A more frequent, primary effect of Bryonia is retention of stool; its alternate effect, looseness of the bowels, is rare; when the other symptoms correspond, Bry is therefore able to cure constipation, which few remedies besides Nux-v and Opium can do Constipation. Chronic constipation. Hard, tough stool, with

protrusion of the rectum, dry stool, as if burnt. The faeces are of a large size, and are therefore passed with difficulty. Diarrhoea, with previous colic. Diarrhoea, from cold, alternating with constipation and spasm of the stomach Long- lasting burning at the rectum after hard stool. Soft.stool, with a burning sharp pain in the rectum. Diarrhoea, especially at night, with burning at the anus at every evacuation. Thin, bloody stool. Hard stool, followed by diarrhoea with fermentation in the abdomen. Diarrhoea with undigested stool.


Pain in the abdomen, when emitting the urine. Sensation, when urination, as if the urinary passage were too narrow. Violent desire to urinate without the bladder being full, also at night. Itching, burning, and stinging pain in the anterior portion of the urethra, between the acts of micturition. Burning the urethra. (Aching in the urethra.) Drawing and lacerating in the anterior portion of the urethra, between the acts of micturition. Hot urine; red, brown scanty urine; frequent emission of a water urine. Burning and cutting previous to the appearance of the urine.


Stinging-burning itching of the prepuce, stitches in the testicles when sitting; red, itching rash of the glans.


Pinching and uneasiness in the distended abdomen, as if the menses would appear. Suppression of the menses, with bleeding of the nose. Menses too early by eight, fourteen, twenty-one days. Loss of blood between the menses. Laceration in the limbs during the catamenia. Metrorrhagia, the blood begin dark red, with pain in the small of the back head ache. Colic of pregnant and lying- in females. Burning pain in the uterus, during pregnancy. Puerperal fever, particularly when the mammae are turgid, with milk. Nodosities and indurations in the mammae; inflammation of the mammae, with suppression of the flow of the milk. Induration of one of the nipples. Milk-fever, with rheumatic pains in the mammae. Galactorrhoea and complaints occasioned by weaning. Constipation of infants at the breast Ophthalmia of infants at the breast. Rash of infants.


Hoarseness and roughness of voice, when walking in the open air. Hoarseness, accompanied by inclination to sweat. Violent coryza, without cough. Dry cough, apparently from the stomach, preceded by a creeping and tickling in the pit of the stomach. Vomiting of the ingesta during the cough. Long-continued stitch, deep in the left hemisphere of the brain, when coughing. Dry cough, with retching; a few spasmodic violent fits in the upper part of the trachea; Sensation when coughing as if the head and chest would fly to pieces. Violent cough, early in the morning when in bed, with expectoration of a quantity of mucus. Scraping and painful cough, with retching, as if caused by roughness and painful cough, with retching, as if caused by roughness and dryness of the larynx. He coughs up coagulated pieces of the blood or pure blood, or blood streaked mucus. Stitches in the throat when coughing, Stitches in the region of the last rib or sternum. Soreness in the pit of the stomach, when coughing. Pressure in the head, when coughing. Coughing. Spasmodic cough, after eating or drinking. Acute and chronic bronchitis.


Pressure in the pit of the stomach which oppresses her chest. Burning pain in the right half of the chest. The breathing is shorter, the expirations are more hurried. Asthma. Attach of pleurisy and oppression of the chest. Oppression of the chest, with desire to take a deep breath, with pain. Labored breathing, with stretching of the abdominal muscles, and single deep inspirations; sobbing breathing. Quick, anxious, almost impossible breathing, owing to stitches in the chest, behind the scapulae and muscles of the chest, impeding respiration, and obliging one to sit straight. Attacks of oppression of the chest, particularly at night, with stitches in the abdomen and urging to stool. Stitches in the side, in region of the ribs, during an inspiration, at intervals and disappearing in the open air. During an inspiration, stitch through the chest to the scapulae. Tensive pain or stitch on taking a deep inspiration. Stitches and pulsative throbbings in the lower part of the right half of the chest. Stitch, with pressing in the chest, from within outwards. Lancination, as is felt in ulcers, in a small spot below the clavicle. on taking the least inspiration. The small spot is painful like an ulcer, even when touching it Stitches in the chest when lying on the back, aggravated by every movement Crampy pain in the chest, close above the pit of the stomach, greatest when sitting on a chair, and stooping, and when lying on one side in the bed Tension in the chest, when walking. Palpitation of the heart, with oppression. Heat in the chest. Considerable swelling of the external chest in front. Pricking pain below the right nipple, from within outwards, in the cavity of the chest, these prickings are only felt during an expiration. Burning in the chest, with anguish and oppression.. Pneumonia and pleurisy, after fever has been controlled by Aconite; typhoid pneumonia; acute suppuration of the lung,? incipient phthisis,? hydrothorax.? Rheumatism of the muscles of the chest, rheumatic pleuritis. Carditis.?.


