KALI BICHROMICUM symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy KALI BICHROMICUM…


KALI.BICHR.Bichromate of Potash. See British Journal of Hom., Vol. II.




Weakness in the limbs. Debility., Weakness and great trembling. Excessive weakness, small pulse. Debility and cachectic appearance. Complexion pale and yellowish. Emaciation. Transient flying pains in all the limbs, without any definite character. Shooting and pricking pain in all the limbs, worse in the morning. Pains all over, on rising in the morning. Slight rheumatic pains in the flesh of the legs, arms, and fingers. Rheumatic pains in nearly all the joints. Feeling of swelling all over the body Pricking and stinging pains in the skin, in several part of the body. the gastric pains were relieved after eating, and the rheumatic pains reappeared. when the gastric symptoms reach to any height the rheumatic symptoms subside.


Fat and light-haired persons were most easily affected by the Kali-bichr. Many symptoms were aggravated or produced. by hot weather the Symptoms come on quickly and subside soon. Most of he symptoms appear or are aggravated in the morning. Pains which fly rapidly from one part to another.


Skin hot, dry, and red. “Solid eruption, like measles, over he body.”: Eruption on the face, like small-pox. ERuption of small pustules, like small-pox, over he whole body, which die away without bursting Eruption over the whole body of pustules, the size of the peas, with small black slough in the center, resting on an eruption of small pustules, forming scabs, most on the arms and legs;. the scabs are then painful, smarting,, and burning. Itching in the legs, followed next day by breathing out of a red eruptions which ran together and formed scab, s discharging thin matter; with aching, smarting pains. heat and itching of the skin at night, in the warmth of the bed, followed by eruption on the thighs and legs of reddish hard knots. Rash, commencing in hot weather. Inflammations of the feet, and, in twenty- four hours, breaking out of numerous ulcers of the characteristic form.- Itching of the forearms and hands, then intolerable pain and formations numerous ulcers. The ulcers vary in size, from that of a pea to that of half-dollar; they are generally dry of an oval form with overhanging edges inflammed bright-red areola, hardened, base movable on the subjacent tissues, with a blackish spot in the centre. The ulcers were painful in cold weather.


Snoring. Restless night. During sleep frequent starting, tossing about of he arms, incoherent talking. sleep disturbed and with vivid dreams. Woke early with nausea and headache. Waking with general heat and perspiration, quick pulse, palpitation of the heat, and dyspnoea. Frequent yawning.


Yawning and short cough, with weakness and uneasiness in the limbs when walking. Fever: coldness and shuddering, with vertigo and nausea, then heat with feeling of he cold and shivering, and transfer shooting pains in the temples, not thirst. Feverishness in the first of the night. Feverishness night and morning. Irritable humor.


Sudden transient attacks of vertigo. lightness in the head across the forehead. Stupid, giddy sensation in the head. Heaviness across the forehead, and in the evening becomes blind on walking. Maziness and dizziness, with inclination to sleep. Listlessness, languor, and disinclination mental or bodily labor.


Headache in the temples. Throbbing headache at the angles of the forehead, with dimness of sight. Frontal headache, generally over one eye. Soon after dinner, dull,, heavy, throbbing pain in the forehead, feeling as if it would but. Frontal and occipital headache. Flying pains about the head. Great weight in the head.


Redness of the conjunctiva, with aching in the eyes. Redness of he conjunctiva, with sensation of heat and uneasiness. Heaviness and soreness of the eyes -Eyes inflamed. eye-lids inflamed and much swollen, an eruption broke out on them and adjacent slightly granular. Pustules on the left cornea, with surrounding indolent inflammation, attended with pricking Pain Leucoma on the right cornea. Violent ophthalmia, with photophobia and loss of vision. Sight confused and dim. Conjunctiva yellow.


Shooting pain in the left upper maxillary bone, towards with ear. Slight pain under the left eye, and uneasy sensation in the gums.


Watery discharge, with soreness of the nose. Discharge, swelling and pains of the nose and sneezing. Soreness and swelling of her. ala-nasi. Stuffing of he nose, with pain across the bridge. Septum-narium destroyed by ulceration. Nose. Ulcerated internally. Elastic plugs form in the nose, which cause pain and soreness sin removing. Loss of smell.


