Heat in the mouth, oesophagus, stomach, with colic. In. creased secretion of saliva. Inflammation of the salivary glands.


Disagreeable astringent sensation in the fauces, followed by a sensation of burning and soreness. Burning sensation in the mouth, pharynx, oesophagus, and stomach; inclination to vomit, violent eructations, and colic. The chronic inflammatory condition of the throat, with a felling of redness all around, increases. Rough, disagreeable feeling in the pharynx and oesophagus.


Astringent, burning, and offensive taste in the mouth. Sour taste in the mouth. Diminished appetite.


Nausea with desire to vomit, without being able, relieved after eating. Acrid burning from the tongue to the stomach, with nausea. Loathing, eructations, roughness in the throat, warmth in the stomach, ptyalism, slow pulse, and congestions of the chest. Frequent eructations with vomiturition, a good deal of phlegm being forced up. Vomiting of bloody mucus. Sour vomiting.


Constant oppression of the stomach, as of a stone, with internal heat. A king of contractive spasm of the stomach, which disappears after a meal. Feeling of heaviness in the stomach. Excessive pressure in the stomach, with desire to vomit, eructations, colic, and rumbling of the abdomen. Warmth and burning in the stomach, with ptyalism. Burning sensation in the mouth, oesophagus and stomach, also colic. Sensitiveness of the region of the stomach when pressing upon it. Inflammation of the stomach.


Pain in the left side, for several days. Enlargement and induration of the spleen, from mismanaged gonorrhoea.


Violent colicky pains in the abdomen. Violent pinching in the bowels. Colic, and borborygmi.


Stool like sheep’s dung, with pressure at the stomach, and in the abdomen. Hard, black-brown faeces, or mixed with bloody mucus. Slimy stools with a quantity of flatulence. The diarrhoea, which took place after every meal, ceased; returned after eating oysters. Black faecal diarrhoea, accompanied with blind, intensely-painful varices; cold and warm water aggravated the suffering. Tickling at the anus.


Burning in the urethra, after micturition.


Feeling of coldness of the left testicle. Swelling of the left testicle, with sore pain. Swelling of the scrotum, with chronic gonorrhoea. Increased sexual desire. Nocturnal emissions.


Pain in the vagina as if sore. Menses too early, and too profuse. Passive metrorrhagia. Suppression of the menses. Headache on the appearances of the menses; of the forehead, with sensation, when stooping, as if the eyes would fall out Pains in the abdomen, and small of the back.


Hoarseness, aphony. Soreness and roughness of the throat. Slight hacking cough. Rough, hollow, dry cough, with weariness. Cough, excited by scraping and titillation. Exhausting cough, which does not permit him to talk. Cough occasioned by deep breathing. Cough with suffocative symptoms. Cough with pain in the chest. Short cough without expectoration, with soreness in the chest. Dry, obstinate, croupy cough. Dry, spasmodic, wheezing cough, with rattling breathing.


Violent oppression of the chest, cough, headache, vertigo. Labored breathing; worse in the morning, relieved in the evening and at night. Difficulty in breathing; sensation as if the breathing were arrested in the middle of the chest. Slight feeling of fullness in the chest and throat, increasing towards noon, and continuing until evening. Dyspnoea of long standing after measles. Difficult breathing, frequent pulse, the pulse became feeble and trembling. Accelerated breathing, sinking of strength, diminution of temperature; with violent convulsions. Snoring, and difficult beating, with a clear fluid flowing out of the nostrils, accompanied with a small, violent beating of the heart. Rattling breathing, continually interrupted by coughing, threatening suffocation. Difficult breathing with ptyalism, cough, and lachrymation; with cough and gagging; with vomiting and small pulse; with frothy vomiting and accelerated pulse. Peculiar feeling of weakness and exhaustion in the chest. Tightness of the chest. Slight pressure on the chest when talking a deep inspiration. Aching pain in the chest. Feeling of stricture in the chest, the breathing is oppressed, and very unpleasant, with a dry titillating cough. While walking in the open air, he experienced a violent rheumatic, dull pain, with sensation of contraction in the affected part. Drawing pain, with lameness through the left breast towards the scapula, and into the left arm. Headache, violent stitches in the lungs when attempting to take deep breath, he had to cough frequently; the pulse was full, and rather hard. Sharp stitches in the right breast, particularly when walking fast. Burning in the chest, succeeded by a feeling of heat, disappearing gradually, with ineffectual inclination to vomit. Congestions of the chest. Slight oppression about the heart, and palpitation. Violent palpitation in the evening, which does not permit her to rest on the left side. Inflammation of the heart. Hypertrophy of the heart. Sensation as of the flesh were loose and bruised, on feeling the chest Swelling of the mammae.


Painful soreness of the small of the back, unaltered during motion or rest. Cold drawing along the back. Stinging titillation in the region of the spinal column, rather on the right side The neck is stiff and painful, on turning the head about. Scrofulous swellings on both sides of the neck. Goitre.


Constrictive sensation in the upper limbs. Compressive sensation in the fore-arms. Painful feeling of lameness in the shoulder. Lacerating in the arms, particularly the hands and fingers, in the evening. Weakness in the arm. Debility of the arms. Violent pain in the hand, darting suddenly into the middle finger, with beating pains. Heat of both hands. Lacerating in the fingers. Lancinations in the fingers. Dead pain in all the joints of the fingers. Chronic arthritis, with swelling; immobility, and deformity of the joints.


Beating pain in both lower extremities, during a walk in the evening. Weakness in the lower limbs. Pain in the left knee and hip, worse during motion. Rheumatic pain in the knee. Aching or burning pain in the bend of the knee. Heat in the feet. pain in the toes.


Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.