BROMINE symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy BROMINE…


See ” Neues Archiv,” Vol. 11. 3.


Ammonium, Chlorum, Iodium


From Noack and Trinks. Of large does: Opium, Coffee, vapors of Alcohol, of Ammonia (using half a drachm of Ammonium with four parts of water to ten of Bromium) Magnesia. Camphor dissolves the Bromium very rapidly, but destroys the odor and volatility of Bromium, and form a solid crystalline mass with Bromium; Noack and Trinks suggest, therefore, Camph. as an antidote. small doses are antidoted by: Coffea? Camph.? Am. According to Donne and Balard, Bromium antidotes Strychnine, Brucine, and Veratrine, which has, however, become very doubtful, in consequence of the very exact experiments instituted by Hering.


According to Hering, where pure Bromine is preferable to higher attenuations, a drop should be taken from a vial of tincture, with a glass stopple, by means of a fine glass tube, and quickly dropped into a tumblerful of fresh water. By pouring out part, and adding fresh water, any degree of attenuation may be attained. One part of Bromium to 1000 parts of water is sufficiently powerful.



The principal curative sphere of Bromium is not scrofula, but affections of the chest, heart, and eyes. In the most violent inflammations, as well as in chronic affections of these organs for instance, consumption Brom will prove extremely useful, provided all the symptoms correspond. I have cured a number of cases of tuberculosis-pulmonalis with Spongia, 30, sometimes exhibiting it in alternation with Hepar-Sulph. 30, in some cases, however, Iodium, and in others Bromium may be more advantageous. In croup. likewise, Bromium may sometimes be superior to Spongia Most kinds of croup, being originally a species of urticaria, Arsenicum will, in most cases, be found preferable to Bromium In the so- called complicated inflammation of the lungs, and incipient hepatization, it is as important a remedy as Phosph. It is worthy of remark that Phosph. has a more specific on the left lung; Bromium, on the contrary, on the right, to judge from the symptoms.”.


Cracking in the joints, in the morning after rising. Tingling on the fingers and short jerkings of the muscles of the foot and the region of the knee. Great stiffness in all the limbs, in the forenoon, less in the afternoon. In the afternoon the neck, nape of the neck, arms, and lower limbs were stiff with headache extending from the occiput to the forehead, with sense as of pushing, as if the contents of the skull would be pressed out at the forehead. Great languor after breakfast, as if all the strength hand been beaten out of the limbs, she scarcely able to make her bed. Great lassitude in the walking, obliging her to sit down. Excessive languor and debility. Tremulousness all over. Clonic spasms in the muscles of the eyes, in the face and limbs.


The pain appear to become worse in the warm room and when sitting down. The pain disappear entirely when riding on horseback or in a carriage. During motion most of the symptoms seemed to be less intense then during rest or in a recumbent posture. Aggravation of the symptoms from evening until midnight. Many of the symptoms are felt only on one side (the left).


Boils on arm and in the face. Increase of embonpoint. Scrofulosis; particularly swellings.


Excessive drowsiness and languor. Sleep full of dreams of a vivid or startling character Tremulous sensation 3when walking in the night. Long stupefied morning-sleep.


Violent chill, with yawning and stretching as in fever and ague; at the same time the head feels confused and muddled; the paroxysm returns every other day, in the shape of a chilliness with cold feet. Cold shiver along the back. Cold, disagreeable drawing through the whole body, alternating rapidly with warmth, fist in the left hand and side. Chilliness, with external coldness. Pains in the limbs, which afterwards give way to chilliness and heat Heat of both hands and heat in the feet, he feels cold in the other parts of the body. Burning sensation in the whole body. Internal burning in the morning. Internal burning sensation, after which he feels as if in the hot vapor, but without sweating. The pulse is full, rather hard, slow at first, afterward accelerated. Feeble, frequent beats of the heart.


Extreme ill-humor. Cheerful mood. Taciturn. His business is repulsive to him. Desire for mental labor. Great forgetfulness. Illusions of the fancy. Illusion of sight.