Painful stiffness and tension in the nape of the neck and neck on moving the head. Drawing along the neck to the ear. Painful soreness when turning the head, also in the nape of the neck, and in the muscles of the face, and those of mastication, during movement of those parts. Spasmodic pain between thee scapulae, almost resembling a shuddering. Burning between the scapulae. Contractive pain over the whole back. Drawing down along the back, when sitting, going off by motion. Painful darting jerking on both side of the spine, when sitting, especially early in the morning and evening. Painful stiffness in the small of the back, not allowing him to walk straight. Pain, as from bruises, in the small of the back, when sitting, worst when lying down, not much felt during motion. He is unable to stoop, on account of a pain in the back and lumbar vertebrae, it is a sort of lacerating, and is felt more when standing but not when lying down. Lumbago.? Stitches in the lumbar vertebrae. Burning in the back.


Nervous laceration in the arm from above downward. Convulsive jerking, spasmodic drawing and shaking. Burning pain and weariness. Constant trembling, also of the fingers. Pain as if sprained in the joint, on raising the arm. Shining red, rheumatic swelling of the joint and upper arm, with stitches, lacerating and tension on moving the parts. Stitches in the upper arm when raising it. Pressure in the humerus, preventing sleep. Swelling of the elbow-joint, Laceration in the for-arm. Red rash on the for-arm. Stinging and creeping on the hand, which does not al low him to grasp anything firmly. Pain in the wrist-joint, as if strained or sprained, whenever it is moved. Swelling of the hands Stinging in the muscles when writing. Feeling of lameness in the fingers. Jerking of the fingers when moving them. Hot, pale swelling. Ulcerative pain in the root of the finger.


Coxagra.? Spontaneous limping.? Stitches in the hips, like cutting as with knives. Lameness of the lower extremities. Drawing in the lower limbs. Lancination from the hip or buttock to the knee and feet, also attended with general sweat and intolerance of contact or movement. Laceration in the thighs when moving them. Rigidity thighs, like cramp, early in the morning, in bed. Drawing in the thighs, as before the catamenia. Pain as if bruised in the thighs, when sitting, with hammering throbbing. in, and giving way of the knees. Pain as if bruised in the patellae, and pain going down-stairs, as if they would break. Cramp in the knees, when sitting down, and in the evening when lying down. Stitches in the knees, particularly when moving them and walking, also attended with drawing from the knees onto the calves. Tensive, painful stiffness of the knees. Rheumatic, shining-red swelling, with stitches. Laceration, extending from the knees to the tibiae. leg. Burning itching and eruption in the knee. Pain as if bruised in the leg. Lancinations and tension, particularly in the calves, or from the feet to the bends of the knees, also with shining red swelling of the legs, also without redness, also sudden swelling. Putrid ulcers on the legs. Cramp in the calves, fee dorsa of the feet, and heels, particularly at night, when lying down, relieved by movement. Nightly lacerating in the dorsa of the feet. Pain as if sprained or strained in the feet, particularly when treading. Stitches in the feet, particularly at night, or early in the morning, in the heels, or particularly in the bottoms of the feet when treading, with tension in the joints, even when lying down he experienced an intolerable tension and stinging in the joints. Tension in the

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.