BRYONIA ALBA symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy BRYONIA ALBA…



White Bryony. Hahnemann’s “Mat. Medorrhinum Pur.,” Vol. 1. Duration of Action: from four or five days, to three or four weeks.


Aconite, Alumina, ArN., Arsenicum, Chamomilla, China, Clem., Ignatia, Lachesis, Ledum, Lycopodium, Mercurius, Mur-ac., Nux-v., Opium, Phosph., Puls, Squill., Seneg Bryonia is frequently suitable after: Aconite, Nux-v., Opium, Rhus. After Bryonia are frequently indicated: Alumina, Rhus.


Aconite, Chamomilla, Ignatia, Nux-v. It antidotes Alum, Rhus.


Her strength disappeared on making the least effort. Heaviness and weakness in all the limbs, she is scarcely able to move her feet when walking, from mere heaviness. Trembling of the limbs when rising from a recumbent posture Stiffness in the joints. Fainting fits. He feels very languid when sitting, less so when walking.


The symptoms are aggravated at night, or towards nine o’clock in the evening, also on waking from sleep, after a meal, by movement and contact; amelioration during rest.


Pain all over the body, as if the flesh were loose. Yellow color of the skin, jaundice. Viscid, moist skin, in fever. Prickings over the whole body. Burning, itching, and stinging in different parts, in the evening, lying down in bed. Stitches in the joints, when moving or touching them. Itch-like eruption in the joints. Pimples make their appearance on the abdomen and hips, with a burning itching. Eruption on the whole body, especially on the back, extending to the upper side of the neck, itching violently. Vesicles which burst open and scale off, with itching and burning of the whole body. White miliaria (sudamina). Rash of lying-in women and their infants. Petechiae; purpura haemorrhagica; nettle-rash. Herpes-furfuraceous, with burning itching. Erysipelas, particularly in the joints. Smarting pain in the ulcer. Dropsy. Tense, hot, pale, or red swellings, also with stinging during motion. Swelling and induration of the glands. Hard knots in various places, resembling indurated cutaneous glands. Chilblains. Arthritic nodosities.


Great drowsiness in the day, and great inclination to sleep after dinner; on waking from her siesta, all her limbs has gone to sleep. Every party of his body on which he is lying aches Sleeplessness from agitation of the blood, and anguish. Heat after lying down. Sleeplessness from heat, when uncovering himself he feels too cool. The child is unable to fall asleep in the evening, he leaves the bed again. She wakes in the evening, when in bed, after a short sleep, with sensation in the pit of the stomach as if the parts in that region were twisted around something, she has qualms of sickness, feeling of suffocation. Moaning when asleep. Startings every evening when falling asleep. Vexatious, vivid dreams. While dreaming, she rises from her bed, at night, and goes to the door, as if she would go out. Shrieking and delirium as soon as he closes his eyes. He is delirious when waked from his sleep. Nightly delirium. Delirium at day-break, about business which he has to attend to; the delirium abates when the pain commences. Sleep does not refresh him; he feels quite tired in the morning when waking up; the lassitude disappears when rising and dressing himself. Sleep, with twitchings in the face. Continual inclination to sleep. Somnambulism. Nightmare.