Giddiness, as if he would fall backwards. Vertigo, particularly in the evening on lying down, with dullness of the head. Giddiness as soon as he attempts to cross a flowing water. Giddiness, worse in damp weather. Giddiness with nausea. Dullness of the head, or as if a band were around head. Giddiness with headache, in the morning on waking, with itching over the whole body Dullness of the head, particularly of the sinciput, with pressure in the region of the eye-brows and the root of the nose.


Dull oppressive headache. Headache, remaining after the other symptoms had subsided. Headache, heaviness in the sinciput, in the heat of the sun, going off in the shade (comp. Chlorum) Stupefying pain in the forehead, aggravated in rest, going off when riding on horseback. Oppressive dull pain in the forehead, in the morning, affecting the eyes. Oppressive headache, with raging pain over the eyes. Hemicrania (on the left side). Beating headache, extending to the jaw-bones. Distensive pain in the head, particularly in the left side. Lancinating pain through the right side of the head. Darting pain. Headache, wandering from the left ear to the left temple, worse when stooping. Paroxysms of the pain with pressure in the eyes and root of the nose, darting from the interior of the brain to the vertex. Headache, particularly in the sinciput, alternating with pains in the small of the back. Malignant scaldhead.


Stinging sensation in. the parts round the orbits. Darting through the left eyes. Stitches in the eyes and chest. Throbbing stitches in the left upper eyes-lid, extending to the eye-brows, forehead, and left temple, increased by pressure, movement, and stooping, relieved during rest. Troublesome burning in the eyes. The eye-lids are very heavy. Lachrymation of the right eye. Violent ophthalmia. Inflammation and dimness of the right eye, with lachrymation. Screams, photophobia, lachrymation, and secretion of mucus, followed by puckering up the conjunctiva, which remained inflamed a fortnight. Violent conjunctivitis of the left eye. The eye became violently inflamed, with fever and suppuration. Sensitiveness of the eyes to bright. Photophobia. Flashes before the eyes. Dilation of the pupils. Dilation of the pupils, with quick pulse, restlessness, and emission of urine. Dilatation of the pupils, labored breathing, frequent pulse. Affection of the respiratory organs and eyes. Protruded eyes.


Aching pain in the ear, as if around the inner parts of the ear. Pain in the left malar bone and stitches in the ear. Burning sensation in the right ear, towards evening. Beating in the ears. Painless otorrhoea. Tingling in the right ear, as of a number of bells. Constant whizzing in the ears. Slight swelling of the articulation of the left jaw, with cracking in the articulation when chewing; swelling and hardness of the left parotid gland; rose-colored swelling of the tonsils, difficult deglutition, tension and pressure in the throat.


Pimples on the nose and on the back part of the tongue; swelling and pain of the left side of the nose when pressing upon it, as if a small abscess would form. Soreness in the nose, with scurfs. Ulceration of the left nostril, like scurfs. Soreness of the whole of the nose, and swelling of the wings; with formation of scurf in the nose, pain and bleeding on wiping the parts. Violent, concussive sneezing, followed immediately by stoppage of the nose. Fluent coryza, with frequent, violent sneezing; the parts under the nose and the margins are corroded. Fluent coryza. Stoppage of the nose and fluent coryza at the same time. Discharge of water and afterwards purulent mucus from the nose.

FACE. C:\ClassicMD\Matmed\Hempel.mat

Heat in the face. Hot, disagreeable feeling in the face, particularly under the nose, titillating and smarting, as if occasioned by cobweb, particularly when moving the nose, accompanied by fluent coryza and lachrymation of the eye. Sensation of burning and scraping in the fauces, so fauces, so violent that convulsive twitchings in the face and hands took place. Pain in the left malar bone in the evening. Pain in both submaxillary glands, slight aching pain in the left, forenoon and afternoon. Burning of the upper lip, which appears very smooth. Soreness of the upper lip, with coryza, and long-continued peeling off of the upper lip.


The gums are painful in the morning. Toothache on the left side. The toothache is relieved by pressure. Beating under the decayed tooth. Pain in a decayed tooth.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.