Desire for stool, without any evacuation. Difficulty stool constipation. Hard, knotty, dark-colored stools. Irregular stool alternate constipation and diarrhoea. Long and exhausting diarrhoea. Violent diarrhea, with colic. Copious discharge of watery foamish, whitish mucus, with pinching around the umbilicus. discharges of thick mucus, or purulent, part of the faeces being retained, like dysentery. Discharges of bloody mucus, fetid. Pressure in the rectum, in the evening, when in bed. Violent itching of the rectum, as from ascarides. Itching and burning of the anus.


Obstinate retention urine. Nocturnal urination. Increase secretion of thick urine, with dark sediment. Involuntary emission of urine. Dark, turbid, sometimes milky urine., Ammoniacal odor of urine. Smarting, corroding urine, while emitting it.


A painless swelling of the right testis Induration of the prostate gland. Erethism of the genital organs. Increased of the sexual instinct.


Labor -like spasms in the hypogastrium. speedy suppression of dropsy of the ovaries. induration of the uterus is speedily transmuted into cancer. Diminished induration of the uterus. Diminution of the cancerous degenerations in the neck of the uterus. hysterics of girls at the age of puberty. Cessation of the flowing menses, menses delay eight days. with vertigo and palpitation of the heat. Menstrual irregularity. Increase of the menstrual flow. menses unusually premature., copious and violent. Violent uterine hemorrhage. The menses are preceded by rising of heat to the head, with palpitation o he heart and tension of he neck, which become thicker. Great weakness during the menses palpitation of he heat after the menses Complete cessation of the leucorrhoea. discharge. the corroding leucorrhoeas becomes more mild and scanty. Dwindling and falling away of he mammae. Acute pain in the mammae, as if sore and ulcerated. Blurred furunculous nodosities in the skin of both mammae, with black dessicated points at the tips.


Pain of the larynx. Swelling of the bronchial glands. Pressing upon the bronchial tubes even into suffocation. Contraction and hat in the larynx. Soreness of the throat and best, when in bed, with wheezing in the throat. Cough, with pressure on the chest and difficulty of birthing. Morning cough of long standing. Dry, short, and hacking cough. Dry cough, with dyspnoea, pressure and burning of the chest. Deep and dry cough, with stitches in the chest Cough accompanied by expectations of mucus. Discharges of mucus streaked with blood.


Pulmonary consumption. Violent difficulty of breathing of the chest. Asthma, with pain during a deep inspiration, more violent and rapid beating of the heart, and smaller and more frequent pulse. Difficulty of expanding the chest when taking an inspiration. Want of breath, loss of breath, particularly in going up-stairs. Suffocating catarrh. Stitches in the side when breathing. Feeling of weakness in the chest, and in the region of the heart. Sore pain in the chest, continuing in both sides during respiration and contact. congestion of blood to the chest, with inclination to inflammation. Violent pulsations in the chest, and palpitation of the heat, increase by every muscular exertion. Palpitation of the the heart. Spasmodic palpitation of the heart. Sensation as of the heart, being squeezed together. Burning and stinging tension in the integuments of the chest. Organic affections, hypertrophy of the heart.


Stitches in the small of the back. Rheumatic crampy sensation in the lower part of the neck. rheumatic tension in the right side of the neck. Constriction for the neck. Enlargement and painful induration of the goiter. pains and pulsations in the goitre Decreases of the goitre. Permanent disappearance of

the glandular swelling of the neck and nape of the neck. disappearance of old hard or soft swelling of the thyroid gland, and likewise of large goitre. yellow spots of on the neck. Painful, hot, dark-red lymphatic swellings in the axilla.


Induration of he axillary glands. Disappearance of the glandular swellings in the axilla. Drawing lacerating pains in the should, which abnormally elevated. Violent stitches in the shoulder-joint, even when at rest. Rheumatic pains in the in the arms. Lacerating pain in both arms. Paralytic weakness in the arms, early in the morning, waking. Subsultus-tendinum in the arms. Constant coldness of he hands. Round, burning itching spot on the hand. Tensive pain in the joint of the fingers, when bending them. The fingers go to sleep.


Cramp-like sensation in the thighs and legs, only when sitting. Rheumatic drawing in the whole of he left lower limb. Heaviness of the lower limbs. Swelling of the lower limbs. Oedematous swelling swelling of he lower limbs. Trembling of the lower limbs. Paralytic of the lower limbs. Pain of the thigh, especially at night, when in bed. Twitchings of the muscles of the thigh. Disappearance of a white swelling of the knee. Inflammatory swelling of the knee, with violent pains and suppuration. Dropsical swelling of the knees. Pain of the leg. along the tibia as if from subcutaneous ulceration. Lacerating in both sides of the leg, close above the ankles. Violent spasms, with twitchings, in the ankle-joint, at night. the feet, followed by rapid emaciation. Oedematous swelling of the feet. Subsultus-tendinum in the feet. Acrid sweat of the feet, corroding the skin.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.