness in the head. Painfulness of the whole head, as if sore, worse when touch. Aching pain in the forehead, the parts being marked with a red spot. Itching of the hairy scalp.


Pressure in the eyes, as from sand. Itching in the eyes. Smarting in the eyes as if from smoke. Swelling of the upper lids with pressure. Starting, glistering eyes, accompanied with loss of sense. Dimness of sight. Black points before her eyes.


Detonation in both ears. Hardness of hearing.


Bleeding of the nose. Sneezing with pressure in the nasal bones. Obstruction of the nose with dry coryza is suddenly removed.


Earthy complexion. Pale face, with sweat. Red face. Small pimples in the face, with burning. The lips peel off. Swelling of the upper lip, with dry mouth and thirst.


Great dryness of the mouth. Putrid taste of food. Aversion to food.


Repeated, violent, audible eructations. Eructations with nausea. Inclination to vomit, early in the morning and evening, or the whole day, or after every meal, with inability to vomit. Vomiting with tensive pain across the chest.


Oppression of the stomach. Soreness in and above the pit of the stomach, especially during an inspiration, accompanied with anxiety in the chest. Tensive pressure in the stomach, with some painfulness of the abdomen.


Swelling, tightness, and jerking in both hypochondria. Sticking in the region of the liver, aggravated by an inspiration.


Pain about the umbilicus. Tensive pain in the abdomen, as if it would burst. Pressure in the umbilicus, with burning in the chest. Grasping above the umbilicus, at intervals, arresting the breathing. Pinching in the abdomen.


Retention of stool. Violent though ineffectual urging to stool in the abdomen. Diarrhoea with violent cutting in the abdomen. Nightly diarrhoea, with evacuations passing off even during sleep, or with violent urging and pressing in the anus. Profuse diarrhoea, withdrawing-in of the stomach.


Scanty and thick urine, like yeast. A good deal of burning in the urethra.


Violent sexual excitement. Violent sexual desire, also with nausea and vomiting after the embrace. Involuntary emissions, also painful, without erection. Impotence, occasioned by a cold.


Violent sexual desire. Drawing and pressing toward the sexual organs, as if the menses would appear. The menses are too early. Violent drawing pains at the appearance of the menses.


Constriction of the throat, arresting the breathing. Tightness of breathing, with desire to take deep breath. Shortness of breath, owing to stitches in the chest. Suffocative constriction of the chest. Spasms of the lungs, commencing with desire to cough, increasing gradually. Certain kinds of asthma-millari. The chest is violently affected, with pain, attended with a violent dry cough. Pressure in the chest. With arrest of breathing.


Drawing pain in the neck, particularly in the spine, down to the thighs. Pain in the nape of the neck, which does not allow of the neck being turned.


Pressure in the upper arm, from the shoulder joint to the elbow. Cutting in the fore-arm, succeeded by burning. Laming drawing in the fore-arm. Swelling and stinging of the hands. Spasmodic throwing about of the hands and feet, followed by severe pains in those parts.


Languor and uneasiness of the lower limbs, when sitting. Painful spots on the lower limbs, here and there, as if he had been beaten. Pressure about the thigh, also with feeling of weakness. Pain in both thighs as if sprained. Compressive sensation in the bends of the knees, as if the tendons were too short. Paralytic pain in the leg, like rigidity. Pain in the tarsal-joints as if sprained.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.