MAGNETISMUS symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy MAGNETISMUS…


1. MAGNES. ARTIFICIALIS. 1. General symptoms of the Magnet, produced by touching either pole indiscriminately while handling the Magnet, or by laying the whole of the magnetic artificial flat upon the body.

MAGNES ART. See Hahnemann’s “Mat. Medorrhinum Pur,” III. Duration of Action: from ten days to a fortnight.


Belladonna, Croc., Elec., Ferrum-mag., Galv., Ignatia, Lycopodium, Magn-p.arct., Magn.p.austr., Nux-v., Petrol., Pulsatilla, Stramonium, Sabina, Teucrium, Zincum met.


Electr., Ignatia, inc. (imposition of a Zinc plate).


Bruised pain in the joints in the morning. Bruised pain of all the joints, or rheumatic pain of the ligaments of the arms and of all the joints of the chest, back, and nape of the neck, during motion and during an expiration. Paralytic pain in all the joints, worse during motion and when standing, accompanied with a drawing and lacerating sensation. The joints are painful when moving the limbs. Burning emanations through every part of the body in every direction. Burning and pricking pains. Heaviness in all the limbs, and palpitation of the heart. Dull, numb pain. Drawing and pricking pain, mingled with itching. Shuddering movement through the whole body. The joints are painful when touched. Paralysis. Loss of consciousness, with starting eyes, open mouth, almost imperceptible inspiration. Languor in all the limbs. Fits of fainting, palpitation of the heat, and suffocation. Insensibility and deadly sopor.


Boils. Corrosive pains in various parts. Burning stinging pain. Small pimples on the chest. Extremely itching eruption. Red eruption, red spots.


Sleep disturbed by dreams full of oppression and anxiety, resembling nightmare; headache in the occiput after waking, with asthma, and bruised pain in all the joints, going off after rising and during motion. Wakeful drowsiness in the night, toward morning, after sunrise the drowsiness increase to a stupor. Tossing about in the bed during sleep. In the evening, symptoms of a catarrhal fever; the long bones are painful as if bruised; with dull headache causing a cloudiness.


Shuddering over the whole body, partly cold, partly burning, and causing an intense pain. Hot and creeping sensation in the affected part. Profuse sweat with shuddering. Fever after midnight. Disagreeable, troublesome warmth in the whole body, with sweat in the face, without thirst.


Talks to himself while attending to his business. Excessive exhaustion of the body, with feeling of heat and cold sweat in the face. Hurried zeal. Hurried heedlessness and forgetfulness. Wavering irresoluteness, hurriedness. Angry and vehement.


Vertigo in the evening after lying down. The objects of sight seem to be wavering.


Whizzing in the whole head. The head feels confused as when one takes Opium. Transitory headache. Headache, in the morning, after opening the eyes, as if bruised, going off after rising. Headache, as if felt after catching cold. Headache occasioned by

the least chagrin.


Cold hands, with heat in the face, and smarting sensation in the skin of the face. Intolerable burning prickings in the muscles of the face. Burning, lacerating, and sparkling in the eye. Burning, drawing, and constant sparks in the affected eye. Fiery sparks before the eyes, like shooting stars. Smarting in the eyes in the evening after lying down, as from acrid tears. Itching of the eye-lids and eye-balls. Inflammation of the eye-lids.


Loud, strong whizzing in one of the ears, accompanied with headache of the same side. Noise as of seething water in the ear. Electric shocks in the ear. Pain in the cheek and in the ear. Illusion of smell.


Painful sensitiveness around the margin of the lips. Lacerating pain in the periosteum of the upper jaw, coming with a jerk, and extending as far as the orbit. Darting lacerating pain in the facial bones. Looseness of the teeth. Violent grumbling in the teeth, even without any apparent cause. Aching pains of the hollow, carious teeth. Uniform pain in the roots of the lower incisores, as if the teeth were bruised, sore, or corroded.


Shocks in the jaws. Shock in the teeth with burning. pain in the submaxillary gland as if swollen. Tensive pain in the submaxillary gland. Ptyalism every evening, with swollen lips. Swelling of the throat, redness of the face, and increased palpitation of the heat.


Hunger. Want of appetite.




Pressure in the epigastrium, as from a stone. Tensive aching and anxious repletion in the epigastrium. Qualmish sensation and painfulness in the intestines, as if one had taken a resinous cathartic or Rhubarb, with painful emission of hot, putrid flatulence pressure as from hernia. Tensive and burning pain in the epigastrium and hypogastrium.


Pain as from a bandage over the stomach. Pressure in the stomach, with cramps in the direction of the upper parts; paleness of the face, and coldness of the body, the pulse being very small, tight, unequal.


Frequent, but almost unsuccessful urging to diarrhoea in the morning. Diarrhoea without colic. Constipation with headache. Constipation, as if the rectum were constricted. Violent haemorrhoidal pain in the anus after stool. Burning at the anus when sitting, as in haemorrhoids. Itching haemorrhoids. Blind haemorrhoids after soft stool. Prolapsus-recti when going to stool.


Burning in the bladder, especially in the region of the neck, a few minutes after urinating. Nightly emission of semen. Want of sexual desire, aversion to an embrace. Increased metrorrhagia.


Violent, but short-lasting attack of dry cough. Convulsive cough. Violent fit of cough, with profuse expectoration of blood.


Asthma, after midnight. Intolerable burning stitches in the muscles of the side of the chest, toward the back. Spasmodic cough, with shocks in the chest and anxious breathing, and visible oppression of the chest. Pricking in the chest, and a cold shuddering burning through the whole body. Violent oppression of the chest, lacerating in the stomach and bowels, and beating in the shoulders.


Painful stiffness of the cervical vertebrae in the morning, during motion. Pain in the back when standing or sitting quiet. Burning in the dorsal spine. Twitching of the muscles of the back. Burning emanation from the stomach through the abdomen and back.


Beating in the top of the shoulder, with sensation as if torn. Drawing pain in either shoulder, and down the nape of the neck, with beating in either arm. Pulling in the joints and muscles of the arm. Burning and cutting in the arms and chest, with cold shuddering. Beating and throbbing in all the joints of the arms and fingers. Deep-seated pain in the arm, extending as far as the elbow, the arm going to sleep and trembling spasmodically. Burning in the elbow-joint. Drawing from the head down to the tip of the fingers. Pain in the wrist-joint.


Pain as if bruised in the fleshy part of the leg. Drawing from the hips to the feet, leaving a burning along that tract. Fiery burning in the upper and lower limbs. Painful going to sleep of the thighs and legs when sitting. Pricking from the knee to the feet. Stitches in the leg.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.