Pain in the ears. Drawing pain in the ear. Alternate locating in both ears Violent lacerating in and behind the ear. Lacerating in both. ears. Violent lacerating in and behind the ear. STitches in both ears, in the evening, w hen in bed. Frequent fine stitches in the left ear, from within outwards,. Boring and aching in the ears. Violent itching in the ears Tickling in the ears. rEdness, heat, and violent itching of the outer ears. Inflammation and swelling of the internal ear, with pain round about. Discharge of a yellow, liquid cerumen or pus from the ear, with previous lacerating secretion of fetid humor in the internal ear, with pain round about. Soreness and suppuration behind the ears Pimples on the ars. Discharge a yellow, liquid cerumen or pus from the ear, with previous l;acting. Secretion of fetid humor in the internal ear. Opening. of an ulcer in the ear. Parotitis. Hard swelling of he parotid gland, with pain to the touch. Sensation of obstruction of the ears. dullness of hearing, in the evening. diminution of hearing in both ears, slowly increasing and decreasing. Tingling in both ears. Singing, whizzing in the ears. Cracking in the ear.


Ulcerative pain in the nasal fossa. Great burning in the nose. Selling of the lip of the nose. Pimple on the nose. Sore, scurfy nostrils, for a long time. Ulcerated nostrils. Bloody, red nostril, ever morning. Frequent bleeding of the nose. Sensitive smell. Dull smell. Dry coryza, with itching in the nose, and difficulty of breathing through the nose, for several days. Obstruction of the nose. Coryza with itching in the nose, and difficulty of breathing throughout he nose, for several days. Obstruction of the nose. Coryza, with bloody nasal mucus.


Pale face and weakness. Pale face with faint. lifeless eyes., Heat and redness in the face, early in the morning in bed. Bloated face. Burning itching in the face. Swollen red cheek. with small pimples, also on the nose. Pimples in the face, going and coming, also continually. Old warts. Lacerating in the lower law and in front of the right ear. Spasmodic sensation in the lips. Burning of the lips. Itching around the margins of the lips. Swelling and rhagades of the upper lip. Thick., ulcerated lip. Vesicles on the lips. Chapped lips, peeling off.


Insufferable spasms in the jaws. Swelling of the lower jaw and the submaxillary glands, with loose of he teeth. the teeth are sensitive to pain. Toothache with pain in the face. Pain of he teeth, everyday, in the morning on waking. Toothache only when eating a throbbing in all the teeth. the teeth are painful when touched by either cold or warm substances. Toothache. Darting and drawing in the tooth as if corroded Lacerating toothache during or shortly after a meal. Corrosive itching, violent pain in deferent teeth and the gums. Burning, lancinating toothache, especially at night,. Stinging in the teeth and gums, afterwards swelling of the cheeks, with stinging pain. Violent stitches in the teeth. Looseness of all the teeth. Bad smell from the teeth. Painful inflammation of the anterior gums. Swelling and soreness of the gums.


Sore throat, with difficulty deglutition and opening of the mouth. Sensitiveness of the oesophagus, warm food causes a burning sensation in it. Pressure and lacerating in the pharynx. Sensation as of a lump in the throat. Elongation of the uvula, with stiffness of the nape of the neck. Sore pain in the throat, in the upper part of the palate, when swallowing food. Scraping sensation in the throat. Hawking of mucus.


bad taste in the mouth. Bitter taste in the mouth, with nausea. Sour taste in the mouth, every day. Putrid taste in the mouth. Little appetite. Great hunger. Great desire for sweet things, also fro sour. Violent thirst, in the forenoon, evening, and at night.


Paleness of the face, nausea vertigo, eructations, weakness of the lower limbs, and coldness of the hands and feet, before and after dinner. Desire for sleep during a meal. Great feet, before and after dinner. Desire for sleep during a meal. Great drowsiness, with chilliness and yawning, after a meal. Sense of repetition in the stomach. General feeling of uneasiness after eating. Heartburn. Sour eructations after a meal. Frequent eructations, especially early in the morning. Great acidity of the stomach. nausea, as if he would faint, subsiding when lying stomach, Nausea., as if he would faint, subsiding when lying down, in the forenoon. Violent nausea, in the stomach with trembling of the hands and feet. Nausea, as from a deranged or empty stomach. Continued loathing, a s if he would vomit. Inclination to stomach. Continued loathing, a s if he would vomit. Inclination to vomit at every internal emotion, vexation, or joy. Vomiting, with a swoon-like failing of strength. vomiting of food and sour substance, s with nausea.