Shuddering. Chilliness, chilly feeling, and creeping chills, after the siesta, with muddled condition of the head, particularly in the evening, before or after lying down in bed; during or after a walk in the open air; with coldness of the body; over the whole skin or only over the arms. Intermittent fevers: quotidian or tertian fevers, with predominant coldness or chilliness, thirst during the hot and chilly stage, dry cough, with stitches in the chest, asthma, nausea, and gagging, and paleness of the face. Intermittent fevers commencing with chilliness, then sweat in the night; shuddering and chill first in the morning or afternoon, sometimes alternating with heat, with or without profuse sweat afterwards; natural warmth with thirst, then cold hands and feet, with absence of thirst heat in the forenoon, followed by chilliness without thirst in the afternoon, with redness of face. Symptoms before the paroxysm (the chilly stage): vertigo and violent headache, as if the head would burst; stretching and drawing in the limbs. During the chilly stage: Heat in the head, redness of the face, and thirst; chattering of the teeth, dry and viscid tongue, aversion to food and drink, nausea, and vomiting. After the chilly stage: Languor and debility. During the hot stage: Increase of the headache and vertigo. Heat: either internal or only external, or both at the same time, and generally burning, dry, and with thirst, also with red urine; heat as if the blood in the veins were burning; dry heat in the morning or at night; heat on every motion of the body, and from every noise. Flushes of heat. Heat in the lower limbs, as if plunging them into hot water; particularly in the abdomen; in the pit of the stomach, with violent thirst: particularly in the head, with sensation as if the contents of the head would issue through the forehead, also early in the morning. Heat in the face. particularly towards evening, also with redness of the cheeks, or-red round spot on the region of the malar bone, also with thirst. Acute inflammatory fevers, characterized by great irritation of the nervous vascular system; gastric fevers; bilious fevers; typhus and typhoid fevers, also with petechiae white miliaria, particularly when violent delirium is present, and the heat is intense; febrile symptoms preceding the eruption of small-pox, varioloid, miliaria; secondary affections remaining after measles and scarlatina. Sweat: profuse sweat, particularly in the morning or at night; anxious sweat, preventing sleep, with sighing, short cough, and pressure on the chest, Cold sweat on the forehead and head. Sour sweat at night, also preceded by thirst, oppressive drawing in the head when sweat is about to terminate, and succeeded by a muddled condition of the head.


Lowness of spirits; discouragement; doubt about one’s recovery, with fear of death. Fears; apprehensions; anxiety; uneasiness and dread on account of the future; disposed to start as in affright, and to conceive fears; disposition to escape out of the bed. Weeping. Irritable mood; restlessness of mind Indisposition to think; taciturn. Out of humor, and irritable, with hurriedness and pressing in the forehead; vehemence Desire for things which do not exist, or which are no longer cared for when offered.


Vertigo, as if one were turning around, or if everything were turned around him when standing. Vertigo when rising from the chair, disappearing after walking. Vertigo the whole day as if intoxicated. Vertigo when sitting straight in her bed, with nausea. Giddiness the whole day, with weakness of the limbs. So weak in his mind that his thoughts vanish. Inability to recollect things. Great weight in the head, and pressure of the brain from behind forwards. Stupefaction of the head. Delirious talk, at night, with desire to escape, in the evening, when asleep, with hurried speech, imagining at the same time that she is among strangers, with desire to go home.


In the morning, the headache dose begin when waking, but when opening and moving the eyes. Early in the morning, when waking, his head feels gloomy and aches, as if had spent the whole night in revelry. Gloomy compression in the head, in the forehead, above the eyes. The blood rushes to head, after which the head felt compressed from to temple to temple. Headache, a sort of compression, with jerking in the brain resembling pulsations. Compressive pain in the head, early in the morning, with heaviness, intermixed with stitches, and so violent that she was scarcely able to life up her eyes; when stooping, she was not able to raise herself again. Violent headache, the head feeling very heavy, as if it would incline to all sides, with pressure in the brain from within outwards, and great desire to lie down. Headache after a meal, and pressure in the forehead from within outwards during a walk. Headache, when stooping, as if all the contents of the head would issue from the forehead. Pain in both temples, pressing from within outwards. Headache, as if the skull were being pressed asunder. Pressing in the head when stooping, also accompanied with dartings; also when sitting, with pressure. Jerking drawing in the malar and jaw-bones, early in the morning after rising. Darting: throat one side of the head; throat the temples, when walking in the open air. Beating in the head: worse during movement, with dullness of the eyes and dimness of sight. Congestions of blood to the head; heat in the head, also early in the morning; burning pain in the forehead. The headache sets in principally in the morning on waking; the headache is aggravated by movement, particularly by opening and moving the eyes. The scalp is painful to the touch, as if sore; laceration over the forehead. Burning head; cold sweat on the forehead; warm sweat, even about the head; Corrosive gnawing, at night.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.