Retention of urine, with retraction of the testicles, and priapism. Desire to make water, with scanty urine. Alternative stitches in the bladder and rectum. Itching at the orifice of the urethra, with desire to micturate. Burning in the urethra when the bowels are evacuated. Urine, when passed, of an insupportable odor, in the night it became viscid like the white of an egg. Urine becomes turbid, with copious deposit, often like gravel. Urine like that in dropsy after scarlatina.


Increased sexual desire. Frequent erections. Emission of semen during sleep. Complete inability to perform the sexual act.


Catamenia return sooner than usual. Swelling of the labia, with dragging pain and heat in the vagina. Suppression of the lochia, and puerperal fever after vexation. Painful nodosities in the mammae.


Dryness of the air passages. Frequent irritation in the larynx, tickling which excites a dry cough. Voice harsh and hoarse. Spasmodic cough. Cramp of the intercostal muscles. Stitches in the intercostal spaces. Pressure in the middle of the sternum, as if from something in the lungs. Oppression of the chest in front; also pressure on the sides of the chest, on stooping, when sitting, and in the evening. Pressure with dull shooting in the pit of the stomach. Flying stitches in the chest, going from before backwards. Constriction of the chest, with rawness in the throat, and hoarseness. In the night, fit of asthma, slow respiration and cough. Palpitation of the heart, with pulsations all over the body.


Itching and heat in the nape of the neck. Drawing in the neck. Stiffness in the neck, making it difficult to turn the head, Painful drawing in the neck on moving it. Rawness in the right shoulder-blade, during repose. Severe contusive pain, as if the nerves were compressed. Aching in the back and legs, as after a forced march. Drawing in the muscles of the back. Between the shoulders, drawing shooting pain. Flying pains in the dorsal region. Pulsation in the loins.


Flying pains in the shoulders. Suppuration of the axillary glands. Arms feel swollen. Subsultus of muscles. Drawing in the arm, going off on walking. Paralytic pain, as from a bruise in the arms, from time to time. Striking (beating) up through the axilla to the teeth and side of head. Drawing and tension in the arms and hands. Tension in right fore-arm. Hands feel stiff.


Aching of the legs and back, as after a forced march. Lower limbs feel heavy. Drawing and pressure in the legs and thighs going off on walking. Trembling of the lower limbs, as after a severe fright, with shuddering. Lacerating pain in the thighs. Pulsation in the legs and thighs. Cramp-like drawing in the internal femoral region, throughout its whole extent. Drawing in the knee-joint. Inflammation of the knee-joint, with redness, swelling, and pulsation. Stiffness of the knees. Pain as from weakness in the knee while walking. Tensive pressure in the legs, even while sitting. Varicose veins in the calf of the leg become painful. Pain like a spasm in the ankle while walking. Drawing pain with pressure in the ankle-joint while sitting. Darting pain in the ankles. Feeling as if the feet were going to sleep. Pressure in the bones of the feet. Feet feel heavy even in bed. Swelling of the feet. Trembling of the feet, as after a violent fright, with shuddering and chilliness.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.