Pressure in the stomach with rumbling, feeling of emptiness, and eructations. Pressure in the stomach, extending into the chest, with want of breath even unto suffocation, accompanied by nausea and great depression of strength, trembling of the hands and feet, and throwing up of bitter water. Weight in the stomach. Sensation of selling in the whole region of the stomach. Spasmodic pains in the stomach. violent contractive pains in the stomach, extending in to the chest.?Constrictive pain in the stomach and towards the pharynx. Cutting pains in the stomach. Sensation in the stomach as if cut to pieces, with great sensitiveness of the external region. Sore pain in the pit of stomach, which is painful to the touch. Throbbing in the pit of the stomach, like a violent palpitation of the heart. Sour burning proceeding from the stomach, with slight spasmodic constriction.


Simple pain in the hypochondria, with grumbling pain in the liver, as if made sore by pressure. Pressure in the direction of the liver, as if coming from the right half of the chest with throbbing in the region of the stomach, which is painful to the touch. Drawing pain in the liver. STitches in the region of the liver, resembling splenetic stitches. Burning pain in the region of the liver.


Violent colic, sometimes extending to the hip, until late at night. Colic, with eructations, and spitting. Pressure in the abdomen. Distention of the abdomen, with aching pain. Hard, distended abdomen, with painfulness of the umbilical region to the touch. Contractive pain in the abdomen. Cutting and drawing in the abdomen, resembling false labor-pains. Sore pain in the abdomen, with bearing-down towards the genital organs, as if he menses would make their appearance, and pain in the small of the back. Long-continued, contusive pain in the region of both kidneys, in the afternoon, when sitting. Throbbing in the abdomen. Burning and drawing in the abdomen. Burning around the umbilicus. Inactivity and coldness in the abdomen. Uneasiness and weight in the abdomen. Ascites. Incarceration of flatulence, with colic Excessive emission of flatulence. the abdominal muscles are painful to the touch. Pressure in the groins, as if hernia would come on painful bloatedness in both groins.


Insufficient, soft stool. Costiveness every other day. Costiveness, with painful drawing in the abdomen. Inactivity of the rectum. Difficult, too large stool. Soft stools, preceded by colic. Soft stool, followed by burning at the anus. half liquid (scanty) stools, with colic and subsequent tenesmus. diarrhoea, a at night, with insufferable colic, continuing even the next day. Profuse diarrhoea, with great weariness. diarrhoea, preceded by pinching in the abdomen, and followed by burning at the rectum. Stools streaked with blood, followed by anxiety and difficulty of breathing White mucus before and during stool. Discharge of a lumbricus with the stool. Pinching colic, with the regular stool, followed by a constant desire for stool. Tenesmus of he rectum, after the usual stool. Continual burning at the unusual stool. Tenesmus of he rectum. SEvere lancinating lacerating and cutting in the anus. Itching of the anus. Burning and pinching of he anus. Ulcerated pimples the anus, with stinging. Large painful varies. Considerable protrusion of he varices during maturation, emitting blood at first, afterwards a white mucus. Considerable discharge of blood from the rectum; afterwards seething of blood and pulsations in the whole body. Inflammation of the varices.


Great desire to urinate. Turbid urine. Pale, greenish urine, with burning during and after maturation. Cutting in the region of he bladder. Lacerating pain in the urethra. Burning in the urethra during and after micturition,.


Lacerating in the glands. Stinging itching of the glands. Swelling of the testes, and the spermatic cord, with heat which can be felt externally. the scrotum is painful, as if bruised. Excited sexual instinct. Deficient sexual instinct. Painful erections, with spasmodic contraction of the spermatic cords. No erections for eighteen days. Copious pollutions, with subsequent weakness. Suppression of he usual pollutions for forty-two days.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.