Lower lips swelled and chapped. Ulcerations., with indurated edges and smarting pains on he mucous surface of the both lips. Dryness of the mouth and throat. tingling and pricking pains in the tongue. Painful ulcer on the tongue. tongue thickly coated with yellowish fur at the root. tongue thickly coated, with a broken patch on the surface; papillae long. Tongue smooth, red, and cracked; with dysentery.


Sour taste in the mouth. bite taste in the morning, coppery taste.


Sensation of scraping in the throat. Sore throat Uvula and tonsils became red and swelled, and painful, and finally ulcerated.


Loss of appetite. Capricious appetite. Food tasteless Great meals, swelling of the stomach, and cough. Sour risings, and burning in the stomach. heartburn. Hiccough.


Nausea. nausea, like sea-sickness. In the afternoon, nausea, with languor, drowsiness, foul taste, and slight faintness. Nausea, relieved by eating. Nausea on moving about, relieved by lying down. Sickness in the morning, and yellow bitter vomiting. Nausea, and vomiting of mucus. After breakfast squeamishness. Nausea and diminished appetite. Great heat in the throat and stomach, then violent vomiting of blood and mucus.


Uneasiness in the stomach. Sensation of contraction in the stomach. Pain at the epigastrium. In the morning, gnawing pain in the epigastrium, with sensation of emptiness and faintness. Sensation of coldness in the stomach.


Aching and shooting in the hypochondrium. Belly generally tumid. Occasional griping pains in the abdomen.


Disposition to constipation. Periodic constipation, occurring every three months. Constipation with pains across the loins. Shooting pains through the bowels. Pains flying in the belly, with frequent attacks of bowels complaint. Severe pain in the abdomen, followed by blackish watery stool. Habitual constipation. Constipation, griping in the bowels, and flatulent eructation. Dysenteric attacks, with pain at the navel and bloody evacuations. Smarting and rawness at the anus. Costive, with launcher, foul tongue, headache, and coldness of the extremities.


Urine red, with pain across the back. Complete suppression of urine. Smarting and rawness in the vulva. Swelling of h genitals. Pains across the back and thighs, as if before the catamenia. Menstruation too soon, with vertigo, nausea, feverishness, and headache. Yellow, stiff leucorrhoea, with pain and weakness across the mall of the back, and dull heavy pains in the hypogastrium.


Sneezing and soreness of the nose. Pain, stuffing, and ulceration of nostrils and sneezing. Slight dyspnoea, as if the mucous membrane of he bronchi were thickened, on rising in the morning. Sensation of dryness in the bronchi on awaking in the morning. throat dry and painful on swallowing;l tonsils reddened; tongue coated, with a brownish spot; larynx painful. Pain in the side and nape of the neck. Cough, with transparent dirty slate-colored sputa; easily detached occasional attacks of catarrh. Pain as of ulceration of the larynx. Tickling in the top of the larynx on lying down at night, causing considerable coughing. In support able tickling of the larynx, causing cough at almost every inspiration Violent cough, proceeding as if from a small spot in the epigastrium, painful to the touch. Hard cough, with weight and soreness in the chest and copious expectation Loud wheezing cough, with retching and expectoration of tough mucus. Stuffing cough, with retching and expectoration of tough mucus. Stuffing cough, with pain at the chest and expectoration of yellowish heavy tough matter Eating brings on the cough. Cough in the morning. with touch expectoration. chronic cough loud. Immediately on waking, violent wheezing and panting, then violent cough. During sleep, wheezing and rattling in the chest, heard at a distance. On lying down at night and in sleep the cough is absent. Pain in the back, striking through to the sternum with cough and expectoration of tough black mucus. Expectoration of thick yellow mucus. Traces blood in sputa. Before the cough, swelling and heaving at the stomach. Cough accompanied by pains in the loins and sides. Cough causes pain in he middle of the sternum darting through to between the shoulders. Oppression at the pit of the stomach, with smarting shoulders. burning pain followed by expectoration of tough light-colored sputa. Dyspnoea, especially in the morning, with cough and expectoration of white mucus :” as tough as pitch. ” Dyspnoea, a nd much cough with expectoration of black tough mucus difficult to detach. Oppression at he chest. Shortness of breath. Dyspnoea with slight pains heart. Darting pain in the precordium. Dull cold heavy pain in the region of the heart, and tightness in the chest with dyspnoea. Constant pain in the chest under the left axilla. Fixed burning pain in the middle of the sternum.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.