Hoarseness and rough voice, day and night, on second day. Heat and smarting in the throat, with occasional hacking coughs. Dryness of the throat in the morning, causing cough and hoarseness. Hoarse voice and hoarse cough, from irritation of the trachea. Hoarseness, with scraping in the larynx and oppression of breathing. Symptoms worse in a worse in a warm room, and ameliorated in the open air.


Stitches in the left side of the chest. sensation of aching heat in the region of the diaphragm, as if from running violently Pressure in the chest, soon. Sharp pains and stitches though the chest and back at night Hurried and difficult respiration, with fever and headache. Pain near the heart, almost arresting breathing at night, continuing at intervals for some days. Short, rapid breathing at night. Sensation of soreness, lame, bruised feeling, as if from a recent injury, from being jammed, bruised, or beaten; confirmed in many provers. Sensation of burning heat in the chest and stomach, early in the morning, second day. Sense of fullness, constriction, or of suffocation in the thorax; difficult and anxious respiration, aggravated by lying down, and ameliorated by inhaling the fresh air in an up right posture Burning and stinging pains throughout the entire front part of the chest. Slight pleuritic stitches in the sides of the chest.


Rheumatic stitches in the muscles of the right side of the neck, worse on motion. Tension in the right side of the neck, beneath and back of the ear. Sudden flush of heat over the back, as though sweat would break out, accompanied by a pain at the left ileo sacral articulation, Dull pressure under the scapulae, with sore feeling on motion Pain in the back, under the scapula, worse on moving.Stiffness in the small of the back Weakness of the back Weakness of the back, obliging him to lie down Stiff and weary feeling in the lumbar muscles. Itching eruption like urticaria covering the entire back, and extending up the back of the neck to the hairy scalp.

Blotches on the neck and back, which itch and smart on rubbing and scratching them. Pain and soreness in the region of the kidneys, on pressure, or on stooping, constant dull pains in both kidneys, with small secretion of red urine (from repeated doses of the twelfth dilution).


Fiery burning at the points of the fingers of the left hand. Dull pains, apparently in the bones of the arms and fingers of the left hand Dull pains, apparently in the bones of the arms and fingers. Aching in the right shoulder and upper portion of the arm Red spots the arms, hands, and fingers, which itch and burn very much. OEdematous appearance of the hands and fingers. Feeling of stiffness in the hands and arms.


Fine burning stinging on the knee. (OEdematous swelling of the extremities. Darting, transient pain in the external malleolus of the left ankle for four days. Dull pains, as if in the bones of the lower extremities, disappearing on walking, returning again while sitting. Burning of the toes, and redness like erysipelas, and heat of a circumscribed patch on the foot, while the remainder of the foot is cold continuing half an hour. At night, the feet were found swollen, with a sensation of heaviness and rigidity; the upper part of the feet felt tingling and itched, and were of a bright red color. The soles of the feet and balls of the toes had a feeling of painful fullness, and in walking gave a sensation as if cushioned; sixth day, from large doses(OEdematous swelling of the legs and feet, with sensation of weariness and stiffness when posterior portion of both thighs Bruised and sore feeling in the feet.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.